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org suruh aq sebarkan....aq cuma ikut je..

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 22, 2009 12:03 am
Demi Allah, sebarkan...berita ini....Melayu Muslim dalam bahaya


Tolong Sebar !!!

Orang yg tersesat ===>

Nama saya Salleh Bin Omar, nama Kristian Joseph. Saya dilahirkan di
Kedah pada 5/5/1940, bapa saya seorang India Muslim dan mak saya orang Banting, Selangor. Bapa saya telah pulang ke India dan emak saya berada di Kedah,Pondok Kg Pisang. Pada 1970 saya telah pergi ke Johor Bahru untuk mencari kerja bersama-sama kawan-kawan tetapi gagal. Saya terpaksa tidur di stesen keretapi. Saya telah bertemu dengan seorang paderi bernama Father Chong. Kami diberi layanan istimewa, tem! pat tinggal, makan dan minum dan tinggal selama 2 tahun. Kami diajar sembahyang dalam bahasa Inggeris.

Pada satu hari iaitu dalam tahun 1974, saya telah bertemu dengan
seorang paderi besar di Malaysia , dari Kuala Lumpur bernama Kamaruddin Hj Ahmad. Beliau telah membawa saya tinggal di seksyen 14, Jalan Gasing, Petaling Jaya. Kami belajar selok belok agama Kristian di Gereja Jalan Gasing dan dibina khas! untuk orang Melayu beragama Islam (ada hingga sekarang).Setelah satu tahun saya tinggal disana, saya telah dihantar ke Indonesia selama 6 bulan, belajar cara-cara untuk sembahyang orang mati, talkinkan orang dan macam-macam lagi dalam Bahasa Malaysia..

Saya belajar sekali dengan Ibu Tien Suharto yang menjadi pemimpin
Agong Wanita Kristian seluruh Asia dan Bendahari Agong wanita Kristian seluruh Indonesia . Saya pulang ke Malaysia , kemudian dilantik sebagai pendakwah dari Perlis hingga ke Johor Bahru..

Oleh! kerana saya aktif di gereja, saya dihantar pula ke Filipina
selama 1 bulan, belajar selok belok Kristian dalam bahasa Inggeris dan
Bahasa Malaysia kerana terdapat orang Malaysia ,Singapura dan orang
Filipina. Kemudian saya balik ke Malaysia sebagai pendakwah dibayar RM60.00 sehari, kenderaan percuma, seramai 6 orang. Selepas itu dihantar ke Singapura selama 1 bulan di Port Carzy bersama En Aziz orang Telok Intan. Beliau adalah Setiausha Agong Persatuan Melayu Kristian Singapura. Beliau juga adalah bekas Tentera Udara Di Raja dan berhenti memegang jawatan setiausha agong Kristian Singapore ... Apabila dilantik ke gereja saya masih lagi ketua dakwah bersama 6 orang kawan.

Saya dihantar ke Baptish Church di Ipoh, dibekalkan duit RM1, 400.00,
bersama 2 orang kawan dan sebuah kereta untuk mengkristiankan
pelajar-pelajar dan pemuda-pemuda Negeri Perak. Pada bulan Januari saya berasa tak tenteram dan telah bertemu dengan Tuan Ibrahim, Kadi daerah Ipoh dan membawa saya bertemu MuftiNegeri Perak dan En Azlan, Pengarah Jabatan Agama dan saya terus bertaubat.

Jumlah Kristian seramai 3,000 orang telah dikristiankan, terutama
penduduk Negeri Perak dan Johor Bahru, Manjoi dan Rapat Setia (Perak).
Cara hendak mengenali mereka Lelaki - Berseluar hitam, berbaju putih, bertali leher hitam, bawa beg James Bond (elaun satu hari RM60.00 ). Perempuan - Berbaju putih skirt hitam dan reben hitam.

Di Kuala Lumpur - Daya Bumi, Kota Raya dan Sg Wang Plaza.

