:: About the German Military ::

If you're worried about being consistent with your RP, and want to make sure it's accurate, you can read a few of these guidelines I've made. Studying up on Nazism History, German Military and Germany Itself might help your cause. Though you're not required to.


:: About the Name of the Guild ::

-Because of the time period that this RP takes place in, the guild should be called "Reichswehr". But, since I'm sure, that Nazism is against some kind of Gaiaonline rule, I've decided to name the guild "Bundeswehr", even though it does take place during the 1930s.


:: About the Weapons ::

-The standard issue gun would be the Walther P38.


:: About the Ranks ::

-If you need help understanding which ranks are higher than others, all you need to do is view this simple chart:

(Ranks are in order from lowest to highest.)

Soldat - Soldier/Private

Fähnrich - Officer

Oberleutnant - Lieutenant

Hauptmann - Captain

Major - Major (This rank will not be on the base.)

Brigadegeneral - Brigadier General (This rank will not be on the base.)

General - General (This rank will not be on the base)


:: About the Privates ::

-Here is a list of things that a Private would do on a usual day of work:

-He will wake up at the crack of dawn.
-He will head to the Mess hall for a brief 15 minute breakfast.
-He will then proceed to the Obstacle course for training.
-Most of his day will be spent at the Obstacle course.
-Upon returning, he will shower, then head to the Mess hall.
-At the end of the day, he will sleep, and then wake the next morning.

Of course, this list does not apply to a setting that takes place in the winter. During the winter, the troops obviously can't run the Obstacle course so they are taken to the gun range. Soldiers generally are not allowed at the gun range during any other season but the winter, unless the Captain has instructed them to do so.


:: About the Uniforms ::

-The uniforms will generally appear to look like this.
The left being a Private's uniform, the right being an Officer or Captain's uniform.
The hardhats are only worn while on the battlefield, but while on the base, the Privates will wear no hats at all. And as for the Captain or Officer, usually they will wear a hat similar to this.

Though sometimes, uniforms can vary depending on the person.

-- Dolly, the Guild Master