So recently I found this amazing website.
Called Japanese-Online
Signing up is optional and not needed to access lessons, I don't think, but signing up lets you use the forums and stuff to chat, make friends, or practice!

It's a really good site and the lessons are clear with drills at the end. It starts out in romaji and then by lesson 4 or 5 I think it switches to teaching and using only hirigana. [ I haven't made it to any Kanji lessons yet xD ]

Here's an example of one of the drills [ Lesson 3 ] ::

A. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words.
1. ( (that) ) kata wa ( (who) ) desu ka.
2. ( (this) ) kata no namae wa ( (what) ) desu ka.
3. Suzuki-san wa ( (where) ) umare desu ka.
4. America no ( (where) ) desu ka.
B. Answer the question based on the dialogue.
1. Mearii-san wa Amerika-jin desu ka.

2. Mearii-san wa doko-umare dusu ka.

3. Suzuki-san wa kyoto umare desu ka.

I forgot. . .each lesson also has it's own vocab grid thing. I can't show you that but yeah. . .

Check it out gaiz!!!