User ImageName:
Todespfeil Hinote (Toh-des-pheel[I think] Hee-noh-tay)


Aliases/ Nicknames:
None as of yet.

Physical Description:

Todespfeil is skinny and tall, standing at 6'7, towering over many. He may be skinny, but he is also muscular allowing for extremely fast movement, perfect for a quincy. His hair is long and black, somewhat messy. His eyes are an unusual orange color. He wears an a long white cape, unlike the usual short ones, and otherwise has the normal uniform of a quincy. Every once in a while you may see him with a cigarette. His nose is small, and the same with his mouth. He has long fingers capable of firing many more arrows because of their speed. He has a belt holding 6 silver tubes and 5 Seele Schneiders.

He is very commanding, and doesn't take any crap. He may joke around but it is almost always either very intellectual humor or black humor. Surprisingly, however, he is a tendency to love someone and can become quite flirtatious with women. He may attempt to sacrifice his own team mates to achieve a goal, making him seem more of an evil quincy. He remains neutral working for whoever he pleases and will likely force his team mates to join with him.

It is a six pointed star, not connected by an lines on the outside. It is like the shimmer you see in someone's devious eye on a cartoon.
His cross is a light gray color, customized by reiryoku with intricate, spinning designs into the middle where his clan's kanji is represented.
Shooting Capability:
1000[Eh, he's probably at the same level as Ishida, considering I don't think Ishida is that great.]

Special Accessories:
The only jewelry you could say he wears is the cross attached to his uniform. Every once in a while, he may wear a lot of jewelry and makeup as a disguise to get around as people think he's crazy, going around shooting what seems like nothing. He also has a sanrei glove enhancing his abilities.

You could say he is a very good actor, using multiple personalities to betray others, and being able to disguise himself as almost anything. He is also a marksman, very accurate. There is a reason he got the rank of bejart.

His main ability is speed and accuracy, all taught by his father whom was killed by an adjuchas hollow. He also has very powerful reiryoku sensing, and can sense from over a mile away if needed be. He is better at it when using it to find a certain person, hollow, or shinigami. He is best when looking for other quincy, however.

Todespfeil was born in a quincy family, under his mom, a formidable quincy and his father, the Ex-quincy bejart. His mother disappeared one day when he was very young and he was never able to meet her except for the times he saw her as a baby. When his mom left, his dad knew that he had to train his son. He seemed to know what happened. From then on,starting for age 5, he trained his son in the ways of a quincy. He was a slow learner, only able to shoot one arrow per minute at 14. It was mainly because he didn't care to learn, because it was "useless." He was taking acting lessons at the level of a professional, easily better than his teacher. He could act any personality and any look.

On the day his father died, killed by an adjuchas. He went out, with one shot. Then, it jumped and he shot it dead on. That was the day that he knew he had to train. He trained massively with the sanrei glove, vowing to not take it off so he could continue destroying hollows to defend everyone from their evil. He continues to train each day, hoping to obtain quincy bejahrt.