User ImageShe was quite excited as she waited in the den for Aali to arrive, excited and a little anxious. Motherhood was still so new to her, and a part of her was a little embarrassed because of the fact of what they'd done to create the new life growing inside of her now, knowing full well that the others would know what her pregnancy meant as well, but she wasn't unhappy about it. In some ways her shy nature still manifested strongly from time to time, but at the moment it was in heavy competition with her excitement anyway.

As she sat as calmly as possible, tail sweeping the dirt slowly, she wondered if Aali would return alone or if he'd be too busy for most of the day. She'd asked for permission to return to give him the news, now all that was left was to wait for the Sultan to arrive.

Aali was in high spirits, why wouldn't he be of course? His beautiful Sultana was slowly rounding with the miracle of life and he was going to be a father! A father at last, ahh could life get any better? He loved to lay in his den late into the night and peer at each of his beautiful banu imagining what each would teach the cubs. Taja would tell stories, and Aysel would teach them to hunt, Vika would soothe them when they were sad or afraid. Neema would probably teach them the rules and how to protect one another, and from Amaya his girls would learn grace and his sons the appreciation for beauty. Yes the image was a rather lovely one indeed he was surprised he didn't prance into the den.

He walked in gracefully and shook his mane with a soft huff feeling the heat on his back fade in the sweet shade of his home. Home, of course it wouldn't be home if it weren't for all the love filling it. He grinned as his blue eyes fell on Taja, ah one of his beloved banu. He swiftly moved to nuzzle her and tenderly lick her cheek. "It's nice to find you here, I thought you would have snuck off with Aysel to hunt." He rolled his eyes slightly, no doubt the Sultana wouldn't give up her duty until she wasn't able to walk.

"I was excused to return..." Taja purred, rising to greet him happily. To see him so joyed by the news of Aysel's pregnancy lit a fire in her heart that burned with unending warmth-- in all of their hearts she was sure. She was also so very, very happy for Aysel, finally having the chance to experience motherhood. New litters were something of a daily routine in the Pridelands, or it seemed that way to her at least, so while it was an exciting event for all involved (She hadn't been around many actual pregnant lionesses herself, but had witnessed a birthing or two.), she couldn't help but look at it from what felt like more of a knowing point of view.

Still, it felt really good to be a part of the family that was expecting, to be so immediately there. To think, now she herself would experience it as well, first hand...

"All is well I hope, my dear sultan?" She purred, rubbing her head against his and letting her tongue pass over his face with a lick as well before drawing back enough to meet his eyes again.

User ImageAali smiled and nodded pleased to see how content Taja was, she looked so excited. No doubt they would all be excited and on pins and needles by the time Aysel finally gave birth. Already he felt breathlessly happy, nothing could spoil his high spirits. He tenderly licked Taja's muzzle and rubbed his head against hers.

"Of course, everything is perfect...I am so very blessed to have such a divine harem, the most clever and kind banu in all the pride." He chuckled and nibbled her ear tenderly. This love felt warm and familiar already, with Taja he could relax and share just the same and Aysel but unique as well. The feeling for Vika was growing slowly as well, and moreso since he had begun to realize the true depths of her compassion.

"The harem grows a bit more every day..." She purred in answer, shutting her eyes as he once again began to touch her with innocent affection. Settling closer so that she might lean against him then, she couldn't help giggling a bit. Her ear seemed to be a bit ticklish all of a sudden. Her chuckle died down again slowly, and finally she moved to settle down directly in front of him instead, reaching for one of his paws and bringing it towards her stomach. "A little more every day." Her words repeated, her eyes held firm.

Aali gave a contented nod and chuckled softly against her ear. "Yes the harem is growing, and cubs...finally oh Taja it's so wonderful to think soon we'll have our own cubs running about."

He looked at her stunned by her next words his mouth opening in startled silence. His eyes slowly traveled down to his paw and her stomach and he felt his heart flip flop. Could it be? Could it actually be?

"Taja..." His smile slowly spread wider and wider amazed.

Her own smile grew softly at his response, and freeing his paw once more so that she could move close, she purred. "There may be more little ones than we'll know what to do with at this rate, love." She observed happily.

Another gift oh how lucky he was! He pulled Taja closer with his paw and purred against her cheek grinning widely. Two litters to be born! How many cubs would he soon have filling their den with happiness and love? He nuzzled Taja and murmured against her fur.

"You are such a treasure to me, you will be an excellent mother. You don't know how happy I and Aysel will be mothers together and each of my lovely Banu will have a chance to help and experience the joy of family." He sighed against her neck in contentment, for already the happy image in his head was taking a stronger form. His mind fluttered from names to what his children might look like and how many there would be, he wondered if he could teach Amaya to hunt, for soon they would need all the help they could get.

Her tongue darted forward to groom at what part of his face, ear, and mane she could reach-- alternatively. She was thrilled as well as he was, not only would Aysel be bearing cubs, but she'd get to experience motherhood first hand right along with her harem-sister, the idea was terribly exciting. "Oh, Aali... I can hardly wait for them to be here!"

Very rarely did she raise her voice above her soft spoken tones, only in play, really, but she was too excited to hide it now. Their happiness overall was a blessing, and she was glad to be able to add onto the joy that he already felt with the news of Aysel's pregnancy.

"To see you so happy puts such a smile in my heart." And she really, truly meant it. He had delivered his promise of giving them all a loving family, it was only natural to want him to have such happiness as well, she loved him after all.

"I must find a suitable gift for Aysel and you, my father used to give each of his banu some trinket for each of their birthings to remind them of his devotion. I shall find or make something suitable to remind you and Aysel of my devotion and my love." He bent his head and nuzzled her softly falling silent then for a long moment. His mothers special gift had been a rock painstakingly cracked and smoothed into the shape of a star. He still had it hidden in the den, a painful reminder of the female he had never had the chance to know. His father had given it to him grudgingly before leaving to deal with rogues, he had been flanked by two of his Viziers...none of them had ever returned.

There had been little time to mourn once he realized the dire situation of the pride and luckily Faiz had been there to help him keep a level head. At least from all the pain, all the loss, and time passed...he had his beautiful new banu, and Aysel and Taja would soon give him a beautiful new family. The entire future of the pride was bright enough that in it's light he could still look back and smile at the memories of the past.

"All the gift I could think to hope for I already have." Was her response, though the idea was far from unpleasant, and she hoped he didn't think she would refuse anything he gifted to her. She simply wanted him to know that she was happy already, knew how he felt for them, for her. With a continued rumbling purr she went on leaning against him, savoring the moment. Sooner than any of them could think they'd be amidst all the new little ones, however many there would be.

He lowered his head to nuzzle her, the moment was calm, peaceful, he imagined in their minds they shared mirror like images of the wonderful, joyful, chaotic future that lay ahead. He carefully nudged her and lay down ready to curl up beside her and bask in their mutual joy.