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Reply [IC] Usafi'tukufu Lands [IC]
[OPEN] I did what I thought was best... METAPLOT ISSUE 2 Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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Pink Myth

PostPosted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 5:12 pm
It had been many days since she had taken on the task of the purity ritual. She had learned many things of herself and felt once against like a newborn cub. Her legs where now free from the heavy items and she could walk around more freely being adapted to the blindness.

She had come across the male that had supposedly known her mate but he had not helped her in finding him. She returned to her colony alone and very upset. She ignored everyone her children her own little bird familiar she ignored. Time passed quickly for her now. She stayed outside in the center of the colony listing and waiting.

Her weight caused a scare in the colony for her not eating. Finally one day her bird finally convinced her to eat something he did this by conning her. Her bird was cunning you see so cunning that he got her to eat by lying to her course he could tell her he himself had been seeking out Kamawi and had been talking to him from the beginning. He had known all that had gone on and even about her cubs.

Fu growled hearing her bird fly off before telling her nothing. She didn't turn to him she just sat back down looking gloomy. She missed him so much but now her mind began to think what she was going to do when he returned. This made her smirk as she began to regain her strength. She seemed to bounce by quickly. She ate her food walked almost daily scouting the border with Koko they two would talk and it might just have been this little cub's imagination but she also thought her mother was starting to feel better about her own cubs reaching out to them more.  
PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 10:36 am
Kokoro'nthanda was walking beside her mother as they did they daily routine in scouting the border of the inner ruin's. Koko green eye's that matched her mother's scanned around where her mother couldn't see. She stopped as well as her mother hearing and feeling her daughter.

Fumananya didn't say anything only let out a small grunt. Koko didn't look away from the bird on the bolder he was large and oddly marked. It didn't help she had never seen a bird like him before. She leaned into her mother side just slightly letting her know they needed to be cautious.

Fu's head tilted back as she began to sniff the air that when she hunched forward letting out a loud growl.

Koko's eyes widened in a mixture of fear and surprise. She hunched forward mirroring her mother's look before waiting waiting for the move. She watched out the cover of her eye then it happened her mother flicked her left ear the ear that was closest to her and the averaged size juvie leopardess dashed across the jungle floor and pounced the bird over the bolder.  

Pink Myth

Pink Myth

PostPosted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 3:50 pm
But before she could get a good grip on the bird it got out of reach letting out a loud screech sound before it flew off. Out raged the dark caramel colored lioness turned to her mother glaring.

"He got away?" Her mother asked as the leopardess let her eyes fall to the ground ashamed.

"Lets go back we need to tell the others." Fumananya spoke calmly though inside she was about to tare her binds apart and hunt down that bird she had caught its sent several times even on her own bird. She wanted to know why it was snooping on her. As she walked she began to catch sent of something interesting.

She turned to her daughter moving closer to her a bit to close causing her daughter to let out a shocked sound before she tripped falling to the ground she laid there submissively as her mother nosed her neck and chest.

Fu said nothing as she turned away from the girl as she began to move quicker now to the colony her heart racing inside her chest. She moved to the old ruin's she once shared with her mate she stood outside before moving slowly inside sniffing around. Was she dreaming....hoping that scent was his just out of torture of not having him for so long?  
PostPosted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 5:50 pm
Fu left the small ruin behind she left the wood pieces the flowers and the mask resting in the middle of the dusty untouched placed. She came out her green eyes looking around the colony. She growled as she walked around before making a slight crescent moon path. She then stopped leaning her head back letting out a loud fearsome roar of which all the colony could hear.

She was calling them together she looked around as a few began to come to her course her children where the first to come they weren't stupid to ignore their mother call.

Again she began to pace about looking at her children how much they had grown she had felt them growing around her but now she was seeing them for the first time since they where cubs.

She then looked to Sayen and Nava's offspring she growled looking to the sons then to the one female that was badly scared. She then looked to the cubs of Kunfuju and Satriyo then to Lulua'line and Dole's cubs. She paced a little more as the parents where soon to follow. She then looked to Nava and Sayen who where the last to come before looking to Sayuri who got there last from her swollen stomach.

"My my I see the colony has flourished more then I thought." she snarled out before she moved over to Koko. The young female stood strong as she looked on ahead.

"My dear tell me who's scent did we find on that little birdy you found earlier?" she purred out evilly her eyes full of enjoyment but not in the happy since no in the thought of torture that would soon come.

Kokoro did not answer at first she looked down to her paws before looking to her mother she took a deep breath as she closed her eyes. "Kamawi...."

