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[PRP] I run to you... Aapep and Mawi Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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Mega Streaker

PostPosted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 11:41 am
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Mawi Mai let out a small sigh as she waded out of the lake's water. Her fur was wet and her body was clean, it was about time that she had a chance to take care of herself for a moment. It was odd for her to have some time for herself. She had gotten so busy, pride duties and spending some time with her children. She didn't even have that much time to spend with Aapep on top of that she wasn't feeling that great lately. Her stomach had been hurting and she had been really tired. Her mother told her it was most likely a cold.


Mawi stopped where she was and sniffled a bit. "Awwwh." She huffed slightly before shaking the water off of her pelt. Most of it anyway, her fur was still slightly wet. She grunted before moving toward her pile of items. The only thing she kept on was the beads in her hair. She smiled slightly and started slipping her shakers on along with her drum around her neck. She was moving a little more slow that normal. She really must not have been moving that great. Normally she would already be bounding away from the lake, with her items on. Instead she was sitting back on her haunches with her eyes half closed. She was trying to hold back another sneeze.

She grumbled slightly and sniffled again before looking down at her fur, leaning over and cleaning some of the water off of her legs. She shook her head a few times trying to get the water out of her 'mane' before leaning down and looking at her flower before slipping it behind her ear. Aapep always got her a new flower once one died. She had no clue where he got them from some times. She really never saw them that much but he always managed to get them for her. They made her feel special. Just the idea of it some times made her smile.
PostPosted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 11:46 am
"I can hear you sneezing from miles away, dear heart." Aapep chuckled, moving over to his mate with slow, heavy steps of his great paws. He had been seeking her out in an attempt to cheer her up. Perhaps they could go for a walk, or dance as they had the night they had told one another of their love. He smiled at so fond a memoruy.

"Should you really be bathing when you have a cold?" He worried for her, especially when she wasn't in top health - which normally she was.

He drew close and reached up to touch the flower she had threaded behind her ear. "But cold or not, you're still beautiful. Are you feeling any better this morning?"


Fuzzy Kitten


Mega Streaker

PostPosted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 11:54 am
Mawi Mai jumped at the sound of some one talking to her. She was completely caught off guard by it. At that point she couldn't fight it anymore she sneezed again before blinking shaking her head and sniffing once more. "Really?" She asked as she looked at him with a bit of a shy smile on her face. "Well..." Her voice trailed for a second before she shrugged. "Oh well... I told Kitambi that I'm going to be taking a few days off." She laughed slightly before shrugging. "So I can relax for a little bit."

She shrugged as she looked at her mate then laughed slightly. "I probably shouldn't be, but my fur was so dirty." She gave a small smile before moving closer to her mate and nudging him slightly. "I'll be alright. It's mostly sniffles." She nodded, it must not have been that bad, she hadn't seen anyone else that she had encountered recently also become sick. It might have been just because she needed a break.

"You have such a way with words love." She giggled slightly, she could feel a very small blush rise on her cheeks. "I'm feel a little better." She nodded before closing her eyes as she rested her head against his chest, nuzzling her head into his mane. "I'm feeling a lot better than I did the other day."
PostPosted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 11:58 am
"Sorry if I startled you." He apologised quickly, moving to bump heads with her. "I'm glad you've been given a little time off. You've been working so hard recently, and now that the children are more able to care for themselves, it'll give us a chance to spend some time together."

He hooked his chin over her shoulder, purring quietly. "It worries me...when you don't feel yourself. If I can do anything to help make you feel better, you'll let me know, right?"

"Did you have any plans for today?"


Fuzzy Kitten


Mega Streaker

PostPosted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 12:17 pm
Mawi Mai shook her head a bit before chuckling slightly. "It's alright Aapep. It's not as bad as the cubs in the pride startling me. She giggled before nipping at him slightly. "There are so many of them who like to sneak up on me." She licked his maw then flicked her tail around. "I'm glad to have some time off. I'm more than sure that Kita can take care of it. The only thing is that I have to check on the drums in the morning to make sure everything was in order." She giggled slightly before nudging him. "But I have some time to spend with you." She loved the way that sounded. She nipped at him then nuzzled him.

