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Van Dossel
Vice Captain

PostPosted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 8:07 pm
Salin Van Dossel

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Age: 500
Race: Human (Vampire)
Hair: white
Skin: pale white

Side: Dark Hand
Rank: General
Commands: no current army
Status: Dead

Fighting Skill: Below Average
Intelligence: Genius
Charm: Incredible
Class: Spell Singer

Weapons: Long Sword
Armor: Full black plate armor
Property: None

Bio: A warrior in the ancient times Salin Van Dossel fought in many battles for a lord he no longer remembers the face nor name of. The nameless land was covered in war and Salin often saw violence. Despite having no real talent in combat Salin rose in the ranks through his masterful comphrehension of strategy and warfare. One day on the battle field Salin was stabbed in the stomach, having past out before the battle was over the men thought he was dead and left his dead body in a retreat.

When Salin awoke he was near death and was only able to crawl away from the battle field. Two vampiresses found him in the woods as they went to scavage the dead bodies for blood. Both were captivated by his beauty and wanted him for her own. The two vampire got into a disagreement and one, Kesea, ended up killing the other for Salin.

Kesea turned Salin as he neared death an the two quickly fell in love. They went from town to town preying on the people, no mercy for men, women, or even children. All who were caught alone where slaughtered in their sick bloodthristy games. They felt no remorse, no regret, no sadness over the atrocities they commitet not even happyness or rage, just pure lust and apathy. Close to 300 years after becoming a vampire Salin and Kesea where cornered by a mob.

Trapped in a forrest they ran to get away from the mob before dawn when they would fry in the sun. No escpae could be found so they turned to their last resort, violence. The two started to slaughter the weak humans left and right; atleast two dozen had died before they broke free of the mob. Covered in blood Salin took off with Kesea in the trail. Salin was just clear of the mob when he heard a scream that froze him where he stood. The bloodcurring scream came from Kesea as a wooden stake from a crossbow pireced through her heart. She slowly fell to the ground and started to disapate into dust. Salin raced back to her and killed another dozen men while she died at his feet.

Enraged for the first time since turning Salin slaughtered every human in the woods, a toatl of 50 more deaths. Everywhere around Kesea's death site was pools of blood and torn limbs. Salin saw the day breaking and left to a nearby cave where he slept as his rage cooled, with it his lust and all the other faint traces of emotions within him.

For 200 years Salin wandered Aeonce feeding only when he was almost dead of dehyrdation. Eventually Salin found his way to a camp of mystics who forsaw his coming and saw a great potential in him. In preparation they had recovered an ancient artifact called the Amulet of Hylak Goy, which translated to the Amulet of Eternal Sun, this amulet casted a protection from the suns deadly rays for Salin; allowing him to walk in the sun for the first time in 400 years. Along with the amulet they taught him the ancient form of dream singing, the ability to enter ones dream, as well as many magical songs and chants.

Salin stayed with the mystics left Salin knowing that his true story was about to begin. Only a mere 50 years later a messenger bearing summons for Salin tracked him down in the great dungeon city. At this time Aeonce was in the greatest Civil war in history. The Omega Alliance, who fought for the creator gods, where battling the Dark Hand, men and women and monster who wanted to tear the gods' heveans down and remake the world. Salin had cared little for the conflict and took no side until the messenger came.

Inside the letter was an offer that Salin could not refuse. Lord Joa Boo, leader of the Dark Hand, offered Salin Kesea back if he only fought for the Dark Hand and lead them to victory. Egear to find his love again Salin rode to lost Epocalypse's castle where he was inducted into the Dark Hand as an interrgator Lt.

His first couple of jobs where easy interragations that a fool could have easily done, however it was enough to gain Salin enough perstige to get a hold of more important and challenging tasks. Salin received his first task to abstract the location of a secret Omega base from three prisoners. He found out that the base was on the Fey Islands and then killed all the prisoners.

A giant party was thrown for the soldiers who were about to launch an full scale attack of the base. During the party Joa Boo shows up and rewards Salin for his efforts with a vial of liquid containing the prye fly for Kesea. Salin pours the liquid out onto the floor and Kesea body soon spawns from the small puddle. Back to life Salin egearly shows Kesea the new world that has risen. Their reunion is cut short after one short night as Salin leaves with the army to go lead them to victory over the Omega.

Once they reach the Fey Island the lies that the prisoner told were revealed as nothing stood on the island. Outraged Salin returned to the castle without victory or honor. Joa Boo was very disappointed at Salin's foolishness, and arrested him on his return.

