Name: Fujustu Himegimi (Magic Princess)
Aliases/ Nicknames: Shorty

Physical Description: Fujustu is a skinny and small girl. She has white eyes and long, black hair That heands down across her face. She is not very muscular and has fair skin. She wears the standad soul reaper uniform with her zanpakuto on her left side, a bottle of sake hanging on her right side

Age: 89
Age at Death: 13 on the 22nd of July 1933

Zanpaktou's Spirit & Name: Sabishii Kishi (Lonely Knight)
Sealed State:
A golden guard with a light blue handle and a dark blue sheath. The blade of my zanpakuto is made of a hard, black material which is unknown to the Soul Society.
A medieval knight with silver armour. He wears no helmet and holds a shield with a wind symbol on it.
Inner World:
In my inner world is a castle floating on top of a cloud. There are no plants and no water, just a castle.

Zanpaktou: achieved

Shikai Release: Give it your all, Sabishii Kishi

Shikai: not achieved

Bankai: not achieved

Special Accessories: Carries a bottle of sake around with her.

Skills: Somewhat skilled in hakuda and zanjusta but not a master

Abilities: Working on my shunpo, hand to hand combat and sword fighting

Personality:A quiet girl. She spends most of her days sitting under a tree, drinking sake and watching the many different soul reapers walk by. She keeps mostly to herself and does not share much about herself. She enjoys peaceful days and the sun setting at night. She hates it when she is woken up for no reason and fighting for no good reason. She loves drinking sake and watching the sun set at the same time.

She takes great pride in her hair and does not let anyone touch it. When people tease her about her size she just ignores them or even starts to teasing herself for fun.

Biography/History: Born in a small village in the north part of Canada on the 26th of June, 1920. A few years later, Fujustu was abandoned by her parents and was forced to wonder the streets as a toddler. As she grew, she began to notice strange people walking around. She stopped and talked to some of the people but she noticed people that passed by her, gave her a funny look.

10 years later, Fujustu was found by a police officer and then put up for adoption. A family adopted her but she never spoke to them. She stayed in her room most of the day and never make any friends at school. 5 years after she was adopted, Fujustu was walking home from school a long a frozen river, when she heard screaming. She ran ahead and saw that two boys had fallen through the frozen ice and were just hanging on. She started to climb across the ice to them. She grabbed one boy and slowly made her way back to the shore with him. By the time she got to the shore, a group of people had showed up. She let go of the boy and made her way back to the other boy. She got him out and started walking back. But the ice started to crack. She quickly lifted the boy and threw him to the shore. Just as she did the ice gave way and she fell through. As she fell through, she banged her head, killing her instantly.

As the police searched for her body, Fujustu watched and waited for them. Days later, as she watched the police, she noticed the two boys had returned. They left her flowers. The boys returned every couple of days with new flowers for her. She knew that she had done a great thing but wished to see her body one more time. After a month of looking, they finally gave up. Fujustu stayed by the river, looking for her body. Days later, a man wearing a black kimono and a sword walked up to her. She looked at him and he introduced himself. She was surprised that he could see her. He told her that he was a soul reaper and all about the Soul Society. Once he finally convinced her to go, he performed the konso and she was sent to the Soul Society.

She came to the Soul Society and lived in the 25th Rukongai district. She had no family and was left to wander all by herself. She wandered for months till she came across the Soul Reaper Academy. She joined and began her Soul Reaper training.

Years later she finally graduated from the Soul Reaper Academy in hakuda and zanjustu and has applied to join the 6th squad.

Signature/Patented Technique: none (still working on)

Guild Status: member

Online Schedule: I'm in Australia so my time may be different but i'm mostly on everyday but i could be on at during 4pm and 9pm on weekdays and all day on the weekend.