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will you survive
zombies are a peice of cake
 40%  [ 2 ]
I don't know, I have a histroy of getting bitten
 40%  [ 2 ]
head shot, where do I start
 20%  [ 1 ]
I could never kill anything
 0%  [ 0 ]
Total Votes : 5


PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 9:55 am
The year is 2012. The unimaginable has occurred. The day, the year all life would end, has finally come to claim earth. So many radical points of views pointed to huge sun flares knocking out all technology and resulting in a universal meltdown of atomic explosions. There predictions where incorrect. The sun flare did hit but its damage was unknown at first. A few days pass and a global news cast aired to alarm its inhabitants. The solar flare has caused an out brake of a very particular virus. Nothing had ever been seen like it in all of history. The make up was unsure and how it worked was unsure. What they did know of it was that once someone was infected, they would surly die and then moment’s latter get up and feed on the flesh of the living. The news cast referred to a science fictional phrase “zombies”. That’s what they where calling it. Within months they calculated that whole cities would be infected and the dead would roam the earth until every living organism was engulfed.

You are sitting on the couch in your comfortable house when the news cast is aired. All channels are forced to show the news. As you watch the fear of all life ending sets in. Are you going to survive, or become a zombie like everyone else? Your story is up to you. You have whatever you would actually have in real life. This is a realistic role play where you are yourself. The setting is fictional to pull all of the participants into a local area. I will post the over all state of the city. As of now, in the beginning there are no zombies sited in the city we are all from. The cities name is Atlas; it is built like most major cities, lots of streets with many huge buildings, surrounding suburbs, government buildings, and businesses.  
PostPosted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 11:24 am
I had never sweat while watching TV before. I would like to just brush this off and say there’s a first time for everything but, something you just don’t want to have happen. My reason was simple. Sitting there with my hand on a death grip with the remote slightly eased the fierce pain I had in my throat but the pressure also reminded that I was not dreaming. I had to be, there was no way this was really happening. I sat there watching the TV go blank for quite awhile. The images of those grim faces on the screen flashed back over and over again, stating the same fact that I would most likely be dead within the next few months. It was similar to sitting in the waiting you for your doctor with your tests results. He first enters the room without saying anything but you can already tell it on his face that things aren’t good. I don’t want to die. It’s a year before I graduate and go onto med school. I have dreams, aspirations; I want to grow old with my wife and two kids. I’m suddenly angry and chuck the controller at the TV. My breath becomes a bit raspy and I look away. Who needs a TV anyway, especially if the world is going to end? The only reason I thought that was because I shattered the screen. The bits of broken imploded glass littered the floor like confetti. It was kind of pretty. I had to get up and leave the room because it almost looks to good, so good I wanted to roll around in it.

I make my way to the kitchen area, break open the fridge and grab a cold Vault. It was my escape potion. The best drink in the world and I saw no better reason other then to drink one now. I guess you could say I’m not handling the news well. At least I’m not an alcoholic and busted open a six pack that I would continue to finish off for the next few hours. This was my elixir but something about it just wasn’t working. I took a few sips, sat down at the table, then proceeded to cry for the next 20 minutes.

It was in that moment that something in me snapped, an epiphany if you will. I took another sip of Vault, raised my head and looked over to the fridge. On it was a blown up picture of me and Jordan, my girl friend. We lived together now. Life for us had gotten pretty series. By the end of the year I planned to be engaged to her. Now how was that going to work with zombies roaming about and eating people? That was it that was where I hit a breaking point. There was no way I was going to let anything stop me. I would not die, and I will never let go of her. I don’t care how many zombies I have to kill to be hers but I will survive. That is what the rest of my life is going to be about, survival.

I finish the vault and head back into the living room. Along the wall with the couch, across from my broken TV was a mounted sword. I had invested in a real bladed medieval knight sword, not just a show blade, but something that could truly be used in battle. I would latter make a rule of survival to always have a weapon on me. This was my signature weapon. Many zombies would die to this blade.  