( The rp is now open for anyone to reply too. <33 )  

Pink Myth


Tricky Treater

PostPosted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 6:03 pm
Kamau had adored his mother from the moment he had lain eyes on her, but unlike most cubs as they grew his affection for his mother had never waned. He still thought Fu was the sun and the moon, in her eyes were the stars themselves and he would do anything to please his mother. He loved the colony second to his mother and because of that when she had called them he had run and leapt as fast as his growing legs could carry him to arrive at her side. He looked around at first for danger before slowly relaxing.

He looked at his sister surprised by her announcement, why hadn't she shared that bit of news with him? This meant quite a lot to them after all...but Ko did have her own issues. He looked at his mother a long moment wanting to go to her, to nuzzle her and tell her all would be well, but he knew it would be fruitless so he stayed still.
PostPosted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 11:11 am
Ana let a nasty smile curl the edges of her muzzle as she watched Koko, ah her sweet sweet princess...Her ears laid flat back though when her gaze slid to her 'aunt' Fu. Her claws flexed as she watched Fu circling Koko.

When Koko spoke the name, Ana's ears perked curiously. She had heard of the missing male, that he was actually mated to that psycho in tiger stripes that called herself their leader. The mere idea of Fu cause Ana to flex her claws again resisting, just barely, the urge to go to Koko's side.


Pink Myth

PostPosted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 12:19 pm
Fumananya looked around to the colony a moment before looking to Sayen as if cursing here. "Did you hear that? Your brother is trying to return to us. Question is should we do so with no punishment for leaving in the first place." She said snarling a bit now.

"I would have punished you both! You know that thought I took pity on you because you did not leave for very long and you are well..." She chuckled now pausing as she looked at the leopardess. "Female."

Koko blinked a moment looking to her mother then to her 'aunt' she also knew another reason her mother had not done anything was Sayen was pregnant at the time. She then looked to Ana quite glad her mother was still as least somewhat sane.

The adolescent female rose to her full height as she looked to her mother smirking slightly. "Mother...if you smelt him on the bird what are we doing sitting here...waiting? Waiting for what? Why not go out-" She was cut off by a snarl from her moth her ears flattened against her head as she cowered slightly her eyes glance slowly to Ana a moment before looking to Kailash.

She shook her head softly as she laid down on her stomach crawling over to her mother. "Mother listen..." She said softly as she moved over to her waiting her tail flicking slightly behind her testing the waters. Fu seemed to calm slightly seeing his daughter's submissiveness.

"If we go now we could find him I'm sure of it...me and Kamau know his scent just as much as you let us go let us find him." She said looking to her mother getting a bit nervous as she froze her mother moving over to her pressing her forehead against hers.

"Yes...yes do this for me Koko." She whispered to her. "Kamau follow you sister!" She told her son sternly before looking to Ana growling. "You!" She said with much disgust but she knew this task she must place in her hands.

"Make sure my daughter and son return." She said before looking to Sayen and Nava glaring at them before hissing and turning around and walking off to the ruin stairs to make her way up.

Koko turned to her brother and her dearest friend. She took a deep breath before turning to where she had first meet then bird running off quickly knowing they would follow.  
PostPosted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 12:44 pm

Confusion, irritation, and a sudden burst of hope filled him, Kamawi, his mothers mate, but...not his true father. Yet he had never thought of the missing male as anything but a father, for so long. His body tensed but he nodded towards his mother. "Yes mama!"

He leapt after Koko and nodded for her to head off before quickly running after her. They were going to actually meet him, and if he accepted them...then maybe Fu would finally love them too. He could picture it all in his head, his parents together, and all of them as a family, unbroken.

The image made him relax and he kept pace with his sister excitedly scenting the air. The smell was familiar to him from so long ago when he and his sister had explored the private den of his mother and her mate. He would always remember the scent of the male he so longed to call father.


Tricky Treater


PostPosted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 12:50 pm
Ana's smile was..empty. Completly devoid of all emotion, even her emerald eyes were dead and in a living leopard combined with the massive scar that split her face in two it was....creepy as hell. She slowly rose to her feet, her dead eyes never leaving Fu's. "Nothing will happen to Koko, not while I live Aunt Fu."

