"So, I hear you found someone?"

Zimran's tone was light as she giggled at her sister, rolling onto her back side with a soft smile. It had been so long, Zimran couldn't remember the last time Xiu looked so happy with herself.

"What's his name?"

"Oh shut it."

Xiu XIu hissed as she rammed her head against her sister's side, purring. How weird... Xiu was purring, she was happy.. she... was smiling? This, this wasn't her, someone else had taken over this one black hearted goddess. They must have.

"It's not a huge deal, damn."

"But it is, you NEVER talk about males, Xiu. Come on, spill it, i'm dying to know."

Zimran really was, her sister had never seemed so.. happy, and in all truths, she wanted to hear he says the words "I found someone new"; she knew Xiu Xiu went through a lot of pain with her past relationship.

"He is nice."

Xiu spat out as she rolled to rest beside Zimran, her wings tucked in at he sides as she smiled at her and spoke out.

"Kind... caring... you know, nothing like me."

"How did you two meet?"

She giggled, tapping Xiu's nose with her white paw. This gossip was too good to be true, Xiu had changed so much, and for the better, too.

"Is he good looking?"

They were like cubs, giggling about secrets and boys.

"He just like, happened upon me one day, and be to truthful, Zim, I couldn't stand him at first. He was... so nice, it was very annoying."

He huffed and glanced at the other goddess, rolling her paws up to her chest.

"But he grew on me I guess. I've taken fancy to his kind heart."

She nodded and closed her eyes.

"I think he is good looking, but I've never tell him that."

"Oh? It happens. Griff and I didn't hit it off right away, but I knew he would be mine, I just knew it a few days into our relationship."

She smiled and nuzzled into Xiu's side, using her wing for warmth.


That was odd to Xiu, males were not worth trusting... but, ugh, why was her heart aching when she talked about this male? Why did she feel empty without them?

"I think he cares for me like I do him."

"Do you think you love him?"

Zimran asked the hard question, ears propped up in slight worry. Xiu had been known to.. well, use the hate word more than the love word.


She rested her eyes as she tilted her head away, as if thinking deeply for a second.

"I may. I really think... I might."

She felt her chest swell as she sat herself up and sighed.

"I just, I don't know what to do."

"Xiu, don't be so thick, GO TELL HIM."

Zimran laughed and sat up as well, resting her paws on her sisters shoulders.

"Go, Xiu. Go tell him what you just told me, please!"

"You think?"

Xiu blushed

"Yes, I do! GO GO GO."

As soon as Zimran spoke Xiu popped up and took off, it was time to start showing her true self, her true feelings. Even if she had been black of heart before, she would be that no longer. It was time for a near start to her life, a new love.