"Thank you. I'm feeling a lot better, just some sniffles and sneezes mostly." She nodded before sniffling once more as if her body was trying to prove the statement. She licked his nose then leaned into him a bit. "I'll let you know." She purred quietly closing her eyes and relaxing as much as she can.

"I don't have any plans that I know of." She giggled before looking up at him and smiling. "Do you have and plans for me?" She laughed slightly looking at him with an excited face. "I'm up for anything that you are going to throw at me Aapep."
PostPosted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 12:52 pm
"It's because they adore you." He replied smoothly. "You're so easy to talk to and so much fun. They look up to you." He smiled wider and nudged her back, intent on spending every available moment with her. "That's music to my ears, love."

He bounced away from her and threw a mischievious look at her. "Come on. I'll show you something. I know you'll love it." And with that he was off, moving as fast as his heavy bulk would allow.


Fuzzy Kitten


Mega Streaker

PostPosted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 1:07 pm
Mawi Mai giggled before nudging him slightly. "I'm so happy. I got everything I want. You, cubs, my family... And the job I've always wanted." She nuzzled him then purred a little more. "It is to mine too." She nuzzled into him a little more before closing her eyes, before he knew it she opened her eyes and he wasn't there.

She looked over and noticed him bounding away. She giggled before she started to trot after him as quickly as she could, nipping at his tail as she trotted behind him. "Where are you taking me?" She asked with a giggle and a large smile onf her face.
PostPosted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 10:51 am
He paused and cast her a mischievious look over his shoulder. His eyes sparkled, regaining some of their youthful vitality before the loss of his mother. It seemed Kirjava had been right, after all. Things weren't so bad and sometimes he could feel her spirit and know she was watching him from wherever she may be.

"Wait and see!" He called back, trotting on again at a hastened pace, drumming out the sound of his paws with clean, even strides.

And then the hedgerow greeted him and he forced his way through the tangled growth, edging around the lack to where slabs of flat stone had been laid out across that dark soil. He'd found them all over the lands and brought them here to form a sort of rough mosaic floor. Now they were sunk into the sand and would not be so easily moved. He paused before them and turned to look at her, so beautiful in all her shining spirit.

"And here we are." He announced at length. Grinning as he wondered what she was thinking. Probably that he was mad for bringing her here to see some flat, embedded stones.


Fuzzy Kitten


Mega Streaker

PostPosted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 11:32 am
Mawi Mai looked at her mate before giggling a little more she pushed herself along a little harder she had to catch up with him. She smirked slightly as she started to catch up with him. But she was caught off guard when she disappeared into a group of bushes she grunted slightly as her body hit it not long afterward. She had her eyes closed as she did. After she pushed through her eyes were still closed. She quickly skittered to a stop before opening one of her eyes to peak at where they were. She stood up a little straighter as she tired to figure out where she was. She never remembered going here before, it didn't look like some where she had been before.

She looked around before wandering over to her mate, nuzzling under his chin before purring quietly. "We're here?" she asked again before looking around a bit thinking. "What's here?" She asked curiously as she looked at him. She looked down at the ground, wiggling her toes around on the rocks below her. She was going to admit that it looked really cool however she wasn't that sure what could show up over here. She looked up at him.
PostPosted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 12:24 pm
"Hang on, you'll see soon enough." He grinned at her, clearly looking pleased with himself. After a moment he drew back, sucked in a breath and then stepped onto the platform of rocks. The click of his claws pierced the air and his grin widened.

"I improved my dance." He turned back to her and then experimentally tapped a forepaw. His claws clicked hollowly against the rock and, after a moment, he drew breath and began his dancing. His style was similar to that of tap-dancing, though slower and more thoughtful. He moved ina circle as he went, drumming his forepaws and hindpaws in a practiced rhtyhm against the rock.

He looekd relaxed, looked happy, and it was clear that this had been a recent development. After his mother had died, dancing had been impossible. And then he had found himself again, with the help of others, and this was the result.

