Gennin Level Abilities:

- Jibaku Fuda, ???, literally "Exploding Tag": A small bomb created by mixing chemicals on a paper tag or in a small bag attached to the tag that is then thrown or attached to an object. The time delay depends on the chemicals and how long a ninja holds it before throwing. The chemical containers are usually broken before release or upon impact to create the explosion

- Raikyu, ??, literally "Lightning Ball": This technique uses a small metal ball sometimes on a chain or string which is tossed an an opponent. The ball is electrically charge and releases a shock on contact. This shock ranges depending on the source of the shock the size of the device and the time since it's been activated. This is Nakaru Shoji Guild specific technique. (Created by Hitomi Ryujin)

Chuunin Level Abilities:

- Rasengan, ???, literally "Spiraling Sphere": This technique uses a small circular object on a chain or string to compress and magnify airflow around itself.The ball is whirled around the head or body of the user or tossed at an opponent. It usually has many holes or other surface features designed to create a vortex and pressure wave around the object. In order to work this object needs to be moving at high speeds. Often wielded like a Chinese Dart. Believed to intimidate more then actually inflicts damage.

Jounin Level Abilities:

- Rairyu no Tatsumaki, ?????, literally "Lightning Dragon Tornado": Combining the Rasengan with the Raikyu. This is a very specialized technique that can be very dangerous. It is often said that wielding both the Raikyu and the Rasengan perfectly at once will cause one electricity to spark off and follow a path in the wind created by the Rasengan looking like lightening. (Must have MASTERY of Rasengan and Raikyu)

Master Level Abilities: