Remember the preview yesterday that tvN did on Jaebeom, well fans are rather displeased with it.

2ONEDAY Forums reported this:
After the broadcast of the current situation for Jaebeom was revealed, the voices of his agency and his fans have been getting louder and louder.

On the 25th, cable channel tvN's 'E News' released a preview promising a recent update on Jaebeom in Seattle, America.

Fans have been leaving messages on the show's board stating "Jaebeom is not a machine you can use to raise viewer ratings," and "This is an invasion of privacy," clearly expressing their distaste.

A representative of Jaebeom's agency, JYPE, stated "We feel bad."

tvN has stated that after Jaebeom returned to America, he has been working twice a week at a tire shop owned by his father's friend. In his free time, they revealed that he spends busy days practicing piano and dance.

tvN's response:

After the release of a preview on the current whereabouts of Jaebeom in Seattle, fans have been flocking to the show's board and leaving comments of disagreement and begging for the show to leave Jaebeom alone.

A representative of E News spoke with Newsen on the phone and explained "Our corner, titled 'Finding the truth Blackbox' is a corner that was made to defend celebrities in the face of contradiction and bias. Jaebeom is a celebrity himself and so we are using this corner to argue on behalf of Jaebeom as a defense."

The representative went on to state "We went to meet the environment and surroundings of Jaebeom to further see his development and listen to Jaebeom's story. We did not go to collect additional data. We just went to see a more human side of him. We also definitely did not film him secretly."

The show is said to be releasing footage of Jaebeom arriving in Seattle to the moment he got in his car last September.

Really, just leaven him alone. And honestly, the more we bother him, the longer it's gonna take for him to come back to us...