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Character name: Mangetsu, Kumori

Age: 30

Rank: Shukun ( master )

Village: Hisatsu Village

Guild: Kyuuten Tsuki

Guild Triats:

The Kyuuten Tsuki focus entirely on speed and stealth. A guild member will first become masters in the art of shadowing their targets. The Kyuuten Tsuki accept mostly assassination request's but often take on other forms of jobs. Their primary weapons are unique ninja swords either single or in pairs depending on the Shinobi. They believe they only need to use once to complete their missions. Most of the times they are right. To the Kyuuten Tsuki they believe that their targets should die without ever knowing what happened.

Guild Techniques:

- Ryuudou Mi Do ( Ryuudou = flow Mi= sword Do= path Path of the flowing sword) used for either single or double blades Ryuudou Mi Do basically means that once the sword/swords get into motion they dont stop untill the opponent is finished. meaning each kata form is linkable and can create an endles flow of sword play giving the opponent almost no chance to counter react to it. The kata's varry from acrobatic movements where the user is constantly flipping over and slashing at the target, to stabbing which can be low or high stabbing and also wide fast slashing.

Healing Techniques:

Basic First Aid.

Stealth Techniques:

- Kakuremino, ???, literally "Cloak of Invisibility" (Wilderness and Urban): The skills needed to blend into ones surroundings so as to become 'invisible' to those looking. Requires a certain amount of skill and alertness. It can not fool those who know what they are looking for and are very attentive. Can be used in both Wilderness and Urban areas though each is a different skill set.

- Stealth: The ability to move almost silently. This skill takes years of practice and harsh discipline to acquire. This includes not only walking but breathing, running, jumping, falling, climbing, communication, and the ability to hide yourself on the ceiling of a hallway quietly. Gennins are usually too clumsy to use this technique though they are highly encouraged to practice it.

Assassination Techniques:

-Musei Sendo, Silent Death, a single strike technique which can come from either the back or the front, the user usually targets the through with a fast jab of his/her weapon. cutting off any ability of the target screaming. This is basic for most new comers. Used with weapon.

-Kuro Sendo, Dark Death, a single strike Technique which comes only from the back and strikes with a jab to the back of the head in the height of the eyes taking out the brain and the eyes so basically blinding them when they die. This is a basic for most new comers. Used with weapon.

-Kousa Shin, Cross Heart, this technique is named for two swords, it is designed mostly for falling onto your target, while you fall when you are close enough to stick both sword into each side of the shoulder going deep untill you cross them together in the heart. Thus Crossing the Heart. Obviously used with weapons.

-Go Seikou Dageki, Five Point Strike, a more advanced assassination technique focuses on five major points on the body namely the throat, the lungs and the kindeys. the Technique starts with a strike to the throat like the Musei Sendo then goes to a strike to the lungs if with one sword one after the other and then moves on to a strike to the kindeys. a total of 5 points will be struk to ensure a 100% death even if one misses. With weapons.

-Chein Sendo, Chain Death, using a thing chain, the user wraps the opponent in the chains to restrict the movements and finish the opponet off with what ever other move they want to use.

Tacchi Sendo, Death Touch, a highly advanced technique only Jounins and Masters can use. Very usefull when killing a target publicly, no mess no sound. You touch your opponent at either, back or forehead or anywhere that has a vital organ and its a slow or instant death depending on what is hit. By injecting a large amount of chi energy into the area that is touched the user damages or destroys the target, for example the brain or the spine. Causing a slow or instant death. This technique is top class, and requires allot of chi training and requires allot of time to prepare before using. Achieved after years of chi training.

Martial Arts:

-Tae Kwan Do
-Tai Chi


Dual Swords
Kunai set


smal smoke bombs.
Kunai set
Chains (meteor hammer)

Missions completed:


Born in the Mangetsu Family of the Kyuuten Tsuki Clan, Kumori Mangetsu was always a candiate for the Kyuuten Tsuki Shukun seat. The selection goes by death battles where the candidates, goes from 3 to 5 candidates, would attempt to kill or fully pin the others down. Through out all the the Mangetsu family history no one was ever able to pin the other opponent down, basically because no one ever wanted to acknowledge the other. Kumori was the one to make history in making 4 out of 5 candidates bow down to his skills. Thus becoming the Kyuuten Tsuki Shukun at the age of 23. His personality has always been that of a calm and collected person, always thinking before he acts or talks he is able to read his opponents personality and use that as a basis to get into their minds. Kumori usually spends his free time sitting outside his house drinking tea, usually alone but he never turns back a guest. On other times he is either working with reading through mission reports, or giving classes to new and advanced members. Using harsh methods for both. But as much as his training are harsh he always manages to make the students feel at ease around him.