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Reaver Of Souls Raziel
Vice Captain

PostPosted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 11:09 pm
It was done. Raziel had willingly given himself to the reaver so Kain could save the world. Kain, the real hero of the vampires, not Raziel. Raziel was as he always had been: a tool. Yet somehow... he found himself content with how things had played out. For once he felt like he had done the right thing and it was of his own free will that he had done it, not someone else's bidding. Even if it meant spending an eternity in the reaver, he had fulfilled his destiny and now it was up to Kain to fulfil his own. Raziel could rest now and not have to worry - something he hadn't done in a long time. And because Ariel had purified the reaver, Raziel wouldn't have to worry about turning into the ravenous spirit that had inhabited the reaver before him. So now not only was he pure and uncorrupted, he was at peace, and really, that was all he had ever really wanted.

However, that peace would be short lived...

Something had changed on the world outside the reaver and he could sense it. These hands that held him now, they were Kain's but somehow they were different... five fingers...? Was this Kain's younger self? Where was the Kain he knew? That firm yet reassuring touch? ... wait, what was happening now? There was fighting and then... where was Kain now? These hands on him weren't Kain's, they were cold and ruthless. After that, there were many different hand on him, like he was being passed around and examined like some sort of specimen. Raziel didn't like this, not one bit, but eventually, they stopped. Now something something even worse was about to happen.

A tugging sensation... at first it was small, but soon, it felt like he was being pulled down into a deep, dark pit. Raziel did everything he could do to resist, but that was a bit hard to do without a physical body. Eventually, the world around his went dark, and the last sensation he felt was as if he were falling.

The next thing Raziel knew, he was opening his eyes. He groaned in dismay as his body began to ache and he realized he was no longer inside the soul reaver; that pulling sensation was the feeling of his soul being detached from the blade. But who could have done such a thing? And why...

"Ah, awake already, little one? You had quite the journey, I thought it would be much longer before you awakened." A voice spoke out in the darkness. Raziel was having a hard time focusing his eyes, he felt so disoriented. From what he could gather, he was in some kind of room and he was laying on a hard, stone floor. A cell, perhaps?

"Who are you..." Raziel hissed, though it sounded more like a rasp.

There was a small, almost mocking laugh. "You don't remember me...? Then again, we were never properly introduced... I'll give you a hint then! Your friend Janos Audron and I know each other quite well, one could even say it was like we shared the same skin... it was quite a tight fit~"

Raziel's eyes snapped open, blazing white with rage at the realization of who this thing was.

The Unspoken...

Raziel so badly wanted to lunge forward and rip the other apart, but as he was now, he could hardly move. What had they done to him?

The Sarafan lord gave a twisted smirk "I take it by the expression on your face you do remember me. That's good. For the next little while, Raziel, we're going to be getting to know each other quite well... but for now, you look like you could use some more rest. Extracting your soul from the reaver was a difficult process, but it was even harder on you. From there on we had to encourage your soul reconstruct your physical form and--"

"Spare me the details, what do you want with me?" Raziel interrupted, glaring at the large, fuzzy shape in front of him.

There was another laugh from the other, this time a softer one, almost chastising. "Patience, Raziel. You'll learn soon enough my plan for you." The Sarafan Lord said ominously, and soon, Raziel heard the the swish of a cape and the sound footsteps as the other walked away. "I'll be back to talk to you later, once you have gotten some rest and more coherent."

Raziel wanted to argue, but even now it was a struggle to stay conscience, and when the other left, Raziel's vision once again faded to black.


It was because of Raziel's power of purification that he received from Ariel along with the spirit reaver that the unspoken wanted him. He had been able to heal Kain, now they wanted to be healed; they claimed they did not always look as putrid as they did now, and that the dimension they had been banished to had done this to them.

While Raziel accepted that he was nothing more than an instrument, he was an instrument to be used by Kain alone and these creatures could do nothing to sway him; he refused to use his power for their purposes.

It didn't take the Sarafan Lord long to lose his patience with Raziel. Using the same method he had used to drain Janos Audron's life to feed the device while still keeping him barely alive, Raziel was outfitted with a similar machine. They were attempting to drain him of the purifying energies he possessed, but their results were fruitless. Raziel's will was just too strong.

However, Raziel was still weakened by this process. Whatever energies they did manage to get from him were affecting his body; just like how Janos was de-evolving, Raziel seemed to be too.

