Those of you that know me, well, you'll already know that the old ways are going back in place. Those of you that don't, well, welcome to one of the less hospitable parts of the Legion.

The questing subforum.

Anyone is welcome to post a quest thread in here (provided they meet the 10 post minimum), but if you want to keep it from being deleted, and/or keep yourself from being blacklisted in this subforum, then you will follow these simple guidelines for posting and creating quest threads within this subforum....

1. All quest threads are required, at minimum and without exception, to include the following features:
-A one (1) paragraph introduction
-Dream Avi you're working towards (if applicable)
-List of items you're working towards
-A progress bar of some kind, showing your progress toward getting the item. You WILL update this at least once a week.

You can find a plethora of tools for this at

2. All quest threads will have proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling. If you don't have time for this, then you don't have time to get the pixels you want. Get over it and find another hobby.

3. Any errant threads that are lacking and not marked "Under Construction" will be deleted. Any threads that are marked "Under costruction that don't show significant progress every 2 days (PM one of the crew members or myself if there are extenuating circumstances) will be deleted. Over-bumped threads will be deleted.

4. You are allowed one useless bump every 24 hours. Normal thread activity is allowed, but this isn't the chatterbox, do not treat it as such.

5. Repeated offenses are grounds for banhammering.

As proof that you've read these rules, you will include the mystery phrase, found below, or your thread will be treated as being in violation, and subject to locking or deletion.

Highlight and copy below.
"She Sold Sea Shells By The Sea Shore... until she got stung by a rather nasty species of snail."