Van Dossel
Vice Captain

PostPosted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 3:13 pm
I leaned forward in my dorm room as the reporter showed images of zombie walking down the street. "They have taken the lower city, most of the police has been killed fighting them! NEW YORK IS LOST!" The reporter screamed. I sit paralyzied in fear as I look at the images. My room mate is out of the room and my phone started to ring. Ignored it, I didn't want to talk with anyone yet. It sat there ringing as I looked at the images of the major cities under siege from the zombies.

I was safe here at Miami Oxfords in my dorm but it wouldn't take long for it to reach us here at Oxford. I needed to head home, no scratch that I needed to go to my uncles. He has a lot guns and ammo stored up, no I need to get to Dicks. Take their hunting section before the others do. God dammit I need to grab food from the stores. Thousands of things were written on my minds to do list. I couldn't do them all at once, I needed to choose. God dammit why do I have to be so indescive. "gotta think gotta think. Ray man you see the TV," I call out as I see my dorm mate down the hall.

"Yeah man we need to go!" He said as he rushed into his room and started packing. Ray was freaking out beyond control. Tears where in his eyes and he was babbling. I took a deep breath and looked out of my door, people everywhere where franticly packing their things trying to escape the completely safe dorm.

"Fools" I say quietly, "I'm going to the store, give me all your cash."  
PostPosted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 6:29 pm
My envy 2 fumbled within my hands as I forced my way through the contacts. I came to YOUR MOM, and hit the send bottom causing my phone to speed dial. The ringer was all I could hear for a few moments. Nothing else seemed to contain any part of my thought process. Ironically I was ADD. I guess all I needed was an apocalypse, not some simple pill given to me by my doctor.

“Hello” a voice rang through the other line. I hesitated, that simple word almost brought me to tears. It was my mother’s voice, the voice that gave life to me. “Hello” it repeated without falter. This time I could not miss replying.

“Mom,” That was all I could muster. The rest of the sentence was filled with tears. I cried like I was a kid again. It was quite ridiculous but a grown man had to go somewhere to let it all out. I truly did have a reason for calling but with that single word my mom was confused.

“I know, I heard too. What are you going to do?”

“I called to tell you that I love you!” My voice cracked, filled with the quiet sobs of my tears.

“Drew, I don’t understand, are you hurt, is something going on?”

“No mom, don’t worry about me. Can you tell Dad that I love him too? Tell Jillian and Jenifer they mean the world to me.”

“Come Home, you need to be here. We love you too.” My mom’s voice was shaking now. I think it was at that point she understood what was going on.

“I love you mom!” Those where my last words to her then I hung up. It was the hardest thing I had ever done. At that point I knew there would be many difficult decisions to be made, many more even more difficult then this. That is the last I would ever hear from them. I had to push them out of my mind for the rest of my survival. Life would be too hard to keep thinking about them. I cried for another half an hour. That’s when Jordan came home.  



PostPosted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 6:39 pm
Her first words where spoken with love, about love, and towards me. I needed that. My eyes heart like a mother from all the crying I had done. I wiped them aside pathetically and stood to great her in the same way we always did; a big hug and kiss.

“You look like you have been crying for hours.” She told me redundantly. I laughed, knowing it was true. She didn’t think it was as funny. With loving arms she pulled me back down to the couch and we snuggled there for a good amount of time. I didn’t want to leave that spot ever. If this is all life had left to offer then I was sold. Life was perfect for its relative capacity.

“Do you think we are going to make it?” Jordan asked, her curiosity leading like a 12 millimeter bullet.

“I think the proper question to ask is how long do you think we will make it?” I corrected her sarcastically. I knew very well that this was all it was about. How long would we last.

“I don’t want it to be that way.” I could see her face swelling.

“Don’t worry baby. I will never leave your side. It will be the two of us till the end. No matter when that comes, it is us forever.” Those words seemed to bring comfort to her. I was able to break a smile in that moment. Hers lit up my entire world. “Listen to me, if we can be smart about this, we will survive. I don’t care about how many zombies we have to kill. I will not let this end me. I will never give up. I will survive.” My words rallied the two of us. The rally aroused us. We made out for a while. The rest goes to interpretation.  
PostPosted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 7:41 pm
I had ditched Ray, well not ditched but Ray broke down and told me to go away. I jumped in my Sedann and started towards my home town. It ended up taking two extra hours because of the intense traffic, I was surprised how many people where heading into town, though the line going out was still twice as long. At the last mile I pulled off the road turned off the car, left the keys on the seat and grabbed the rifle I got at dicks. I started to walk. I walked for an hour until I came across the first building that might have people I knew. It was a building where my brother's and mine old friend, Drew, lived. I slowly climbed up the stairs to what I thought was his level.  