Joa Boo was not foolish and saw that Salin still had potential to do well in the Dark Hand and sparred his life. Instead a demotion to private front line soldier was sentenced to Salin and he was ferried out to a ship leaving for a new invasion that night.

The ship sailed to Jercan where the Dark Hand was supprosing an uprising of Collective, man-size ant warriors, that were under the direct control of a young queen named Claire. On the front lines Salin was introduced to many of the men that would go onto become his friends and trusted allies in later battles.

The weapon master dark elf, Zaught, was the first one Salin met on the lines. They made the hike to the Collective fortress together where they then met the others who would form a assassination strike team to infiltrate the hive and kill or capture Claire. The team included; a young reckless werewolf mage named Atias, a wise old Naga summere named Splitjaw, and a silent gambler called Gailton. With the team came a negoiator demon who they where protecting.

The team made it into the heart of the hive, only at the cost of Gailton, and found Claire. In the climaxitc battle Salin's team was assisted by a dark rider, whos named was later revealed to be Ichabob Crane. The two strike teams fought into the throne room and it was Salin, not the negotiator, who was able to talk Claire into stopping her uprising and join the Dark Hand. Little known to Salin or Claire mysterious feelings between the two started to form.

Now back at Epocalypse's castle Salin is restored some of his honor and rank. Upon his return Kesea, still sore about the foolness and loss of honor from the Fye Islands, greeted him rather coldly leaving Claire to comfert him.

The next orders bestowed upon Salin was to siege a mountain fortress in Roderick. A force twice as big as one Salin had ever commanded before was summoned. The Dark Hand forces reached into the 300,000s. Creatures of all races and backgrounds where assembled, including the newly inducted Collective.

The initial battles took place on the fields in front of the fortress and it was here that Salin started to see the Dark Hand's meaning. The opression of the Omega and darwinistic philophysies of the Dark Hand. It took two days of constent blood shed for Salin to take the fields and start the actual assults into the castle.

The four floors of the Fortress amounted out to mass loss of life and despair on both sides. The bloody carnage came to an end when Salin unleashed a very complicated plan that crushed the final defenses of the Omega.

The plan sucecced in the end but not without great cost. A ramp had been consturcted for the Collective to tunnel up through the floor into the top level, but a new type of ammunition that broke the synpasis of Claire over the Collective turned them into an army of mindless fiends that killed everything in sight. Claire herself almost died from the physic shock. Salin went to reclaim the lost ramp himself as a unit lead by three Omega Knights marched down into the base camp of the Dark Hand.

Salin was too late as one of the knights placed a bullet in Claire permantely breaking her connection to the Collective and as far as Salin knew killing her. Enraged at the thought of Claire dieing Salin slaughtered the knight and reclaimed the ramp almost single handedly. The sight of Salin's slaughter inspired the Dark Hand into action, but it also brought force an all powerful force, the judge Anger. Brought on by Salin's rage Anger started to slaughter everything he could find. Nothing was free from his judgment, even the Dark Hand Lord Impetus fell before the judge.

During the retreat another judge, Lust, showed up and killed the fleeing Dark Hand. Feeling an odd urge to press on Salin took a knew Knight by the name of Jeb and snuck past Anger into the palace halls of Roderick.
There he found that Jeb was not a random knight but his Lord Joa Boo in disguise to fight in the battle unnoticed. Joa Boo started to fight Anger while Salin went after Talim, the Omega commander and daughter of Mitus the ruler of the Omega.

Talim and Salin engaged in combat, Salin's skill was nowhere near that of the warriro princess Talim. Talim easily started to beat Salin when Anger forced his way past Joa Boo to pass judgment on the two beings of hate that had summoned him fourth. Talim is killed in one swipe but Joa Boo is able to grab hold of Salin and escape through a portal away from the burning fortress.