Cara-cara berdakwah:
Mereka akan menemubual, tanya asal terutama pencari kerja. Pendakwah akan belanja makan apa saja, mempelawa tempat tinggal(asrama 120 katil, makan disediakan) didakwah dengan kaset, cara perlahan-lahan diajak sembahyang dengan diberi satu cross selepas dibawa sembahyang akan diberi sejenis air hitam (holy water). Setelah diberi minum-1 minggu lidah menjadi hitam! , tidak boleh mengucap dan mendengar azan macam menutup telinga hal dakwah Islam tidak mahu. Air itu khusus untuk orang Islam sahaja. Kewangan gereja RM12..6 juta, sumber dari Sabah , Serawak ,Filipina dan Singapura.

Motorola adalah penyokong dakwah Kristian ini (terletak di Petaling
Jaya, Pulau Pinang dan Senawang). Senawang terlibat seramai 200 orang, ketua di Senawang, Haji Hanapi Saat dan Hj Ismail orang Sungai Petani Kedah.
Haji Hanapi bekas guru - akibat desakan hidup terpengaruh dengan Kristian.
Sekolah yang paling teruk dilanda Kristian ialah Victoria Institution.
Pengetuanya En Ismail Rahim. 20 orang telah Kristian-susah untuk
diberi nasihat kerana kebanyakannya anak menteri dan datuk-datuk. Di Ipoh

Sekolah Tengku Abd Rahman (STAR)- 2 orang .

Sekolah teknik seorang pelajar perempuan (bersalib) telah bertaubat, bila saya tanya, katanya untuk main-main saja, akhirnya dia bertaubat.. Banting Kamariah bt Sidek -
lepasan sekolah ditarik oleh seorang guru Cina (pendakwah Cina dibayar RM165.00 sehari) En Salleh Omar yang menawarkan cek sebanyak RM10 juta kepada Yusof Noor untuk mengadakan persidangan Kristian sedunia (sebagaimana tersebar
di akhbar)1982.

Salasiah bt Sidek- Sekolah Tengku Khursiah, Seremban balik ke Nibong
Tebal, accident motor, didalam tudungnya ada salib. Punca terjebak
dalam Kristian:
1. Desakan hidup
2. Kurang agama
Beliau telah dapat menarik semula 300-400 orang kepada Kristian.
Beliau sekarang bekerja dengan Badan Kebajikan Islam Perak. Beliau
mendedahkan juga matlamat 1990 untuk menawan satu Malaysia/Brunei kepada Kristian. Padri Besar di Malaysia ialah Kamaruddin Hj Ahmad. Pairin Ketingan adalah penaungnya dan saya sebagai timbalan padri itu. Beliau telah dihantar ke Melaka (masjid paling banyak). Beliau pergi setiap masjid bertanya imam dan bilal untuk membuat kajian mengapa umat Islam malas ke masjid. Selepas mesyuarat 3 hari saya hantar 6 orang pendakwah, tidak sampai sebulan 400 orang telah masuk Kristian di Melaka.

Target Kristian: Pemuda yang tidak faham agama, ada yang tidak tahu
Fatihah dan dengan rock-pameran di kapal-kapal. Cara untuk masuk
Kristian, mereka perlu gambar 2 keping dan duit setem $7.00 pergi ke
mahkamah di Selangor, Kedah, Kuala Lumpur angkat sumpah. Nama dalam kad pengenalan tidak ditukar (! sukar nak dikesan) Beliau beri penerangan kepada
1. Polis Bukit Aman, 2. Pusat Islam (untuk menyedarkan umat Islam) Bila dibaca kitab tidak akan terpengaruh dengan Kristian ini.

Seorang bekas padri Abd Rahman Yaakob (Pengarah Anti Dadah,Batu
Gajah) pernah menjadi padri selama 23 tahun. En Abd Rahman adalah
berdakwah didalam bahasa Inggeris. Beliau sebagai padri dikenakan 4 syarat
1. Tidak boleh hisap rokok
2. Tidak boleh minum arak
3... Tidak boleh makan benda! -benda berdarah
4. Tidak boleh kahwin.