Though still maintaining his glowing eyes, blue skin, and overall skeletal frame, the creature Raziel now resembled looked like a wolf... in fact, he was pretty sure he was a wolf now, as he had lost all speech and all he could do now was growl and bark to communicate his displeasure to his captors. He almost wondered if the Sarafan lord had planned this, as he seemed to take great pleasure in Raziel's new form. He would constantly say that now because Raziel looked like a dog, he should be obedient like one and give into their demands. He even had a collar fashioned solely for his captive. As humiliating as it was to be chained to the floor - not like it was needed, since the tubes in Raziel's body seemed to do a good enough job of keeping him put - the collar served a second purpose. Running through the metal collar was glyph energy. Like how Moebius's staff had disabled his reaver, the collar stopped Raziel from summoning any kind of power. That on top of steadily having his energy drained, he really was as weak and pathetic as he looked now. The only thing that made him able to resist them was that iron will of his... but for for how much longer would he be able to remain strong? It was hard not to give into despair when already Raziel had been through so much and now this? All he could do now was hope that someone came to rescue him before he lost his mind.  
PostPosted: Fri Dec 25, 2009 9:46 am
"Are these ingredients adequate for the servants' diets?"

"What should ingredients matter? They're human, same as you. They eat bread, drink water, work, age, and die. Are you complaining about the conditions we're having them work in?"

"It's not the conditions, the conditions are fine, it is just…"

What was the point of trying to discuss such matters with this Hylden supervisor? Perhaps it was because she had promised a very tired woman that she would see what she could do about it, or that it was in her nature to enquire about the safety and well being others, or it was simply because she had no other job to do than to feed the servants on a daily basis.

"Just what, miss? You clearly came to me with intent to deliver a message. What is it then? Spit it out!" The man hissed at her through his teeth. Those glowing green eyes glowered at her from across the desk.

"I'm asking for more funds so that I may better feed the servants. I don't believe the bread and cup of stew is doing enough for them. They're returned to their cells, hungry, agitated, and some are even too tired to protest about their food rationing. All I'm suggesting is that you provide at least two more things for them to eat. It's even proven if one has more to eat they are able to function better."

The woman was not in the mood to negotiate anymore for more food rations for these servants. She too had been working long and was also somewhat hungry. "I've seen them and how it's even a struggle for them to wake up out of their cells sir. They need more energy to get them through the days. They'll drop off like flies if you do not do something-"

"I will think on it and return my thoughts of the idea to you. For now I order you to leave, feed them what we have this evening, and be on your way home. You know you're way back through the city. Don't you?" His tone was snarky, perhaps a bit worn. He too seemed tired from all of the supervision work he was required to do. Supervisor Kilam was not the worst of them really. He had some patience and was easy to compromise with, but the past few months had been harder to negotiate terms with him. He recently had his workload increase in paperwork for inventory purposes on the glyph energy and he was caught up in the tax referencing he had to do for all of the Hylden living in his quadrant.

Kilam was under pressure and when under pressure he became irate and was not in the mood to talk about compromise when he was so busy. Ariel had come to understand how his mental state worked in the time she had spent working in the Hylden city. Her job was not large and she did not get a large sum of payment, but whatever put food on her table she was pleased with it. The terms of her job were simple and finite.

1. Pay is non-negotiable (Hylden had to make a living too, one supposed)
2. Do NOT press buttons unless you are one of the construction workers in the industrial district.
3. Do not associate or ally yourself with vampires.
4. Pay homage to our Sarafan Lord (for he is one of our own)

The first two rules were understandable…the last two had no meaning in her mind. She didn't know any vampires of which to communicate with, nor would she wish to ally herself with any either (not that vampires didn't have things to do either, the Hylden just made such a big fuss about them all the time). Second, the senseless butchery of vampires by either Sarafan of the Hylden went against her morals. As far as she recalled life was life...whether it be unnatural, unlife, or mortal life.

"What's so special about the Sarafan Lord anyway?" She sighed, traveling to the kitchen where she knocked on the wooden counter for her cart of food rations. "Laylan." She called.

Another hylden approached the counter, aged, and sometimes confused with her surroundings. "Who's that? I got a boiling pot of vittles in the back and I'm not afraid to use it!" The poor Hylden woman was not aging well in her mind and it was not hard to tell she would slowly lose it all together.

