Hellow guys, I just want to share these useful links in guide
to learning the Kana [Hiragana and Katakana] and also Kanji.

What's Kana [Hiragana, Katakana] and Kanji? eek
Those are the writing systems used in Nihongo. You
may want to read about them here:

Okay so these are the links..

http://romaji.org/ - here you can convert Kana/Kanji into Romaji.

Sensei, what's Romaji? eek
Romaji is the use of the english alphabet to write Japanese.
for example, Ohayo is already in its Romaji form. :]

http://englishjapaneseonlinedictionary.com/ - so far the best English to Japanese and Japanese to English dictionary. You'll know why I'd posted this link. You must know :]

http://www.cs.technion.ac.il/~danken/kanjidic.html - a Romaji > Hiragana/Katana and Kanji converter. You type any Romaji then all versions of the writing system appears automatically. Cool huh wink

http://freetranslations.com/ - Just in case you're confuzzled, try this suckish but a bit of usefulness translator xD you might get clues there about the kanji that you don't understand :] and use this if the word doesn't exist on the online dictionary, because sometimes that happens xD

Hope these links helps ;]