Holy water dibawa dari Indonesia (Ketua padri Indonesia ) bapak Bruto
yang menyediakan air ini. Percetakan buku-buku Kristian di Cheras telah disiasat dan mereka ada lesen. Ketua padri Kamaruddin Hj Ahmad. Dalam pada berdakwah Kristian sebanyak 3 negeri tak boleh dimasuk Kristian iaitu,Kelantan, Kedah dan Terengganu, mereka pernah dipukul hingga patah tangan.

PENGUMUMAN - HARAP DISAMPAIKAN! KPD ORANG ISLAM KITA "Sebarkanlah walau satu ayat pun" (Sabda Rasulullah SAW) "Nescaya
Allah memperbaiki bagimu amalan-amalanmu dan mengampuni bagimu
Dan barangsiapa mentaati Allah dan Rasul-Nya, maka sesungguhnya ia telah
mendapat kemenangan yang besar."

(Surah Al-Ahzab:71) demi kebaikan kita bersama untuk
suami,isteri, anak-anak, kaum keluarga,saudara- mara, sahabat-handai dan
generasi akan datang yang kita sayangi. 'Agungkanlah dan laungkanlah
'Allah hu Akbar'....maha suci Allah.


Disebar oleh Hariz a.k.a Re3Z
wahmbulance.gif wahmbulance.gif  
PostPosted: Sun Nov 22, 2009 12:04 am
sape2 yg pandai translate...tolong la translate..
aq pandai..tapi ayat tu pnjang sngat..susah sket la  


Shinigami Vayth

Newbie Hunter

PostPosted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 11:43 pm
sape2 yg pandai translate...tolong la translate..
aq pandai..tapi ayat tu pnjang sngat..susah sket la

Uhh. it won't do any good if no one translate it.. At least you should try translate it too.. I'll help the second half with the translation..  
PostPosted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 7:40 am
Here let me translate it...
By Allah, distribute this story ... .... Malay Muslims in danger


Please diffusion!

Straggler ===>

My name is Omar Bin Salleh, the Christian name Joseph. I was born in
Kedah on 5/5/1940, my father and an Indian Muslim mak my people Banting, Selangor. My father had returned to India and my aunt is in Kedah, Pondok Kg Pisang. In 1970 I went to Manila to find work with friends but failed. I had to sleep in the train station. I have met a priest named Father Chong. We are given special treatment, tem! pat stay, eat and drink and live for 2 years. Our prayers are taught in English.

On one day in the year 1974, I met with
a great priest in Malaysia, from Kuala Lumpur called Hj Kamaruddin Ahmad. He has brought me to live in section 14, Jalan Gasing, Petaling Jaya. We study the consequences Christian Church in Jalan Gasing and built special! for the Malays are Muslims (there are up to now). After one year I lived there, I was sent to Indonesia for 6 months, learning how to worship the dead, talkinkan kinds of people and more in Bahasa Malaysia ..

I learned once the capital of Tien Suharto became leaders
Agong Christian Women throughout Asia and Treasurer Agong Christian women throughout Indonesia. I returned to Malaysia, then appointed as missionaries from Perlis to Johor Bahru ..

By! because I am active in church, I was sent to the Philippines
for 1 month, learn the consequences Christians in English and
Bahasa Malaysia because there are people Malaysia, Singapore and the
Philippines. Then I return to Malaysia as missionaries paid RM60.00 per day, free of vehicles, about 6 people. After that was sent to Singapore for 1 month in Port carzy with Mr. Aziz people Telok Intan. He is Secretary Agong Malay Christian Association of Singapore. He also is a former Royal Air Force and held the position of Secretary majestic stop Christians Singapore ... When I was appointed to the church is still the leader of da'wah with 6 friends.

