Name: Audun Ragnarok ((sounds like ow-done rag-na-rock))

Physical Description: Audun is 6’2” and 180 pounds, is well built and compact. He has shaggy black hair that is always kept neat. He wears a black gasmask, in order to breathe properly. He has pale skin and dark circles around his eyes, added to the fact he rarely opens his eyes more than half way, making him look tired all the time. The color of one of his eyes changes depending on his mood, generally grey for his apathetic nature, but can vary from red to yellow to green to blue and back again, but he hides it with an eye patch so as not to reveal his emotions.

Age: 1300 years old, appears to be about 25, Born 7/12/684 A.D. died 10/31/709 A.D.

Zanpaktou's Spirit & Name: Esor. Esor takes the appearance of a dragon with a black rose in his left hand, and a trident in his right.

Shikai Release (Not achieved): Show your thorns, branch and multiply

Shikai: In shikai, Esor splits two swords. One blade is quite large (about five feet long and three feet wide at the widest points. The blade branches in many directions, increasing its cutting surface area. Its ability is that anything that is cut by it will have thorn vines grow instantaneously and start to wrap around the victim, stabbing them with poisoned barbs. The other blade takes the shape of a short but wide trident (about one foot wide, three and a half feet long, not including handle), plain hilt and sword handle. It can shoot black elements from it (i.e. black fire, lightning, ice, and wind). It can also be charged for a powerful energy blast, but consumes a lot of Audun’s energy. At this point Audun begins to fight like a berserker, giving in to his battle senses. While the finesse is removed, he is still a champion class fighter. ((For those that don’t know what kind of fighting style that is, it is how Hollow Ichigo fights))

Bankai (Not achieved): “The dark emperor wields the rose in an iron fist, calls upon the dragon of hell as his beast of burden. Destroy all that you see, Esor.”
Bankai: Audun dons animal pelt armor and summons a giant dragon, and stands on the head. In this position, he can make the dragon fire huge blasts of energy, capable of leveling mountain ranges, but needs a five-minute recharge between blasts. The dragon can also fire off small, less powerful blasts, but can do so much more rapidly. Audun can also use verbal commands from anywhere in a 3 mile radius to do as he sees fit. The abilities of his shikai are increased greatly, as is his speed and strength. He can also go into a berserker rage, and will kill any and everything in sight, friend or foe. Once he goes into his rage, he cannot stop until the battle is over, or he is beheaded and dismembered.

Special Accessories: The hand accessory is a disc that is strapped to the back of his left hand and has a yin-yang on it. It also has five thick needles like prongs that are attached to unbreakable strings inside of the disc. The needles can be used as projectiles, are poisonous, whereas the disc acts as a small shield, and can absorb energy from Audun’s surroundings and store them, acting as a reserve tank for Audun’s use. Audun also gains added physical strength and speed.

Skills: Audun is a well-balanced individual, and has not yet had the opportunity to learn any special abilities. He will, however, update when he does.

Abilities: See above.

Personality: Audun is a self-proclaimed misanthrope, and as such is not fond of people or large gatherings. He is apathetic most of the time and can portray a negative, antisocial attitude. However, this is not the case, as though he is very comfortable being alone he still enjoys good conversation on topics such as philosophy and strategy. He does not make friends easily, but once he does, they are immediately his closest and dearest companions.

Biography/History: Audun in life was the only son of a Norse Viking in 684 A.D. When he was still an infant, his family was exiled from their village, and the family began to wander the sea aimlessly. Somehow, the family eventually made it to Japan when Audun was about 13 years old. It was at this time that Audun met Rin, his first and only love. While growing up, he was trained in both the berserker fighting style of his heritage and the refined skills of a Japanese warrior. He also received a formal education, and excelled in philosophy and history. On his wedding night, his home burned down, killing Rin when a beam fell on her as they were attempting to escape. Audun, struck by this horror, refused to leave, dying of smoke inhalation. He awoke in Rukongai with his memories intact, and spent the next 1300 years trying to find his love. Accepting defeat only when he had searched every square inch of Rukongai, Audun gave up all hope and developed his current personality. It was then that he was discovered by a shinigami who offered Audun a place in the Spiritual Arts Academy, due to his latent powers and extremely large reiatsu. Seeing no other alternative worth pursuing, Audun accepted
Audun quickly rose in the ranks, taking on difficult missions early on. It was during one of these missions that Audun was attacked by a unique hallow, who released a poisonous gas every time it was cut, in equal amount to the damage received. Audun defeated the hallow in three blows, but because of breathing the gas, his esophagus and lungs were permanently damaged. In an attempt to save his life, he was healed and a gas mask was attached to his face, completely covering his nose and mouth, and can only be removed for a short time, in order to eat and drink. While Audun has made some recovery since then, he still needs the mask in times of extreme stress or physical exertion.

Signature/Patented Technique: None yet.

Online Schedule: I am on every day, sporadically, mostly late at night (i.e. two am), but sometimes during the day, usually at least six hours total.