He came to a halt and looked across at her, eyes shining. "Well, dear heart, what did you think of my stage and performance?"


Fuzzy Kitten


Mega Streaker

PostPosted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 12:46 pm
Mawi Mai sat back on her haunches with a large smile on her face. She was going to have to wait but she was perfectly fine that with that. "Alright!" She giggled slightly before watching him with a curious face. she was excited to see what he was going to show her. He improved his dance? Mawi Mai couldn't help but to wiggle around in excitement. She knew for a fact that Rahvu was a wonderful dancer and the idea that he was improving made Mawi Mai smile brightly. "Really?" She asked with a bit smile.

She watched him start to dance and she couldn't help but to bring her drum down off of her neck and she started to drum along with his dance, she also started to flick her tail around with the beat. She kept her eyes on him, giggling a bit as she did. She was so happy to see Aapep slowly coming back to his normally self. The Mate that she first started to love. She purred as she watched him starting to stop. She slowed down before a large grin grew on her face. She stood up and bounded over to him, bouncing around him a bit. "That was wonderful Aapep!" She rubbed against his side then under his chin before pausing for a second. "You've improved so much! I'm so lost for words." She bumped heads with him before playfully pulling at one of his ears.
PostPosted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 12:50 pm
Her good mood was contagious and he bounced with her, knocking against her gently and affectionately. He purred as she rubbed against him and closed his eyes to savour the moment between them.

"We always did make beautiful music together." He purred, reaching out to touch her nose with his.

The world was his drum, the earth his source of music. The bouncy step he had as a youth had become practiced and honed, and yet it still maintained that joyous, naivity of youth.

"It's odd...Mawi, but...somehow, music connects me to her. It's like...I feel closest to her when I dance because I am happy and I know she wanted me to be so."


Fuzzy Kitten


Mega Streaker

PostPosted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 1:00 pm
Mawi Mai giggled even more as she could feel his mood starting to match her own. She wiggled around a bit at the idea of them making wonderful music. She was so happy today, she was already starting to feel better. Something told her a break with Aapep was all that she needed. She was really feeling a lot better. She was feeling like her young self. Then again she almost always did, no matter how old she was. Even with cubs she still acted a lot younger than she was. She loved it even more when she got to act that way around her mate. She purred when his nose touched hers.

"Music connects you to everything." She purred as she lifted a paw to brush back his mane. She sat in front of him and licked his nose. "I use it to connect to my father I never met... And for my sister that I never met." She laughed quietly before smiling at him again and then purred a little louder. "Your mother is watching all of us. I'm more that sure she misses us and she wants us to be happy." She nodded quietly as she pushed herself closer to him, snuggling in his mane once more.
PostPosted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 1:04 pm
He nodded and then after a long moment, dared to ask. "Mawi...would you...would you consider goign out into the world to find your lost family?" He had never cared to meet his own father, but he had met his brother before coming to settle here and he had to say knowing he had a sibling made him feel a lot happier.

"I mean...especially your sister. Do you...ever wonder about what they're like? What they're doing now?"

He paused, wondering why anyone would choose to leave this place so willingly. He could never leave it. Not ever.


Fuzzy Kitten


Mega Streaker

PostPosted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 1:15 pm
Mawi Mai was a little caught off guard, well really caught off guard by her mate's question. She closed her eyes for a moment as she thought. "I... I do some times." She looked down at her paws for a moment. :some times I wonder why he picked her and not me or my sister. I mean... I don't complain not at all I'm happy here. But I wonder why she isn't here. I wonder if she looks for me..." She looked down at ehr paws before shrugging.

"Some times I want to wander away for a little bit, but... I don't know." She laughed quietly to herself before smiling at him gently. "Maybe some time me and you should wander away a bit, you know. Find my sister at least... Maybe I can meet your brother too." she flashed a grin at him again before nuzzling into a little more before shrugging "I don't know. Right now... It doesn't seem right."
[IC] Nchi'mahadhi Lands [IC]

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