Table of Contents


This is a Dice Rolling game created exlusively for Final Fantasy based forums.

This game is copywritten work and should not be played anywhere without permission of "The Real Raijin".

How to Play

You have 10hrs to roll the dice after the last person rolled or your turn will be skipped.
Only 10 players can play per game.
Each game lasts 1 week, takes a break and restarts.
Another game can be run while a game is on an off-week, with the same or new players.
Each player only rolls 2 [4 Sided Dice], unless on slow or haste.
Players with Haste on them can only roll 2 [6 Sided Dice] or strike 2 times per turn in a battle.
Players with Slow on them can only roll 1 [4 Sided Dice].
In an enemy encounter you must roll 10 [10 Sided Dice] to decide the accuracy of your strike.
Enemy encounters take place if you land on the same space as an enemy, unless an enemy has a long distance attack.
You cannot change your character after starting the game or you have to start from the beginning.
You can only use 2 jobs per character, changing a job class will cost you 3 turns.
Most job classes will start with only 2 abilites and gain a new ability every 5 spaces passed.
Blue Mages will only gain a new skill by using lancet on a monster with blue magic.
Any player within 5 spaces of you can be your ally or enemy.
If a player encounters and enemy, they must fight the enemy until the enemy is dead.
If any player is in an enemy battle and and another player is within 5 spaces they can help or ignore the battle unless it is the Final Boss.
You can only be revived by an auto-life spell, life spell or phoenix down used by another player.
Magic Absorb spells take 1 turn normally or 1 of 2 turns if the user has haste on themselves.
You currently do not level up strength or status in this game.

Each player starts with 100 health points(HP) and 100 magic points(MP)
Normal Strike is 25 Damage to Non-Magic enemies
Normal Strike is 35 Damage to Magic enemies
Normal Strike is 25 Damage to Monsters
Magic Strike is 35 Damage to Non-Magic enemies
Magic Strike is 25 Damage to Magic enemies
Summon Magic is 40 Damage to any enemy
An extra 5 Damage is done to enemies struck with a counter element(example ice vs. fire)

Status Effects

Poison(-10 damage per turn)
Darkness (-10 accuracy for 5 turns)
Silence (No magic use for 5 turns)
Sleep (lose 3 turns)
Power Break (target does 15 Strike damage for 3 turns)
Magic Break (target does 15 Magic damage for 3 turns)
Speed Break (target is on slow for 3 turns)
Mind Break (takes away 25 Magic Points from the target)
Cheer (Def+5, Atk+5, Mag+5)

Items (each player starts with these but does not stack if they restart the game)

20 Potions
10 Antidotes
10 Echo Screens
10 Eye Drops
10 Hi Potions
10 Ethers
5 Phoenix Downs
5 Hi Ethers
5 Elixers
5 X-Potions
5 Remedies


KO/Combo Move: Charged after killing 5 enemies by yourself or with a team

Critical Attacks are +10 damage. Critical Attacks happen when a persons strike accuracy is 20 points over the defense of the monster.

Job Classes / Abilities

White Mage - Cure, Esuna, Protect, Shell, Life, Cura, Curaga, Auto-Life

Black Mage - Osmose, Fire, Blizzard, Thunder, Drain, Fira(45 damage), Blizzara(45 damage), Thundara(45 damage)

Soldier - Strike, Swing(ATK all enemies within 2 spaces), Poison Strike, Fire Strike, Ice Strike, Thunderstrike, Slow Strike, Demi Strike(take 1/4 of enemy HP)

Knight - Power Break, Shield Break(Lower Def by 5), Magic Break(cause silence for 5 turns) Speed Break(cause Slow), Chakra(heal 20 HP/20 MP and status)

Red Mage - Cure, Fire, Blizzard, Thunder, Barrier, Sleep, Esuna, Doublecast

Blue Mage - Lancet, White Wind, Mighty Guard, Fire Breath, Poison Fang, Drain, Bad Breath, Aqualung

Thief - Steal items, Trick= {Damage Speed + Damage Power + Darkness + Damage Magic}, Chakra(heal 20 HP/20 MP and status), Mug ATK + Steal 20 HP, Cheer, Flee(50% escape from most battles)

Summoner - (able to summon within a 3 space range) Shiva, Ifrit, Siren, Kirin, Sraphim, Phoenix, Alexander, Ramuh

Lancer - Lunge(ATK within 2 spaces), Jump (ATK within 5 spaces) Poison Strike, Fire Strike, Ice Strike, Thunderstrike, Slow Strike, Demi Strike

Time Mage - Slow, Haste, Demi, Regen, Stop, Meteor, Osmose, Power Shift(Switch the Damage delivered between you and your enemy for 1 turn)

Archer - (able to strike enemies 5 spaces away) Dark Arrow, Silence Arrow, Poison Arrow, Fire Arrow, Ice Arrow, Lightning Arrow, Don't Act, Cheer.

Players List

Game 1