Name: Alaruna
Aliases/ Nicknames: Runa

Physical Description: Runa has long flowing black hair, fair white skin, and is tall and slender. Usually weres dark clothes mainly black but sometimes she is seen in white dresses. (Pic):User Image

Age: 21

Zanpaktou's Spirit & Name: Kenkou

Zanpaktou: Medevil Cutluss

Shikai Release:



Special Accessories: Healing bandeges and poitions

Skills: cumputers and technology

Abilities: Rogue like skills, picking locks....

Personality: Very quite at first but after getting to know her she can be real talkative and spaztic. Very happy most of the time. When Runa speaks it usually something thats on her mind. When you get to know her you will realize she will speak her mind on certain subjects. She can be very down to earth.

Biography/History: Alaruna was a small child when she and her family were kicked on the streets. Shortly after, her parents died. By the time she was 15 a bartender took her in and let her live in the old shack on the roof of the bar. The bartender's name was Huiki....when she turned 19 she started helping Huiki down in the basement where a lot of street fighting took place. So she became a bartender for the down stairs street fighting club....

Signature/Patented Technique:

Guild Status:

Online Schedule: Just check if I'm on or not. Thats the best way to know if I am on or not. I try to get on everyday befor noon or afternoon....