Name: Kyōraku Isamu
Aliases/ Nicknames:

Physical Description: Isamu is 5'10" and has brown hair in a fashion resembling that of a young Ukitake. He has crimson red eyes, tanner skin and athletic and strong build.

Age: 24 (died September 10th, 1561)

Zanpaktou's Spirit & Name: User Image

Zanpaktou: Kokkai (黒海: "Black Ocean)
Kokkai, in its sealed form, looks like a normal katana with a dark blue tassel hanging from the end of its' handle. The cloth that is wrapped around the handle is the same dark blue. The hand guard on the sword is triangular and has a serpent thrashing in the ocean engraved in it. (not achieved)

Shikai Release: Ten wo Mizubitashi Nishitekudasai
(天を水浸しにしてください "Drown the Heavens")

Shikai: When released, Kokkai appears in Isamu's hands as two spears, one is a snake tongue halberd and the other is like Kaien Shiba's trident. Both are silver and both have the dark blue tassel like that found on traditional chinese spears. (not achieved)

Bankai:(not achieved)

Special Accessories: none

Skills: not achieved yet

Good Swordsmanship
Hand-to-Hand Combat Trained
Enhanced Speed
Enhanced Strength: all of these traits were achieved in his past life as a warrior on the battlefield

Personality: Aloof at times but also very close to his friends, Isamu is always friendly to people he meets. Unless given a reason, he does not naturally hate anyone. He is composed in even the toughest situations and never backs down from challenges (physical or mental). He tends to be proper and has a weak spot for good looking women.

Biography/History: Isamu was a feared and honored foot soldier during the Sengoku period of Japan. His reputation for being fearless and aloof on the battlefield was his undoing. He was killed in battle be an enemy soldier who disguised himself as one of Isamu's bodyguards. Upon entering Soul Society he found himself alone and very hungry. He was walking in town when he heard the scream of what sounded like a small girl. He followed the sound until he happened upon two men robbing a petite girl. Isamu charged the first robber, jumping in the air and kicking the man in the back of the head. As the first robber went shooting into a wall the second robber tried to kick Isamu. Isamu caught the mans leg with both hands and then threw him right next to the first robber, hitting the same wall and knocking the robber out. The girl thanked him and told Isamu that she was part of the Kyoraku Noble Family, her name was Kyōraku Asako. She invited Isamu to dinner that night to meet her parents and leaders of the family. They thanked Isamu for saving their daughter and wished for him to be inducted into the family. Isamu replied yes to this. Upon Asako's father's wishes, Isamu was sent to the shinigami academy to follow in his "brothers" foot steps and train to be an even better warrior.

Signature/Patented Technique: none yet

Guild Status: (Rank or Level)

Online Schedule: sporadic, whenever I feel like going on