Van Dossel
Vice Captain


PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 9:37 pm
To my dismay, the morning did not bring salvation. So much of me was riding on the philosophy that tomorrow would be a new day, built with new opportunities and circumstances. This was crushed quickly by the always annoying alarm early the next morning. I woke to the shades closed; Jordan snuggled next to me, and a congregation of drool assembling under my mouth. I would have closed my eyes again and wasted the rest of the day with a pit less unmotivated attitude. The alarm didn’t help; the thing that woke me up most was the TV still playing. The images of violence without limits unfolding in a play by play breakdown shot miles of adrenalin into my stomach and screamed “Get the hell up and get ready.” Who needs alarm clocks when you have overwhelming disorder in the world?

I wasn’t going to give any other wake up call another chance. It was time for action and I couldn’t sit by any longer and wait to die. I didn’t want to die. I woke up Jordan in a way that wouldn’t alarm her and asked that she got changed. She was a bit confused and fought back but my persistence won. I could tell she was trying to act normal too. I knew, I could tell it was on her face, she had so many questions. For one, why did I always walk around with a weapon? Why didn’t I let her out of my sight? These things went unanswered but where taken very seriously as the new laws of life.

As the two of us approached ready we made our way for the door, opened it, and to our surprise, found Tyler standing there about to knock. I shot him a look, communicating the urgency of moving. He seemed to understand and followed as we filled in the correct methods of gesture in greetings. It was on the tips of everyone’s tongue. No one said it but we all wanted to ask, “What was the plan?” It was never asked because no one had the right answer. As rhetorical as it was, something had to answer it.

“So how have you been Tyler? I see you made your way home, coming to visit?” I asked, my astronomical efforts to keep things simple and not awkward, this was really hard with him walking around with a rifle. Jordan wouldn’t let me buy a gun so all I had was my signature weapon, the sword. Jordan defiantly didn’t like the idea of Tyler walking around with a gun. It was nerve racking but in some ways I felt much more safe.  
PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 9:50 pm
At this point the zombie count is less then a fraction of significance. If the community as a whole was smarter then it truly was they could rid this unfortunate disaster already. However, due to mass confusion and panic, not many smart decisions are made in larger numbers. Many highways of people will quickly be converted into dead lines of zombie infections. The number of zombies will increase exponentially in the next few days, making the time right now critical to forming teams and safe places to stay.

Of 100,000 people > 500 of them are infected > 1/5 of them don’t know it yet > 4/5 of them are zombies
((city population only))  



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PostPosted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 6:13 pm
Jordan knew the gravity of the situation before she and Drew found Tyler, but she hadn't really let it set in until just then. She had been preparing for this moment and had a little something stored back in the house. "I need to go get something," I said. As I got up, I could see the disapproving look on Drew's face as I turned to walk to the hiding place for my own secret protection, but I ignored it. Quickly, I walked back into the bedroom and crossed the room to my storage containers. From them I pulled two small pistols and an automatic shot gun. I had kept these hidden from Drew since it was hypocritical of me to have them when I wouldn't let him have one, but desperate times called for desperate measures. I walked back to Tyler and Drew and got the exact reaction I was expecting. "What? I felt like the situation called for some heavier fire power," I said with a giggle.  
PostPosted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 7:13 pm
I smirked as Jordan came back with guns, "Why did I never see this sight happening?" I laugh as I look at Drew as he got a hold of his new toy, "So Drew where do you want to head first? Stores are out, I passed a couple on the way over her and they're cleared or clearing quickly." I gesture into the apartment to go figure out what we were gonna do before we left. "Roads are hell, nothing moving anyway, people are going nuts in the streets. I think there will be riots before the nigth is over." I am relativly calm for the situation, I always knew one day I would be fighting zombies anyway.

