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Name: Tso-San
Aliases/ Nicknames: Tso
Race: Shinigami
Seat: --None--
Element: Wind

Physical Description
(Age at Death): 15
(Current Age): Unknown, looks to be 15-16 years old.
(Gender): Female
(H): 5 feet
(W): 110 lbs.
(Build): Skinny but average looking.
(Hair): Black with blue highlights
(Eyes): Blue
(Skin): Semi-tan

Zanpakutou’s Name : “ Kuro-neko” – Black Cat

User Image

Zanpakutou’s Description: Tso's Katana is pink and 40-inches overall. It has a 28-inch sharpened stainless blade with simulated temper line. The blade is ground on the reverse side. It has a 12-inch pink composition handle with a pink and black cord wrap. It has a gold finish cast metal tsuba and pommel. A pink composition scabbard with gold finish cast metal fittings comes with the sword.

Zanpakutou Type: Element/Projectile-Type Zanpakuto

Zanpakutou Spirit Form: User Image --Not Attained Yet--

Shikai ("Initial Release") Form: “ Kuro-neko Kimasu tonide ” – Black Cat Come Forth

When commanded by Tso, Kuro-neko’s blade shrinks to 18 inches becoming a Wakizashi and gains a diamond -shaped spike attached to its hilt by a long pink silk scarf, which can extend greatly if necessary by Tso’s will. The scarf itself can be used as an attack or to entangle a target.

Shikai Forms: --Not Attained Yet--

Form I. "Kuro-neko Kisu" - Black Cat’s Kiss

When commanded by Tso, Kuro-neko’s blade dissolves into a grayish mist/gas which floats in the air and is controlled by Tso and the movement of the hilt. The mist/gas can attack from any direction when the hilt is moved. Ultimately, the mist/gas overtakes Tso’s opponent and renders their senses (i.e. sight, hearing, smell, speech, and taste) useless for (3 RP turns). Tso can call it back to form the blade with the command of “return Kuro” to attack her opponent with but the effects still remain.

Form II. "Kuro-neko Kare " - Black Cat’s Hiss

When commanded by Tso, Kuro-neko’s blade dissolves and forms an invisible 7’ foot by 7’ foot round shield to protect Tso with. The shield is controlled by Tso and the movement of the hilt. Therefore the shield can be moved in any direction when the hilt is moved. Tso can call her blade back with the command of “return Kuro” to attack her opponent once again.

Bankai Form: --Not Attained Yet--


* 1. Thrust (衝, shō) — Pushes the target away from the caster.
* 4. White Lightning (白雷, byakurai)— Fires a concentrated bolt of lightning from the caster's forefinger.


* 1. Restrain (塞, sai)— Locks a target's arms in place behind their back.
* 4. Crawling Rope (這縄, hainawa) — An energy rope entangles a target's arms.
* 8. Barrier (せき, seki) - A semi-transparent circular wall, building itself outward from the shinigami's arm, manifested from the user's reiatsu.
* 9. Hit (撃, geki) — Engulfs a target in red light, completely paralyzing them.

Martial Art Styles: --None Attained Yet--


Enhanced Endurance: Despite her size and appearance, Tso has shown herself to be a resilient fighter with a high endurance level above and beyond the normal Shinigami.

Kidou Knowledge: Tso prides herself on her knowledge of Kidou's. While in the academy, she scored the highest in her class at performing the basic kidou's and at identifying them upon sight.


Tso is generally mature and serious, but yet quite and not out spoken like the rest of her Shinigami classmates. Tso can be found mostly sticking to herself and not seen in large groups of people. Tso is usually joked about by many of the other Shinigami in Soul Society as well as by her enemies because of her size. Despite these jokes, or perhaps because of them, Tso has developed a cold attitude toward most people; she tolerates these jokes and goes on with her duties.


Not much is really known about Tso’s past. She was an orphan and rescued by a Shinigami after the home she was staying in was attacked by Arrancar’s. From that day forward she was raised in the Shinigami academy as a servant with no hopes of becoming a Shinigami herself.

One day while doing her duties as ordered, she was attacked by a group of young boys who were Shinigami students. They had been picking on her for months because of her size. Tso being a lot smaller and weaker had been watching the hand-to-hand classes while doing her duties for years. Tso used what she had learned from those lessons on those students and defeated them all in no time. It just so happened that one of the instructors from the academy had seen the whole fight and when it was over he had invited Tso to join the academy as a student.