"Laylan. It's me, Ariel. The lass that feeds the servants?"

"Ariel…Oh. Oh." It took her some moments to recall but the woman raised a hand to her head wrap and sighed. "You've got to stop driving me insane, miss." She sighed and began for the products from underneath the counter. "There's less baskets than there had been yesterday…"

"I think you're miscounting, Laylan." Ariel swung herself up onto the counter and over the other side. "Here."

"Your hair getting darker? I thought you were supposed to be a blonde?" Laylan asked, her hand reaching up to run through the young woman's hair. "You still think I'm the adolescent lass that walked in here because her father said she needed to get a job." She laughed. "I am 22 summers now you realize?"

"You humans age fast. Makes me wish I was one sometimes." Laylan sighed, as Ariel counted the baskets and loaded them up on the cart. "Laylan, do Hylden age like humans or do you age at a slower rate?"

"It's a slower rate…be lucky you were not born one of our kind. I hate being what I am…I'm losing my mind. Heh. More prone to mental illness I suppose. That's what a doctor told me."

"Mental illness eh? Well, your doctors certainly know more in their field than ours do. I'll see you later this week Laylan. "

Ariel gave a short wave to the female Hylden before leaving the kitchen. She could hear the poor woman begin shouting in confusion at someone in the back in their native tongue it sounded like. It only seemed like a matter of time that Laylan would soon be gone all together in her mind.

Ariel pushed the cart through several hallways before she came to the servants' ward and the guards at the door asked for her clearance. Ariel gave it to them. All humans that worked in the Hylden City were required to carry a bracelet to symbolize what district of the Hylden City they worked in. Ariel's metal band was examined, tested with a special liquid to verify it, and she was allowed passage with the cart.

"Well Alvala…" She began at the first cell to her left. "I talked to the supervisor. He wasn't in the mood to negotiate but he said he would think about the rations."

"He'll never give in." The woman in the cell laughed bitterly to herself. "What have you for me today?"

"The usual. Laylan's losing her mind too. She miscounted the baskets thinking she had less than there really were."

She pushed the basket through a slot in the bars before continuing on her way.

"I reckon Miss Ariel, you get prettier and prettier every day." Her next cell delivery was Johann. He was probably about as old as her father, and reminded her of him when she came in to work.

"You tell me that all the time." She crouched down to push his rations basket into the food flap. "But thank you for your compliment."

"Your dress change colors?" He too was becoming lost in his mind as well it seemed. Perhaps not as bad as Laylan, but Johann was old and it was showing.

Ariel looked down at her tunic, she realized it had become somewhat grimy from passing from place to place. Its white color was faded and somewhat gray now. All she could answer to him was 'yes' and move onto the next cell.

"How come you're not married yet, Miss Ariel?"

"I'm not interested in anyone yet. Father says I can marry when I am ready to. Mother…well, my step-mother thinks otherwise."

"Bless you Miss Ariel. You should be the Balance Guardian or some importantly significant person."

"Haha…Haha…wait. What?"

"Well yes Miss. You're just so kind-hearted and you get to know all of us-What you know it's the least any Balance Guardian can do."

Ariel rolled her eyes with a chuckle. "Well thank you, but as appealing as that sounds I like my plain and simple self just fine."

"Bless your humble self, Miss Ariel."

It was the first unusual thing she had heard all week from John, the man on the end cell.

As she turned to take the cart back an unusual sight caught her eye, along with John's. "What do you reckon that is, Miss?"

"It…it looks like, a dog." Ariel said, curiously. Something deep within her found herself drawn towards the cell to get a closer look. What were the Hylden doing with a dog in the servants' quarters?

"Miss, you don't reckon you'll free the beast do you?" John asked her with concern. "They might haul you off!"

"What use do the Hylden have for a dog?" Ariel asked him with an annoyed glance. "Look at the poor thing. It's like they tortured it…" she said, with disgust. "Probably just needs a good home. What good life can it have here?"

"Careful Miss Ariel, you don't know what you're doing."

"To hell with what I'm doing. I've nothing better to do, I'm going home, and I might as well take him with me. I don't leave you lot to starve here and I certainly won't leave that tortured soul to die here. If one will kill animal for the sheer pleasure of it, then one would kill a person." She moved towards the lock on the wall and peered in at the thing before finally giving a firm nod and pressing both hands on the button lock.  

