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Civilian Info
Japanese names: Minako Aino (Venus of love); Sailor V
English name: Mina
Birth date: October 22
Astrological Sign: Libra. The astrological symbol for Venus is a handheld mirror and is also the ancient symbol for copper (early mirrors were made of polished copper)
Age: 14-16
Height: 5' (152 cm)
Blood Type: B
Hair: Knee length, blond; partly held back with a red bow
Eyes: Light blue
Pet/ Guardian Cat: Artemis ; a white tom cat who can talk
School: Shibakouen Junior High
Family: Lives with her parents. Father is a business man, mother is a housewife.

Senshi Info
Ranking: Leader of the inner Senshi, Princess Serenity 's guardians
Costume: Skirt, scarf, choker, locket, and high heels with straps are orange. Her front bow is navy blue. Her back bow and tiara jewel are yellow. She wears gold stud earrings. Her white gloves are bordered with three orange stripes at the tops and extend to her elbows.
Although it looks predominantly orange, the costume is meant to appear gold (as gold is often associated with the planet Venus).
In Sailor Stars, her sleeves become semi-transparent; her locket becomes heart shaped, her back bow is tied with a longer ribbon, and a golden star is added to her choker.

Favourite Subject: Physical Education, gymnastics
Volleyball: Member of volleyball team (before traveling to England)
Least Favourite Subjects: Math, English
Well Known for: Incorrectly reciting clichés and popular sayings
Favourite foods: Gyouza, ramen (noodles), curry rice
Least favourite foods: Shiitake mushrooms, pasta
Favourite Colours: Red, yellow, orange
Favourite Animal: Bird
Hobbies: Chasing idols, playing volleyball, playing games, sports, dance, role playing
Strengths: Playful; friendly; leadership; volleyball; brown-nosing
Has Trouble With: Mama, Police, showoffs
Weaknesses: Absent-minded; quick temper
Dream: To be an idol
Favourite Gemstone: Topaz

Other Info
Modeling: Ironically, has modeled for the Sailor V anime artists
Disguise: Used the disguise pen to dress up as Sailor Moon (episode #102), allowing Usagi to later transform and keep her identity a secret