I was sent to Baptish Church in Ipoh, supplied money of RM1, 400.00,
with 2 persons and a car to a friend mengkristiankan
students and young men Perak. In January I feel peaceful and I met with Mr. Ibrahim Kadi Ipoh district and took me to meet MuftiNegeri Silver and Mr. Azlan, Director of the Department of Religion and I continue to repent.

Total Christians over 3,000 people have been dikristiankan, especially
population of Perak and Johor Bahru, Manjoi and Meetings Setia (Silver).
How to identify them Men - Berseluar black, white berbaju, equipped with a rope neck black, carry bag James Bond (allowance of RM60.00 per day). Women - Berbaju white skirt and black ribbon black.

In Kuala Lumpur - Bumi Daya, Kota Raya and Sg Wang Plaza.

Ways preached:
They will be interviewed, the original question, especially job-seekers. Missionaries would spend eat anything, inviting place to live (120-bed dormitory, meals provided) didakwah with cassette, how slowly invited prayer with a cross given after the prayer will be carried a black water (holy water). After 1 week given drink-a black tongue! , Can not say Adhan and hear things like closing the ears do not want the Islamic da'wah. Water is special to Muslims only. Financial church RM12 .. 6 million, sources from Sabah, Serawak, Philippines and Singapore.

Motorola is a supporter of this da'wah Christian (located in Petaling
Jaya, Penang and Senawang). Senawang involved about 200 people, leaders in Senawang, Haji Ismail Hj Hanapi When people and Sungai Petani Kedah.
Hajj Hanapi former teachers - due to insistence of life influenced by Christianity.
Schools that Christianity is the worst hit Victoria Institution.
Pengetuanya Mr. Rahim Ismail. 20 people have been difficult for Christians
given advice because most children minister-grandfather and grandfather. In Ipoh

Sekolah Tengku Abdul Rahman (STAR) - 2 persons.

A technical school girls (bersalib) have repented, when I asked, he said, for fun, eventually he repents .. Banting Kamariah bt Sidek --
school leavers pulled by a Chinese teacher (Chinese missionaries paid RM165.00 per day) Mr. Omar Salleh offering RM10 million to check Yusof Noor to hold conferences Christians worldwide (as spread
in press) 1982.

Salasiah bt Sidek Tengku Khursiah-School, Seremban back to the Mahakam
Thick, motor accident, in tudungnya no cross. Causes trapped
in Christianity:
1. Insistence life
2. Less religious
He was again able to attract 300-400 people to Christianity.
He now works with the Islamic Welfare Body Perak. He
1990 goal to expose also captured a Malaysia / Brunei to Christianity. Great pastor in Malaysia is Kamaruddin Hj Ahmad. Pairin Ketingan is penaungnya and I as the deputy cleric. He was sent to Melaka (Mosque at most). He went every mosque imam and bilal asked to research why the Muslims to the mosque lazy. 3 days after the meeting I sent 6 people missionaries, not until a month 400 people have entered Christianity in Malacca.

Target Christian Youth who do not understand religion, you have no idea
Rock-Fatihah and the exhibition at the ship. How to enter
Christians, they need 2 pieces of photo stamps and money to go to $ 7.00
court in Selangor, Kedah, Kuala Lumpur host oath. Name in the identity card has not been changed (! Difficult I found) he gave information to
1. Bukit Aman Police, 2. Islamic Center (to realize Muslims) If you read books will not be affected by these Christians.

A former cleric Abdul Rahman Yaakob (Director of Anti Drugs, Stone
Elephant) had been pastor for 23 years. En Abd Rahman is
preached in English. He was charged as a pastor 4 conditions
1. Can not hisap cigarettes
2. Can not drink alcohol
3 ... Can not eat things! bloody-thing
4. Can not marry.

Holy water brought from Indonesia (The Indonesian cleric) father Bruto
providing this water. Printing books Christianity in Cheras has been investigated and have their license. Chief cleric Ahmad Hj Kamaruddin. In the Christianity preached by 3 states that Christians can not be accessed, Kelantan, Kedah and Terengganu, beaten until they had broken hands.