Vice Captain

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Reaver Of Souls Raziel
Vice Captain

PostPosted: Fri Dec 25, 2009 2:28 pm
Raziel ears perked up and he let out a low growl when he heard the lock to his cell being disabled and the door slowly creek open. He lifted his head weakly, ears folded back as he continued to growl, thinking that it was just the Sarafan Lord, coming to visit him - like he did everyday; the Hylden was relentless in trying to break Raziel's spirit. Sometimes he was cruel and spoke harshly to Raziel, and other times, he spoke softly, almost kindly, promising that he wouldn't let anyone hurt him again if he did what they wanted. The offer was tempting, Raziel had had quite enough of pain, but he knew it was too good to be true. Regardless, the way the Sarafan Lord talked, it just sounded like he was offering to take Raziel as a pet; Raziel swore at one point the Hylden mentioned he'd let him sleep at the foot of his bed... obviously it was all the more reason for him to resist the other; Raziel wasn't going to be anyone's lapdog. He would sooner go mad from this, but eventually, that might be the case... he really hoped help would come soon...

But wait... the person at his cell door, they didn't smell like the Sarafan Lord... they smelt... human...

There was also something else different about this person, Raziel could sense it, it was almost... familiar... but for the life of him, he couldn't figure out what it was. Maybe he was just so weak, he was imagining things.

He watched Ariel enter the room, and without even realizing it, he started wagging his tail. Whatever he sensed in this girl, it made him feel like everything was going to be alright now. He really hoped that would be the case...  
PostPosted: Fri Dec 25, 2009 4:36 pm
Ariel could only silently pull the small tubes from his body. "Now I can tolerate my job to an extent, but this draws the line." she said. "What more are they going to be doing to frustrate me?" she unchained the collar from the wall and brushed her hand over the top of the creature`s head gently. "I`ll take you out of this place my furry and famished friend." She said. "You must be cold and hungry. Not like everyone else in this room isn`t." Only moments after she had unchained his collar did sirens go off. "Oh no..." "She`s freed the beast!" Cried a guard that had kicked down the door. "Call the Sarafan Lord!" "Run Miss Ariel!" John knocked her cart over with his foot shoving out of the food flap to distract the guards. "Kill her!" "Oh perfect!" She growled in anger. "I knew my day would somehow end up going wrong!" She grasped the chain of the dog`s collar. "Come on pup!"  

Vice Captain

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Reaver Of Souls Raziel
Vice Captain

PostPosted: Fri Dec 25, 2009 4:57 pm
His tail only wagged faster when he realized she was freeing him. He managed to stand on shaky legs, whining insistently as if to say 'hurry!'. There was also small whimpers of pain as she removed the tube, but now they were no longer continuously draining his energy, already he was starting to feel better. He shook out his fur, with almost a low, happy, grumble, happy to be free of the tubes. He waited patiently, eagerly, for her to remove the chain and collar as well. Although, the collar might have proved to be more difficult to remove, as he was pretty positive it needed some kind of key.

But as soon as the chain was removed from the wall, it triggered a siren. Raziel growled, hackles raised, he was ready to fight if necessary, until he felt Ariel tugging insistently on his lead. She seemed to know where she was going, he guessed he should follow her, and if they came across any hylden along the way, he would take care of them.  
PostPosted: Fri Dec 25, 2009 5:57 pm
Johann began banging his metal basket against the cell bars. He began shouting incoherently to provide a better distraction. One of the guards was cut off by the cart as Ariel shoved it at him and darted around it with Raziel still on the leash. "Stop her!" cried the guard under the heavy metal cart. "End of the line, missy!" The other one hissed at her as Ariel was cut off at the door. `Think quick... "The line begins behind you." "Eh?" The guard said in confusion, turning his head before Ariel tugged on the dog`s leash. "Sic `im!" She suggested frantically.  

Vice Captain

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Reaver Of Souls Raziel
Vice Captain

PostPosted: Fri Dec 25, 2009 6:30 pm
Raziel didn't need any instructions on how to sic, and as soon as Ariel let go of that leash, with a viscous snarl, Raziel lunged at the guard.

