Name: Ranku konstol (RAY_N_QU CONE_STOLE

Aliases/ Nicknames: none

Physical Description: Hight. 6 foot 2, weight 14 stone, Reasoably slender, Caucasian skin, long face, green shoulder length hair twisted into blsck tips, brown eyes, unreasonably long fingers , loose shoulders, usualy lenghted arms and legs, No tatoos or scars of any kind

Age: died age 31 may 17th 1974

Zanpaktou's Spirit & Name: Daiilamontyouou. (counqerer of death)
takes the form of a tall woman with near jet black skin in ornate white robes covered in runes

Zanpaktou: achieved Slender, a 24 degree curve. medium length green hilt wrap

Shikai Release: Unbind me Daiilamontyouou
Actions The user takes Daiilamontyouou and holds her up to his chest, shouts the phrase above, and pushes Daiilamontyouou into his chest.

Shikai: achieved A large scythe with a black strait shaft about 4 foot long and a 1&1/4 foot long blade with a 10 degree curve.
gives the user shadowmancery (shadow control) allowing him to use shadows to make objects both evereyday and weapons.The shadows do not have and substance shodowmacery gives them substance, the user dictates and alters this substance to his will and can sgange other substaces by covering and adding some particles. In extreme cases Dna can be rewiten for a few seconds, however only a small amount of "constructs" can be supported and only for a few minutes each. When rewriting Dna the user becomes very sensitive to light and muast stay in as dark an area as posible.

Bankai: not achieved

Special Accessories: Most of the time wears snowboarding goggles

Skills:Reasonably smart, Fast both horisontaly and verticily, and a devil on the violin

Abilities: Shunpo,
has not suffitiently mastered any kido techinques

Personality:A polite and formal not extremly chatty fellow with a rather bland persoality. Dosen't realy like other peoples company unless its someone he knows rather well

Biography/History: Born and raised in Rekjavik with the name Peotur Strumunsun into a rich icelandic family Ranku was a quite small very bullied child. He had a normal life untill he moved to tokyo aged 29 where he worked in a bar as a barman and preformer. His employer had been unknow to him paying a protection fee to local thugs when the empoyer died Peotur purchased the bar. He only foundout about the thugs when they showed up demanding six months wortrh of payments witch he didnt have the thugs set fire to the bar killing Peotur

In the soul sosity he changed his name to one more suited to his asian surroundings he liveed a peaceful life as an trader for ten years before he joined the academy.

Signature/Patented Technique: None

Guild Status: Member

Online Schedule: 7_12Am and 7_11 PM any time in between but dont count on it