Name: Dosico Addross

Aliases/ Nicknames: None

Physical Description: Has short messy brown hair, very slim yet muscular. Has dark blue eyes. He has a scar in the shape of a X on his neck.

Age: 18 (Was killed by his drunk father who got pissed at him for breaking a dish.)

Zanpaktou's Spirit & Name: Aroyumi the shadow demon. A being of pure darkness, has bright crimson eyes.

Zanpaktou: Not achieved

Shikai Release: Gyomiki

Shikai: Not achieved

Bankai: Not achieved

Special Accessories: None

Skills: Stealth, speed.

Abilities: None

Personality: Calm, friendly, nice, adventurous.

Biography/History: Dosico has just died a few days ago, he has yet to actually become a soul reaper yet. He was found in the human world wandering about by another soul reaper, and is being held until the soul society decides what to do with him.

Signature/Patented Technique: None

Guild Status: Member

Online Schedule: Pacific time 2-6 PM (Until i get my own place. =p)