Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 12:55 pm
.:Nuclearity's Soquili Plot Zone:.Index:o1. Welcome/Index o2. Rules o3. Planned Breedings/Soq Availability o4. Taigi/Charlotte/Damien o5. Alice/King o6. Coraline o7. Lolita Chopper o8. Easel o9. Gousei 1o. Ocythoe 11~15. reserved 16. Miwa 17. Parlan 18~30. Reserved**My AIM screenname is Farunix.** I prefer guild-thread RPs, but am also willing to RP via AIM or Gaia PM, if need be. 
Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 12:59 pm
.:Rules:. 1. I reserve the right to reject plots. While this'll rarely happen, please don't whine about if it does. 2. My muse does drop down dead every now and then. So if replies get slow or too short, do poke me and let me know, just don't poke too hard! I work and go to school full-time on top of being a super outdoorsy person, real life comes first. 3. When applying, please provide a link/image of your soquili(s) and state your plot ideas. (Form will be provided later!) 4. I tend to bore of monotonous one-liner RPs. It doesn't mean that I won't give the RP a chance, but I'll be very likely to drop it. (Not without consulting you first, of course!) [**more might be added as needed**]
Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 1:07 pm
. razz lanned Breedings/Soquili Availability:.Breedings in order of importance.
- Alice x Tulgey
Soq Availability
RP'd Breedings/Relationships Taigi: Open for (all?) plots.
Charlotte: Open for (all?) plots.
Damien: Open for all non-breeding/romantic plots.
Alice: Open for non-mating plots.
King: Open for all plots.
Coraline: Open for all plots. [LR Post]
Lolita Chopper: Open for all plots. [LR Post]
Easel: Open for all plots.
Gousei: Open for all plots.
Ocythoe: Open for all plots. [LR Post]
Parlan: Open for all plots.
Miwa: Open for all plots.
Non-RP Breedings Aglaia: Breeding planned with Dawnie's Setin <3
Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 1:38 pm
Taigi.... Mate: n/a Children: Rayne, Charlotte Parents: Azn x Lucky 13 Siblings: Lex, Nikolai
Temper: Searching Personality: A retired wanderer, Taigi has much to share about the rest of the world, especially with younguns. He's traveled just about everywhere when he once left his mate, who was pregnant at the time (beyond his knowledge), on an urge to explore and pure naivety. They were then reunited, and all seemed seemed well, but this was short lived.
Breedings First: With Nevara; Rayne and Charlotte Second: Open Third: Open Fourth: Open Fifth: Open
Plots o1. Brokenhearted Tai and Nevara had had a falling-out of sorts, which resulted in their separation. She meant absolutely everything to him and he's probably going to be moping around for a while. o2. Scars I'd like for Taigi to encounter an 'evil' Soquili (Kalona or weak SW preferred) which might try to attack some part of his family. He will step up and fight. I'm thinking of this fight to be played on actual chance, with us rolling dice or something to determine damage. (Idea derived from Dixie's)
...Charlotte Mate: N/A Children: Cecilia, Puck and Damien Parents: Nevara x Taigi Siblings: Rayne
Temper: Vocal Personality: You got something to say? No doubt Charlotte could counter any argument. She's a vocal little thing and near always speaks her mind. And that mind of hers is always working as a bandit's should. She rarely notices beauty in her surroundings, but rather sticks it into the strategy of her next moves.
Breedings First: With Tempest; Cecilia, Puck, Damien Second: Open Third: Open Fourth: Open
Plots o1. Bandithood Charlie could rob any Soquili who has valuable trinkets or anything worth stealing. This plot can go any way you'd like: Your Soq wanting revenge later on, Charlie simply getting away with it. Pretty much anything you can think up! o2. All mine! Charlotte holds a grudge against all males because of what her father did. But she does want children! (because she's jealous of her sister) And she wants to raise them without the influence of a horrible STALLION, because daddy wasn't there for her and... Well, she turned out fine! She will want to become impregnated by a stallion she chooses for his good genes and runs off with their children, never to be seen again, to raise them with what she considers a "pure, womanly love". o3. What have I done? Charlie comes to realize her 'genetic' mistake of turning her back on her 'accident'. This stirs up some rage and self-pity, and I'd like to have a wise/elder Soquili talk to her about what happened, preferably a motherly female. Damien.... Mate: None Children: None yet Parents: Charlotte x Tempest Siblings: Cecilia, Puck
Temper: Solitary Personality: Damien, raised without true parents, grew up a rebel to his grandparents and the idea of love. This made him rather clueless in that aspect and he believes the only pain he can feel that matters is physical. Yet all this lack of emotion stems from the single emotion of sorrow and longing for his parents, not that he'd admit it.
Breedings First: Open Second: Open Third: Open Fourth: Open
Plots o1. Friends Plain and simple, Damien will need a select group of other Soqs his age who he lets in to his life. o2. Who am I? Basically, family RP. Since Charlotte deserts Damien and his siblings, he wants to dig into it and find out why for closure. He may be solitary by nature, but will go to any lengths to find out why his mother left. o3. Sparring Buddy Damien has grown a lot. He's lost a lot and partially blames himself, and would therefore want to learn how to fight. Well; not recklessly like he has been doing.
Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 1:40 pm
Alice.... Mate: Tulgey Children: Knave, King Parents: Unknown Siblings: Unknown
Temper: Curious Personality: "Curiouser and curiouser...." Alice is nosy. She likes finding out all there is to know and exploring every nook and cranny of any location. This, obviously, lands her in constant trouble, which is terrifying considering she has the mentality of a child.
