Name: Ronnel Nanashi (Ron-L Na-na-shee)
Aliases/ Nicknames: Ghost

Physical Description: Six and a half feet tall, body built like an athlete's, i.e wiry and lean. His hair is a dark silver shade, and his eyes are a forest green color. His nose has been broken, giving him a hawkish appearance, not helped by the fact that he tends to peer through squinted eyes when concentrating.

Age: Appears to be 24, died in 1478, so is approximately 531 years of age. Spent a great deal of time as a wandering soul in the human realm, and so has kept up with technological advances, at least, he knows what they are.

Zanpakutou's Spirit & Name: Kuromaru (Iron Blade). This spirit is rather simplisitic, in that it appears as a suit of green plate armor, though hollow. Has a helmet with a mask that is down, when up reveals the fact that there is nothing inside the armor.

Zanpakutou: Unachieved

Shikai Release: "Strike through to the end: Kuromaru!"

Shikai: Unachieved
Description of Shikai:
A claymore, a type of western double handed weapon, massive. The sword is still double edged, but the handguard is now a giant bar of iron. The hilt is wrapped in silver fabric, and the pommel is shaped in a star. The blade itself is etched with streaks of green metal, that for some reason enhance the strength of the blade.
First Ability:
Repentance Slash: Ronnel swings Kuromaru in two strikes, horizontal and vertical. Each strike leaves a glowing image behind. He then thrusts Kuromaru into the point where the two lines intersect, unleashing a blast of energy in the shape of a cross. This blast can travel up to seven yards before fading away.
Second Ability:
Descent of Stars: Ronnel throws Kuromaru up into the air, where it spins around in a circle on a horizontal plane. The blade circles twice, each time leaving four points of light, for a total of eight. Kuromaru falls back to Ronnel, who now points the tip of Kuromaru's blade at his target. The eight points of light turn into projectiles that shoot forward to pierce the target.
Third Ability:
Unceasing Barrage: (Requires Shunpo): Combining Shunpo with his attacks, Ronnel begins circling his opponent, while attacking with Kuromaru. Unlike a normal Barrage of attacks, each strike from Kuromaru under this state leaves a glittering line where it was. Using this, Ronnel builds a cocoon of energy lines around his target using a large chain of strikes. When finished, Ronnel falls back and sheathes Kuromaru. This signals the cocoon of energy that the final stage of this attack is ready. When Kuromaru is sheathed, the cocoon of energy begins streaming in, slicing the target where each hits. Depending on the amount of force behind the energy lines, this attack can cleave flesh, or merely stun the target at the point of impact.

Bankai: Unachieved
Chiisai Kuromaru(Small Iron Blade)
Kuromaru's bankai state is a reduction in size of the blade, leaving it the size of a rapier. However, Ronnel becomes covered in a suit of green plate armor with small blades at the forearms, knees, and shins.
Chiisai Kuromaru is a rapier, meaning it has only one edge, and of course the point. There is an intricate basket over Ronnel's hand now, to defend. The blade is silver etched with a green metal. The blades on the armor on Ronnel follow a similar pattern.
First Ability: (Passive) After the size of the Kuromaru, Ronnel finds the Chiisai Kuromaru to be incredibly light. This condensed size allows him to move attack at greatly enhanced speeds, while his normal movements are only slightly faster.
Second Ability:
Repentance Barrage: This attack is similar to both the Repentance Slash and the Unending Barrage of the Shikai state. However, it is also different. Ronnel begins slashing with the Chiisai Kuromaru, leaving behind the trails of energy from both of the mentioned attacks. However, these immediately rush forward to strike the target. While using this attack, Ronnel can move, whether by normal means, or by means of the Shunpo.
Third Ability:
Two As One: Ronnel and the armor of the Chiisai Kuromaru are separated. However, the armor does not fall to the ground like a normal suit would. This ability allows the spirit of Kuromaru to inhabit the armor, and the two (Ronnel and the armor) attack in harmony, Ronnel with the rapier portion of Chiisai Kuromaru, and Kuromaru with the armor and blades.While in this state, Ronnel can still use the Repentance Barrage, as can Kuromaru, who uses the attack via the blades on his forearms. Additionally: While in this unarmored state, Ronnel's speed increases dramatically.

Special Accessories: Wears a rice paddy hat (The straw hat)

Skills: Has skill in hand to hand combat, and is also proficient in wielding swords, despite his own lack of a zanpakutou.

Abilities: Has no training in Kidou, but is close to achieving his zanpakutou.

Personality biggrin espite slightly intimidating appearance, Ronnel is a friendly person. He talks with others easily, and strives to be as helpful as possible. There are a few things that can trigger a change in his personality to one that is much more serious.
If Ronnel is fighting, his personality goes one of two ways. If he is not serious about the fight, he is talkative and tends to joke. However, if he is serious, he sets out to destroy his target as quickly as possible, going so far as to term it overkill.

After Life History Ronnel grew up in the Northern Rukongai, district 35. He's seen some of the harsher things people can do to each other, but still manages to uphold a happpy outlook on life. His abilities were discovered when a Hollow managed to get into the Rukongai, and began killing people. The normal konpaku were being crushed by the Hollow's spiritual pressure. Ronnel was able to withstand that pressure, and was helping people escape by dragging them away. He was in the midst of his rescue efforts when the Hollow found him. It knocked him aside and set to killing the girl he was currently trying to rescue. This infuriated Ronnel, who managed to get up and tackle the Hollow, crashing into the wall of a building. This crash is what allowed the Shinigami to find where they were. They reached the scene in time to save Ronnel from being split in half by the Hollows claw. The Shinigami in charge decided to take Ronnel to the Seireitai for testing, and he was revealed to have a decent amount of strength. He was given the option of joining the Academy, and, after a short amount of thought, willing joined up to protect against the Hollows. He has just graduated from the Academy on a speed course, leaving without Kido, but high control and a good affinity with his Zanpakutou.

Human Life
Ronnel was the son of a minor nobleman in the dark ages of Europe's history. For reasons of his own, Ronnel trained in various forms of weapons, becoming quite skillful in the usage of just about every medieval weapon. Late at night, the noble born boy would sneak out of his household, and would join the common people in his area in their lives. This habit of his instilled in him a humility that his family didn't have. it also allowed him to learn how the peasants fought: Wrestling and hand to hand. He died while trying to protect a family of villagers who lived in his family's domain. He saved them, but died from the wounds inflicted upon him.

Signature/Patented Technique: None

Guild Status: Member

Online Schedule: Usually on every day, sometimes will be on late at night (Gaia time)