In the end the Dark Hand had only 300 men left, only 1 in a 1000 that went, and no fortress. Joa Boo temperoary dispursed the remaining soldiers on leave to recover from the gruesome battle. Free of the anger from the battle Salin searched among the Hive (where they had teleported) and found that Claire was not there. During the battle Kesea, outraged by Salin's love for her, stole her away and ran off into the grand dungeon city.  
PostPosted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 6:44 pm
Claire Colina

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Age: 16
Race: Collective
Hair: Black
Skin: pale white

Side: Dark Hand
Rank: General
Commands: The Collective
Status: Dead

Fighting Skill: Average
Intelligence: Average
Charm: Average
Class: Brawler

Weapons: Claws
Armor: Exoskeleton
Property: Jercan Hive

Bio: Claire was born to the Collective race in Jercan. Her mother passed with her birth, leaving Claire as the rulers of the Collective. With the Queen at such a young age the Collective hybernated till Claire's 15 birthday when she was old enough to start to run the hive. Assuming control Claire gained the Queen's Gift the power to change out of her Collective form to one that resembled the human's. Along with this metamorphis power Claire was now able to start producing more Collective and control them. It took the young queen around a year to master control of the enormous command. Soon though Claire could flawlessly run the hive and Collective.

As Claire turned 16 the Dark Hand appoarched her to join the fight against the Omega Alliance. Not knowing much of the outside world the Dark Hand ambassador with his sauve words and promises swayed Claire to join. An army of Collective was quickly raised to go fight this Omega Alliance. Though in the first battle the Collective unfortunately was under the direction of a cold uncaring leader who was formerly an Omega commander, joining off of greed instead of morals and bringing his racism with him. The commander sent all of the Collective on the front lines into a well defended line of Omega soldiers.

The Omega soldiers easily butchered the Collective forces and the psychic backlash was enough to drive Claire into a deep depression, not mastering enough control to withstand the death of some many so rapidly. Claire back in Jercan declared a succession from the Dark Hand. Unwilling to lose that number of forces the Dark Hand commanders grudginly sent a task force to regain control of the Collective, wether by dipolmacy or by force if need be.

Claire refused the ambassadors of the Dark Hand threatening death to any Dark Hand soldier who entered the Hive. With no other option the Dark Hand launched a shallow frontal assult to draw Claire's attention. Whilst all of this strike teams of Dark Hand elite soldiers where sent in to capture or kill Claire. The rouse worked as Claire was oblivious to the Dark Hand Soldiers infiltrating her Hive.

Salin Van Dossel, a disgrace Lord, was the first to reach Claire. Claire felt instant emotions towards Salin, but never the less engaged him and his fellow soldiers in combat. Throughout the battle Salin is able to sway Claire from her rebellion. Claire quickly rejoined the Dark Hand, secretly following Salin through to Roderick.

At Roderick Claire's forces were among the most effective in fighting through the mountain fortress. Claire suffered many losses throughout the fight, but she had trained herself to be resiliant to the loss. However this was not nearly enough to help her when the Omega unleashed a new seryem that broke her connection to the Collective.

Claire was sent into a complete mental break down by the complete and sudden loss. Claire was sent back to the medical tents. While in the medical tent an Omega Knight was able to sneak in and attempt to assassinate Claire. The bullet didn't kill her but critically wounded her to the point where she had to be evaculated from the battlefeild.

As the doctors treated her Kesea Van Dossel broke into the surgery room and kidnapped her.  

Van Dossel
Vice Captain

Van Dossel
Vice Captain

PostPosted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 6:51 pm
Rike Malen

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Age: 100
Race: Demon
Hair: Red
Skin: White

Side: Dark Hand
Rank: none
Commands: no command
Status: Dead

Fighting Skill: Highly Above Average
Intelligence: Average
Charm: Low
Class: Heavy Blade (Like Auron)

Weapons: Great Sword
Armor: Red Plate
Property: Apartment in Dungeons

Bio: Rike born full Demon grew up learning to fight, his parents both being warriors. He had a thirst combat and all its pleasures and found normal life boring.Rike acted as a merc for most of his early years, going where the fight was the thickest.

He had no real ambitions until the war started between the Dark Hand and Omega. Drawn in by Joa Boo's seemingly infinate powers Rike quickly joined and fought to impress. It took no time at all for Rike to gain General status, proving to be among the most skilled warriors in Joa Boo's army. With his sidekick Leon Toemoe at his side they quickly started to fall into many blunders, as Rike was rash and unskilled in the art of commanding.

His contunious blunders kept him barely scraping along with rank in the war. He was given miniousule tasks, such as clearing out peseant rebellions to keep him from hurting the cause. Soon during the rebelions though, a clown warrior, one vastly superior to the kill of Rike and Leon combined, appeared ahed of the rebellion and capture Leon.

Upon his return to the Temple Joa Boo questioned Rike's dedication to the cause and found Rike lacking. Furious Joa Boo sent Rike in command of a strike force tasked with over taking Hevean 7. Once more Rike made a blunder of the assult and got all of his troops slaughtered. Barely making it out of the battle alive himself, Rike decided to go after Leon instead of returning to face Joa Boo's wrath.