ANNOUNCEMENT - Please served! KPD MUSLIM WE "Sebarkanlah even one sentence it" (Word of Allah SAW) "would
He practices-improving for you and forgive you amalanmu
your sins.
And whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger, then it has been
get a great victory. "

(Surah Al-Ahzab: 71) for the benefit of us all to
husband, wife, children, the families, relatives, friends and
future generations that we loved. 'Agungkanlah and laungkanlah
'Allah hu Akbar'.... Glory of God.


Disseminated by Hariz a.k.a Re3Z  


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PostPosted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 8:04 pm
klau surat berantai nih , susa aku nk caye stare  
PostPosted: Sat Dec 26, 2009 11:27 pm
Wah! Chrsitian tersebar kepada umat Islam!? Memang menakutkan!  


Mewling Wolf

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 11:50 pm

Here let me translate it...
By Allah, distribute this story ... .... Malay Muslims in danger


Please diffusion!

Straggler ===>

My name is Omar Bin Salleh, the Christian name Joseph. I was born in
Kedah on 5/5/1940, my father and an Indian Muslim mak my people Banting, Selangor. My father had returned to India and my aunt is in Kedah, Pondok Kg Pisang. In 1970 I went to Manila to find work with friends but failed. I had to sleep in the train station. I have met a priest named Father Chong. We are given special treatment, tem! pat stay, eat and drink and live for 2 years. Our prayers are taught in English.

On one day in the year 1974, I met with
a great priest in Malaysia, from Kuala Lumpur called Hj Kamaruddin Ahmad. He has brought me to live in section 14, Jalan Gasing, Petaling Jaya. We study the consequences Christian Church in Jalan Gasing and built special! for the Malays are Muslims (there are up to now). After one year I lived there, I was sent to Indonesia for 6 months, learning how to worship the dead, talkinkan kinds of people and more in Bahasa Malaysia ..

I learned once the capital of Tien Suharto became leaders
Agong Christian Women throughout Asia and Treasurer Agong Christian women throughout Indonesia. I returned to Malaysia, then appointed as missionaries from Perlis to Johor Bahru ..

By! because I am active in church, I was sent to the Philippines
for 1 month, learn the consequences Christians in English and
Bahasa Malaysia because there are people Malaysia, Singapore and the
Philippines. Then I return to Malaysia as missionaries paid RM60.00 per day, free of vehicles, about 6 people. After that was sent to Singapore for 1 month in Port carzy with Mr. Aziz people Telok Intan. He is Secretary Agong Malay Christian Association of Singapore. He also is a former Royal Air Force and held the position of Secretary majestic stop Christians Singapore ... When I was appointed to the church is still the leader of da'wah with 6 friends.

I was sent to Baptish Church in Ipoh, supplied money of RM1, 400.00,
with 2 persons and a car to a friend mengkristiankan
students and young men Perak. In January I feel peaceful and I met with Mr. Ibrahim Kadi Ipoh district and took me to meet MuftiNegeri Silver and Mr. Azlan, Director of the Department of Religion and I continue to repent.

Total Christians over 3,000 people have been dikristiankan, especially
population of Perak and Johor Bahru, Manjoi and Meetings Setia (Silver).
How to identify them Men - Berseluar black, white berbaju, equipped with a rope neck black, carry bag James Bond (allowance of RM60.00 per day). Women - Berbaju white skirt and black ribbon black.

In Kuala Lumpur - Bumi Daya, Kota Raya and Sg Wang Plaza.

Ways preached:
They will be interviewed, the original question, especially job-seekers. Missionaries would spend eat anything, inviting place to live (120-bed dormitory, meals provided) didakwah with cassette, how slowly invited prayer with a cross given after the prayer will be carried a black water (holy water). After 1 week given drink-a black tongue! , Can not say Adhan and hear things like closing the ears do not want the Islamic da'wah. Water is special to Muslims only. Financial church RM12 .. 6 million, sources from Sabah, Serawak, Philippines and Singapore.