(I think that the city should start like rioting and a zombie massacre of the riot and the police fighting both in utter chaos would be amazing!!)  

Van Dossel
Vice Captain


PostPosted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 4:43 pm
I could only laugh. Laughter seemed to be an alien idea for me at this point, but ironically my lungs filled with it. I bread on the sensation like a parasite, grasping on to it as much as I could and pulling some of it back to store for latter. Later is when I would really need it. I gave Jordan a look, the kind of look that says I love you in a thousand different ways all while noting the irony of the situation.

“Where the heck did you get those, no, no, more importantly, why did I not know you had them,” my words where rhetorical. It didn’t really matter to me. I wanted to get guns but she always disapproved. Now I could just smirk, “I told you so!” I feel real good in that moment. The cold metal of one of the pistols tingled in my bare hand. I had only handled a gun a few times in my life. I understood the responsibility of caring one. It was a heavy load, heavier then the gun itself. My grandfather and all of my uncles had been big on guns so they told me a lot about them. My first reaction was to open the barrel and check the ammo. It was full, loaded, and ready to go. I looked to the safety, turned it to safe mode. There will be no accidents on my watch. I let Jordan hold onto the shotgun. I read in my favorite book “Zombie survival guide” that theoretically shotguns are a horrible choice of weapons on Z-day. Shot guns where heavy, slow, and difficult to reload. Sure it has high killing power but the cons over weigh the pros.

“Jordan you have to be very careful with that shot gun though. Its going to jerk you back, blow a big whole in anything around the front of the gun, and take forever to reload. Only use that gun for very few targets, not when we are on the run.” I instructed. I wanted everyone to be fully prepared. Not saying I was better off, just thinking ahead.

“At this point I don’t know what we would do with a ton of food or supplies. We only have 6 hands, and no safe place to store it. Staying in this apartment complex is a horrible idea. We are going to want to pick a good location with high walls, many different levels, and have limited faces. I’m thinking the football field near the shore would be a great place to hold up. If we could get a crew of people down there and set it up as a fort we would make a good stand against any hordes of zombies. You got any good ideas guys.”  
PostPosted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 6:44 pm
((Isn't this very idea what killed the first Z-day? theorically smart but dramaticly nope))  

Van Dossel
Vice Captain


PostPosted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 6:49 pm
((I"m the ghost of halloween past....ooohhhh.....

the original Z-Day's not dead, it's just....

Stopped breathing?

....ooohhhh....beware the taco beast....))  
PostPosted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 10:57 am
((The cause of the first Z-days death was the fact that its setting was based on everything being real. This one I want to keep realistic but add morphing zombies, kinda like L4D, and a quicker paced plot. We had way to many people who stopped posting and it was monstrous to think of pupating all of them. So it seemly died due to lack of interest and posting. This one I do not except to have large interests because there isn’t really anyone else to be interested in it. This z-days success will strive on the fact that its just you and me giving a small coconscious on what should happen rater then having to collaborate with many on how the plot line should unravel, similarly to RS. I have the power and so do you to make things happen, to create plot to make it much more interesting. Make any sense. While my character feels it would be a good idea to fort up at a football field, that goal may never be reached. He feels it because that’s what I would truly want to do in a real zombie Epocolypse. We might end up being nomads that travel from town to town just making it by.))  



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PostPosted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 7:38 am
"Give me that back! None of these are for you Mr. Grabby!!!" l snatch the gun back. "These aren't for you, but if you'll be patient, I will go get yours. Stop giving me that I told you so look, or you can just fight with that sword." I walked into the kitchen, another place I knew Drew would never do too much digging around. A few moments later, I trot back into the room with two more pistols, a machine gun, and a hunting rifle. "You better not break any of these they cost me a fortune," I say as I hand over the guns. I look at Tyler "I think we should wait out the night here and go out and reevaluate the situation in the morning, but I know Drew will disagree. It just seems smart to let all the riots and such to clear out before we do anything major, or dangerous."  
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