Breedings First: With Ritalin; Knave, King Second: Reserved for Tulgey Third: Reserved for Tulgey
Plot o1. Happily Ever... Before This will be any RPs before Alice meets Tulgey and "falls down the rabbit hole". All of these encounters should be pleasant and express her vivid innocence. o2. False Love Alice meets Ritalin, with whom she falls in love, being naive as she is. This 'beautiful' stallion brings her to his home and convinces her that she should have beautiful children with him. Naturally, flattered, she accepts, but later realizes her mistake and runs away after bearing the children. o3. Trippy Alice wanders into Tulgey's Wood and encounters him for the first time, leaving with quite a different perspective on life and a new-found addiction (though she won't find out about the addiction for a bit.) In a mellow high, she trudges back to her 'home', where Ritalin doesn't suspect a thing until her addiction shows itself in the form of withdrawal. o4. Possession After Alice can't stand the lack of drugs in her body any longer, she runs back to Tulgey, unknowing of Ritalin following her. Ritalin, seeing 'his' Alice with another stallion, confronts Tulgey. Tulgey, also possessive of Alice, obliges in Rit's need to fight for the girl, which ultimately results in Ritalin giving up and therefore leaving Alice forever. o5. Wonderland Alice is pulled deeper into Tulgey's magical forest and lifestyle, alienating all others she knew. Almost constantly tripping now, Alice grows into a mellow acceptance of her addiction, all but forgetting about it. Got any strange Soquili that could be from "Wonderland"? Or even a normal Soquili whom Alice can perceive as such when she's on one of her more-so severe trips. 06. The Caucus Race 'Never a beginning, there can never be a stop...' Alice pretty much 'settles down' with Tulgey in the forest and he becomes a lover-figure to her. She sees reality as a whole other world. Anything outside the Wood is no longer perceived as friendly.
...King Mate: n/a Children: N/A Parents: Alice x Ritalin Siblings: Knave
Temper: Dominative Personality: King likes having things done his way. Bossy, cocky, and in all other ways full of himself, he acts like a king would - a selfish one, at that.
Breedings First: ??? Second: ??? Third: ???
Plots o1. King of Hearts Pretty self-explanatory - King is a reputable womanizer (at least in his own mind), and he's always looking to impress some lady-mares! Perhaps he'll even find a mare that will impress him for once. o2. King of Spades He will need a mentor of sorts to teach him in the ways of fighting with 'weapons'. Any knightly Soquili should do the job. o3. King of Diamonds He will need a mentor in treasurehunting, and maybe even pillaging. A thief, collector or true treasure hunter would fit. o4. King of Clubs He'll need a 'posse' of other stallions that will more or less comply with his bossy behaviors, perhaps a mini-army.
Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 1:41 pm
Coraline.... Mate: n/a Children: None Parents: Unknown Siblings: Unknown
Temper: Placid Personality: Being on the smaller scale of horses, Coraline, or Cory, as some of her few friends often refer to her, doesn't seem to let anything distract her from her persistent bliss. She rarely frowns, and can be dubbed optimistic at times. She might seem dangerous with her mutations, but she's quite the contrary. Coraline loves her home by the sea, a lone cavern along the sea's coast, but rarely sees any passers-by, so is found in lonely solitude. This fact also makes her enthusiastic to meet new "friends" and she adores creatures of the sea like Seathi, Kelpi and Mer Soquili.
Breedings First: Open Second: Open Third: Open
Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 1:43 pm
Lolita Chopper.... Mate: n/a Children: n/a Parents: Unknown Siblings: Unknown
Temper: Illusory Personality: Loli's demeanor is "illusory," which means she's never what she appears. She's adapted to absorb the vibes of the emotional/temperamental environment around her and respond accordingly so she comes out on top. She always has to look the best in a crowd, due to her pressing self-consciousness deep down. As far as what she's actually like, Loli might not know herself. Years of repressing her feelings have instilled several detrimental habits in her, which no one knows about.
Breedings First: Taranis Elcin (fling) Second: Available Third: Available Fourth: Available
Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 1:47 pm
Easel.... Mate: Acid Rock Children: n/a Parents: Unknown Siblings: Unknown
Temper: Crafty Personality: Coming soon!
Breedings First: Trying with Acid Rock Second: Reserved for Acid Rock Third: Reserved for Acid Rock
Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 1:49 pm
Gousei.... Mate: n/a Children: n/a Parents: ???xHaborym Siblings: Midori, Wallace(1/2)
Temper: Abstract Personality: Gousei is very interesting. She is a bit of a ticking time bomb in her temper, but her intelligence exceeds that of most. Her mind is very unfamiliar with the simple, yet she can solve very complex and intricate problems with ease. Her biggest flaw is her lack of trust for anyone, which stems from the lack of any social life throughout her childhood and adolescence, and the absence of her family to this date. It's almost as if she'd never learned to communicate. The only living creature she trusts is her companion Tox the buffalo, no matter how much of a nuisance she makes him out to be.
Breedings First: Available Second: Available Third: Available
Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 1:51 pm
Ocythoe.... Mate: n/a Children: n/a Parents: Unknown Siblings: Unknown
Temper: Unconditional Personality: Ocy is very diligent with whatever role she plays (and she plays a lot of roles to get what she wants). Her temper is 'unconditional', therefore she applies herself wholeheartedly to whatever she's a part of. And right now, it's the Flock. She is a proud Harpy, and sticks to their traditions.
Breedings First: Available Second: Available Third: Available
Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 1:53 pm
Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 1:58 pm
Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 1:59 pm
Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 2:01 pm
Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 2:03 pm