
I never dream that much. The few dreams I did have I didn't like them. Not because they were nightmares, but because in some way they came true. Those dreams may have come true, but they never really played through like it did when I dreamed them. However, the end results were almost always the same. So, I guess you can see why I don't like my dreams. After all, what's the point of living life and having surprises thrown at you if you can see the future. I'll tell you what the point is. There is no point. In a way though they have helped me out.

However, I guess you can say this story starts off with one of my dreams. Well, you're right, and it does. Though before I start this story, there is one thing you should know first. I never meant for any of this to happen. If I could, I would find a way to change everything that has happened. Better yet, keep it from ever happening. So now let the story begin.