He tracked down the clown leader and sucessfully broke Leon out of his jail, and during the process decided that Joa Boo was right and he had no idea why he fought for the Dark Hand. Choosing now not to return on this basis Rike and Leon stareted wander the war torn country looking for answer.

Unable to find any Rike decided that if the world must end, as all the sides of the war fought for, then he wanted Joa Boo to be the one to remake it. This was reason enough for Rike to make the descision to return to the Dark Hand.

As he arrived back in the Dungeon cities he found a passed out Salin Van Dossel on the ground outside a club...  
PostPosted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 6:53 pm
Leon Toemoe

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Age: 25
Race: Dark Elf
Hair: White
Skin: Dark Blue

Side: Dark Hand
Rank: none
Commands: none
Status: Dead

Fighting Skill: Above Average
Intelligence: Above Average
Charm: Above Average
Class: Physic-Theif

Weapons: Duel short swords
Armor: Leather
Property: none

Bio: Leon was born into a physic family of dark elfs, who lived a rather shady life style. Turned off by the rulings of Darth Greaver they left the trees of their home and took to the dungeon cities to live. Here Leon grew up learning to be street tough and wise, however he kept his coilness and polietness. Under this facade is a ruthless masterful theif.

The only thing that kepts Leon from being truely great, and surpassing his friend Rike, is his lack of ambition. Leon, growing up on only what he could steal, was never greedy or wanting of much. So without this ambition he settled in and followed Rike as his lackey, despite probably being a overall better fighter and persron than him.

Leon was the first person to fight Persaus and fought against her multiple times with Joa Boo before Joa Boo ultimately fell to her control and served under her. Leon contunied to fight the Dark Hand when it fell ot Joa Boo's control. He fought them until he met Rike Malen, a demon who could become his best friend.

Due to his lack of ambition and caring Leon changed sides and joined the Dark Hand with a little persuasion from Rike. Leon became Rike's second in rank and actuality. Leon, contributing most of the startegies they used in battle, was relativily untrained in open warfare, more skilled in secret combat of his theif nature. He strung along with Rike through his failures and eventually followed him down to the dungeon cities to quell the riots.

During the riots Leon and Rike encountered a leader in the guise of a clown. The clown was immensly stronger than Leon or Rike and soon he made off capturing Leon. Inside the clown's prison he was subjected to much torture and questioning. Resiliant he denied any information and was quickly recused by Rike. After he escape he fell back into his lackey position and accompenied Rike on his journey of discovery.

When Rike decided to return to the Dark Hand Leon agreed without questioning and the two returned to the dungeon cities where they found a passed out Salin Van Dossel.  

Van Dossel
Vice Captain

Van Dossel
Vice Captain

PostPosted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 6:55 pm
Margo Juna

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Age: 18
Race: Nymph
Hair: Indingo
Skin: White

Side: Merc
Rank: none
Commands: none
Status: Alive

Fighting Skill: Above Average
Intelligence: Average
Charm: Average
Class: Knight
Lvl: 1

Weapons: Four Bladed Sycthe
Armor: Semi-Plate armor on vitals
Property: Juna Manor

Bio: Margo is the youngest of the Juna sisters. She is the strongest of them, mastering a unquie sycthe that used four blades. Born to rich parents, who where Dark Hand researchers, Margo and her sisters all were privalleged from a young age. Under the strict training of Dark Hand soldiers Margo and her sisters where trained from a young age as warriors.

Her background, training, and personality all twisted to form the sisters into sadistic cruel monsters of nympths who are feared on the battle feild.

During a skirmish with Kine soldiers in a forrest bording the Kine terroritories the sisters' unit was slaughtered forcing the three to kill an entire company of Kine soldiers. Without recieving a scratch the three killed mercilessly the Kine soldiers.

Now that the war is over and the peoples without any solid leader the Juna sisters have decided to profit themselfs as best they can, lending their blades for the highest bidder.  
PostPosted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 6:56 pm
Selinia Juna

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Age: 21
Race: Nymph
Hair: Pink
Skin: White

Side: Merc
Rank: none
Commands: none
Status: Alive

Fighting Skill: Average
Intelligence: Average
Charm: Above Average
Class: Knight

Weapons: Long sword
Armor: Semi-Plate armor on vitals
Property: Juna Manor

Bio: Selinia is the oldest of the Juna sisters. She is the most charming, or so the men say, able to seduce any man she pleases and turn them into her little toy. Born to rich parents, who where Dark Hand researchers, Selinia and her sisters all were privalleged from a young age. Under the strict training of Dark Hand soldiers Selinia and her sisters where trained from a young age as warriors.