Motorola is a supporter of this da'wah Christian (located in Petaling
Jaya, Penang and Senawang). Senawang involved about 200 people, leaders in Senawang, Haji Ismail Hj Hanapi When people and Sungai Petani Kedah.
Hajj Hanapi former teachers - due to insistence of life influenced by Christianity.
Schools that Christianity is the worst hit Victoria Institution.
Pengetuanya Mr. Rahim Ismail. 20 people have been difficult for Christians
given advice because most children minister-grandfather and grandfather. In Ipoh

Sekolah Tengku Abdul Rahman (STAR) - 2 persons.

A technical school girls (bersalib) have repented, when I asked, he said, for fun, eventually he repents .. Banting Kamariah bt Sidek --
school leavers pulled by a Chinese teacher (Chinese missionaries paid RM165.00 per day) Mr. Omar Salleh offering RM10 million to check Yusof Noor to hold conferences Christians worldwide (as spread
in press) 1982.

Salasiah bt Sidek Tengku Khursiah-School, Seremban back to the Mahakam
Thick, motor accident, in tudungnya no cross. Causes trapped
in Christianity:
1. Insistence life
2. Less religious
He was again able to attract 300-400 people to Christianity.
He now works with the Islamic Welfare Body Perak. He
1990 goal to expose also captured a Malaysia / Brunei to Christianity. Great pastor in Malaysia is Kamaruddin Hj Ahmad. Pairin Ketingan is penaungnya and I as the deputy cleric. He was sent to Melaka (Mosque at most). He went every mosque imam and bilal asked to research why the Muslims to the mosque lazy. 3 days after the meeting I sent 6 people missionaries, not until a month 400 people have entered Christianity in Malacca.

Target Christian Youth who do not understand religion, you have no idea
Rock-Fatihah and the exhibition at the ship. How to enter
Christians, they need 2 pieces of photo stamps and money to go to $ 7.00
court in Selangor, Kedah, Kuala Lumpur host oath. Name in the identity card has not been changed (! Difficult I found) he gave information to
1. Bukit Aman Police, 2. Islamic Center (to realize Muslims) If you read books will not be affected by these Christians.

A former cleric Abdul Rahman Yaakob (Director of Anti Drugs, Stone
Elephant) had been pastor for 23 years. En Abd Rahman is
preached in English. He was charged as a pastor 4 conditions
1. Can not hisap cigarettes
2. Can not drink alcohol
3 ... Can not eat things! bloody-thing
4. Can not marry.

Holy water brought from Indonesia (The Indonesian cleric) father Bruto
providing this water. Printing books Christianity in Cheras has been investigated and have their license. Chief cleric Ahmad Hj Kamaruddin. In the Christianity preached by 3 states that Christians can not be accessed, Kelantan, Kedah and Terengganu, beaten until they had broken hands.

ANNOUNCEMENT - Please served! KPD MUSLIM WE "Sebarkanlah even one sentence it" (Word of Allah SAW) "would
He practices-improving for you and forgive you amalanmu
your sins.
And whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger, then it has been
get a great victory. "

(Surah Al-Ahzab: 71) for the benefit of us all to
husband, wife, children, the families, relatives, friends and
future generations that we loved. 'Agungkanlah and laungkanlah
'Allah hu Akbar'.... Glory of God.


Disseminated by Hariz a.k.a Re3Z
PostPosted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 5:12 am
Wah! Chrsitian tersebar kepada umat Islam!? Memang menakutkan!

tp tu kristian yg korup je..  



PostPosted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 11:38 am
Doakan kita semua terpelihara daripada benda2 nih....  
PostPosted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 6:04 pm
Doakan kita semua terpelihara daripada benda2 nih....

Amiiiiiiiiin ............. 3nodding  


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