Welcome everyone!

This is our Real Life Sub-Forum. Where things can get a bit more personal

Now just a fair warning-

ALL GUILD AND GAIA RULES APPLY!!!- This should go without saying. Please read the Terms of Service Agreement (which you agreed to when you joined Gaia) if you don't know what Gaia's Rules are. And we have a lovely thread on our front page for our Guildies =D

Don't share anything that you don't want people to know! - Now this usually goes without saying, but remember, ANYONE could find a way into the interwebs and discover things you didn't want them to know. So please be careful. It's usually smart to leave details like names, areas (Location), and activities that are a little... controversial out of this area.

Keep it PG-!5!- Now I understand that you may want everyone to know that you were doing a little sum-sumin' with your Bf/Gf behind the school, but we do have younger people here. We're pretty lenient here at LnF but if something is waaaaay to obscene, we will delete it. And give you a warning.

Have fun!- Okay, not really the most descriptive rules, but please enjoy learning about one another and feel free to vent/rant/sob/laugh/smirk/what-have-you in this Forum. =3 But stick to the rules.