Chunk Soul
Kinesiology! biggrin
*cricket noises*

...okay, don't make me explain this again, NOBODY in my town knows what the heck it is. xD Silly me, choosing a newly-made degree!

FUN FACT: Since I'm also learning Japanese right now, we have to learn how to say our degrees in Japanese. 'Kinesiology' becomes 'ki-ne-shi-o-ro-jji.' Easiest 'gimme' points ever. :'D

biggrin ! heart *is also learning Japanese*
I'm going on vacation there next May whee I'm looking forward to it. I've got two Japanese books I'm studying strongly right now: a Japanese-English dictionary and a Japanese Grammar book.
I'm also taking Japanese lessons bi-weekly at my local library. One of the librarians speaks fluent Japanese and offers the lessons for free to teens who are interested in learning the language.
That particular librarian plans on teaching English at either high school or university in Japan after he passes the level four language test that you must pass to live and work in Japan if you're a foreigner. He looks like a Norwegian viking, so no one would mistake him for Japanese xd Ever.