Her background, training, and personality all twisted to form the sisters into sadistic cruel monsters of nympths who are feared on the battle feild.

During a skirmish with Kine soldiers in a forrest bording the Kine terroritories the sisters' unit was slaughtered forcing the three to kill an entire company of Kine soldiers. Without recieving a scratch the three killed mercilessly the Kine soldiers.

Now that the war is over and the peoples without any solid leader the Juna sisters have decided to profit themselfs as best they can, lending their blades for the highest bidder.  

Van Dossel
Vice Captain

Van Dossel
Vice Captain

PostPosted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 6:57 pm
Vivian Juna

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Age: 19
Race: Nymph
Hair: Purple
Skin: White

Side: Merc
Rank: none
Commands: none
Status: Alive

Fighting Skill: Average
Intelligence: Above Average
Charm: Average
Class: Knight
Lvl: 1

Weapons:Heavy Axe
Armor: Semi-Plate armor on vitals
Property: Juna Manor

Bio: Vivian is the middle sister of the Juna sisters. Vivian is the smartest of the three, excellerating in military strategy and history. Born to rich parents, who where Dark Hand researchers, Vivian and her sisters all were privalleged from a young age. Under the strict training of Dark Hand soldiers Vivian and her sisters where trained from a young age as warriors.

Her background, training, and personality all twisted to form the sisters into sadistic cruel monsters of nympths who are feared on the battle feild.

During a skirmish with Kine soldiers in a forrest bording the Kine terroritories the sisters' unit was slaughtered forcing the three to kill an entire company of Kine soldiers. Without recieving a scratch the three killed mercilessly the Kine soldiers.

Now that the war is over and the peoples without any solid leader the Juna sisters have decided to profit themselfs as best they can, lending their blades for the highest bidder.  
PostPosted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 11:31 pm
Vicktor Kremely

User Image

Age: 67
Race: Human (Lich)
Hair: None
Skin: Decaying

Side: his own
Rank: King
Commands: none
Status: Alive

Fighting Skill: Above Average
Intelligence: High
Charm: Average
Class: Necromancer
Lvl: 25

Weapons: Duel Daggers
Armor: Leather-Plate combo
Property: Castle Kremely

Bio:Vicktor is a Duke of Vince who at the end of the Aeonce civil war was uspsured by oppertunists. He was ambushed on returning home from the war and beaten nearly to death. At the scrafice of his entire guard he was barely able to make it out in one piece. Pushed deep into the wilderness of Vince and near death Vicktor was found by a lone hermit in the woods.

The lone hermit who never revealedh is name to Vicktor took him back to his hut and healed his wounds, though they proved to be so grave that Vicktor had only weeks before he would die a painful and slow death. His intenstine had been permentaly damaged by a magical dagger of one of the oppertunists.

Vicktor was ready to accept death when the hermit revealed the only thing that would save Vicktor, becoming a lich. The hermit actually was a powerful necromancer who had knowledge of long forgotten lore of the dark arts that the old Kine empire had erased from the annals of history. This process was very grave and dangerous but the desperate Vicktor quickly agreed to attempting.

The hermit showed Vicktor had to make a phylacteries, a magical scripture that would hold his soul and life forces making him immortal at the cost of his humanity. Vicktor crafted this scroll in his own blood and swore his soul to a long forgotten devil known as Orcus. As the ritual was completed Vicktor skin decayed and wounds pussed as his soul was ripped from his body. The pain was extrodinary and Vicktor came within an inch of dying at its completion.

When all was said and done the hermit took a dagger and stabbed Vicktor in the heart, thinking the man betrayed him Vicktor blasted him with a spell of hellfire killing the hermit. However Vicktor found that he did not dye from the stab, it was merely the hermit showing him that he was now immortal.

Horrified by this Vicktor took his phylacteries and fled the hut and fled deeper into the woods. He found a cave that hidden behind a waterfall and followed it in to its deepest reaches miles into the earth. It was here that he got his first look at himself. He was monsterous now, but new untold power flowed through every inch of his body. The power was so strong it drove him man, indeed killing his humanity as the hermit had warned.

He vowed to kill those that had betrayed him and rise his own kingdom with his immortality.  

Van Dossel
Vice Captain


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