She said her name as if it was a curse, something vile that should be scrapped off the skin less it leave a blister. Leaping down from her perch nimbly, she padded slowly after Koko and her brother...which one she didn't know or care. Their names didn't matter to the large female. They were just another creature in her path.
PostPosted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 12:57 pm
Fu walked around growling as she circled the top of the ruins as she watched her children leave going to find her mate. She stopped glaring her mate could he even be called that. She looked to Sayen and Nava as the other colony members all seem to disperse back to their tasks.

She watched the couple closely. This colony used to be hers oh how she wished sometimes that it was once again hers. They did nothing she thought. All they where to the colony where two leopards she was the one that commanded the colony. She let her head roll back as she let out another large roar letting Kamawi know if he was close he was in so much trouble.


Koko looked to her brother then to Ana smiling as she slowed down her pace getting to where she had for the bird she sniffed around getting the birds scent before moving to the tree climb one as she began to track it through the branches.  

Pink Myth


Tricky Treater

PostPosted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 1:00 pm

Kamau followed close to his sister, despite how protective the other female seemed of her. Ana, so this was Ko's special friend then? Well at least it was nice of Ko to be nice to the female, he could see why others might not be. She seemed so gruff around the edges and the way she had spoken to his mama almost made him glare. He turned his thoughts back to the task ahead the roar from his mother making him frown.

He wanted to find Kamawi for her so badly, he wanted to fix things, the tense situation in the colony, his mothers anger and pain. His nose twitched as he followed the scent, but it was fading even as they moved along.
PostPosted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 1:36 pm
The scent of the male, the useless one, they were to track was faint. She really didn't care, her tail twitched behind her annoyed as she padded along after the siblings. So she was to protect these two? Bah well it wasn't much of a challenge. Koko was good at listening and the male....

The scarred leopardess wracked her brain to see if she knew anything about the male. He really didn't matter but perhaps she had some tidbit about the male stashed away in her mind.

Her thoughts scattered when Fu's pain filled/anguished road split the air. A sweet, twisted smile curled the corner of her lips. Ah that made it all worth it to know the striped b***h was in pain and suffering over this....it was enough to actually make Ana happy.


Pink Myth

PostPosted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 3:46 pm
Koko heard her mother cry out but did nothing as she looked to the others before moving forward as she stopped suddenly sniffing around before cursing as she didn't know where to go now. She looked around before jumping to the jungle floor hoping to get some kind of scent.

"Fan out I lost it." She hissed at them not wanting to sound mean she as just to upset with herself for loosing the scent. She looked around as she began to get more and more aggravated her mother was going to kill her. If she tried to come back with nothing she was screwed. She looked to Ana desperation in her eyes.

"Ana we have...we have to find him." She said as she began to shake a little from her anger getting to her as she sat down as tears began to fall from her eyes. "We have to find something!" She yelled as she shook her head.

"We can't go back unless we do you know mother she won't let us rest till she's satisfied!" The young female rasped on as she looked to the other as fear became present. She would hate to think of her mother hating her.  
PostPosted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 4:04 pm

Kamau became equally desperate as the scent faded away into nothingness, they wouldn't be able to pick it back up, that much he knew. He snarled in frustration before turning and frowning as he saw his sister start to panic. Mama was harsh yes, but only because she was so desperate to have back her mate, his forgiveness, and the unity of their colony.

He quickly moved to his sister and licked her cheek softly nuzzling her. "Don't panic now Ko, mama will understand. We'll keep looking...maybe we'll find the trail again a bit further ahead..." He gently placed his paw on his sisters shoulder.

He glanced at Ana, he didn't know why the young female had been sent with them, he could protect his sister just fine alone, besides it was their father they searched for. Still she was Ko's friend, but for now it would be best if they remained to search and Ana went back. "Go tell Fu that Ko and I will continue the search, but the scent trail is gone, please Ana."


Tricky Treater


PostPosted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 4:24 pm
Ana had been fine when Koko turned to her, she had been calm even as she yelled out in fear. It would be ok, Koko knew no harm would come to her while Ana lived...and then that little b*****d opened his mouth. Hell she could have even kept her temper when he moved to lick Koko, she knew it was something the -normals- did for affection...but then he told her to go away.

What started as a low base rumble became a full fledged snarl within seconds as her ears laid flat back against her skull, claws flexing dangerous. That peasant really had -not- just tried to order her away from Koko. "If you wish to inform them of the trail being gone..then go little boy. I am not going anywhere. "

There...that was as calm as she could be given the circumstance....but that calm was a ruse. Inside the rage was building again, the beast that lived inside the brown and orange female, began to peek out of her emerald eyes.
[IC] Usafi'tukufu Lands [IC]

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