Name: Black Danaraki ( Bl ack Dana rak i )
Aliases/ Nicknames: Hailbringer of Chaos

Physical Description: Black hari that hangs down and blocks eyes, whichare colored blue. Usually wears a black long coat, black pants, and shirt, with black travelers shoes.

Age: Bith 06/02/1832 death 10/5/1847

Zanpaktou's Spirit & Name: User Image
His name: Krama Kakashi


Shikai Release: Sharpen your blade-Krama Kakashi

Shikai: achieved

Bankai: achieved

Special Accessories: A Tatto on his left hand of the symbol of chaos, which is a circle and in all directions it is being crossed by arrows.

Skills: N/A?
Abilities: Knows how to make a cero appear in the air up to a mile away from him

Personality: Lazy, Chaotic at times, peacful and slightly one sighted.

Biography/History: Black was a human in early american whos parents was a human who could see hollows and his father was a shinigami. when he was about fifthteen his father sacrificed himself to defeat menos that were attacking their town. Enraged black tired to fight but was killed, but instead of going to soul society or huedco moundo he instantly became a visard and made ceros appear above the menos destory them and his town with it. Now alone in the world, He took on the allias as the Hailbringer of Chaos, and everywere he went, Death was his traveling companion

Signature/Patented Technique: Chaos cero, A massive blast that rains down from the heavens that is colored purple and red.

Guild Status: member

Online Schedule: once or tiwce a day