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Civilian Info
Japanese name: Makoto Kino (faithfulness of tree)
English name: Lita
Birth date: December 5
Astrological Sign: Sagittarius
Age: 14-16
Blood Type: O
Hair: Waist/ hip length, brown. Usually worn in a ponytail.
Eyes: Green
School: Juuban Junior High (Crossroads Junior High); Juuban High
Home: Lives alone in Minato-ku
Family: Parents died in a plane crash

Senshi Info
Earrings: Pink, rose shaped studs
Costume: Skirt, scarf, short lace up boots, tiara jewel, choker, and circular locket are green. Her bows and rose shaped earrings are pink. White gloves extend to her elbows and are bordered with three green bands at the top.
In Sailor Stars, her locket becomes heart-shaped, her back bow is tied with a longer ribbon, and a golden star is added to her choker.
Special Gadgets: Moon phase watch (manga)

Favourite Subjects: Home economics, History
Disliked Subject: Physics
Best Friend: Japanese name unknown [Ken]
Likes: Almost any guy that looks like her old boyfriend/ sempai
Well known for: Many of her attacks are associated with nature
Favourite foods: Cherry pie, meat loaf
Favourite Colours: Sugar pink, green
Favourite Animal: Horse
Hobbies: Cooking, reading romance novels
Strengths: Cooking, physical strength, athletic
Has Trouble With: Airplanes, cheaters
Dreams: To own a restaurant which will be so famous that people from all over the world will come to it just to have her cook for them [dub]
Being a bride, selling cake, selling flowers
Favourite Gemstone: Emerald