The hylden went down with a surprised shriek that soon turned into gurgling screams of terror as Raziel wasted no time tearing out the guard's throat with both tooth and claw. He still didn't have a lower jaw, but all it took was a single, sharp raking motion with his upper canines to slice through flesh.

Raziel's strength was definitely returning, but he figured he would need the collar off before he was completly restored and be rid of this canine-like form.

He left the guard to drown in his own blood as he returned to Ariel's side, nudging her in the back of her leg with his head and urging her to get going.  
PostPosted: Fri Dec 25, 2009 6:48 pm
No coaxing to leave was involved as Ariel took the leash again. Once more a sense of familiarity washed over her as she grasped onto the leash. "This way..." she said, turning down another hallway until she came across what looked like a ventilation system. "The lady in the kitchen, she told me she used to crawl through the vents in order to scare ne when I first worked here. This is our way out without getting caught." she removed the metal grate and peered into it. Wait. Ariel was talking to this dog as though it were a person. The way he tore apart the guard had shaken her to the core on the inside. Ariel was disturbed by it because it was though the creature had intent to do so all along. "Up. Up." she said, helping him climb up in the vent after she had done so. "Follow me pup. We`ll be all right."  

Vice Captain

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Reaver Of Souls Raziel
Vice Captain

PostPosted: Fri Dec 25, 2009 6:56 pm
Raziel followed Ariel through the vents, his glowing eyes acting almost as a flashlight. He was glad this human seemed to have a general idea of where she was going. He trusted her to lead them out of there, even though he still had no idea who this girl was, he somehow had complete faith in her. It was a strange feeling, but at least it made escaping all the more easy, being able to trust his strange rescuer.  
PostPosted: Fri Dec 25, 2009 7:50 pm
Ariel crawled through the vents for a bit before they reached the city outskirts and Ariel kicked the vent cover out to slide from the shaft and pull Raziel with her. "Ah! Here we are. Closer to home. We`ll have that collar off you in a bit. I have a friend that can help." Her hand gently rubbed over his head. "I can feel...the pain." she said, somewhat disturbed by that. "Oh. Poor creature..."  

Vice Captain

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Reaver Of Souls Raziel
Vice Captain

PostPosted: Sat Dec 26, 2009 3:25 pm
Raziel was surprised the vents went on for so long. He was almsot glad his body was more --- compact; his wolf form made it easier for him to crawl through the narrow vents.

When Ariel pet him, he flinched, but soon he gave it and let her touch him. He wasn't use to being touched without some kind of pain involved, whether it be physical or mental abuse; The Sarafan Lord would only pet him out of some insincere notion of pity, all the while trying to chip away at his morale, telling him that he should just give up hope. Raziel almost did give up hope, until Ariel came along.

Raziel nudged his head under her arm, pushing against her to try and get her to stand. He was eager to get out of there, before the Sarafan guards were storming the streets. They would undoubtedly be looking for them.  
PostPosted: Sat Dec 26, 2009 4:02 pm
Ariel once again took hold of the chain leash and led Raziel through the back allies. Despite the animal's ghastly appearence, Ariel found some comfort in walking the streets with him. He didn't ask her stupid and mundane questions (like her step-mother would), she could speak to him and not expect any comment back, and found it easy to see past his physical appearence . All creature deep down had some heart she supposed.

The gateway to the Hylden City lay just in front of them and Ariel had never found it entirely guarded except on some occasins when they needed security stepped up. On this occasion, no guards were to be found (thank goodness) and she led Raziel through the gates as she unlocked it with the press of a button. Had Ariel not ben human poor Raziel would have been left there to rot. Why was it humans could handle glyph energy better than their makers?

The thought amused her and as the gates closed behind them the market district was just several distances closer than it had been. "Home stretch. But we need to make a stop first. It'll get this thing off you. I suppose that it's terrible uncomfortable. I wouldn't be surprised if it's left some weight marks on the back of your neck.

They walked this time, without so much complication as she led him along. There were Sarafan in the market district, but word of her crime had yet to reach them. Some communications soldiers had between each other.

"You're aware miss that your...pet is.."

"He's a special breed. Well...a special sort of mutt. The sales men told me that he's great with his hunting skills."

"Ah...right." One particular solider gave Raziel a disgusted look.

"You sure it didn't just come from the grave?"

Ariel shrugged, giving a naive and innocent look. "Oh you know those traveling salemen. Once they sell you something you never see them again."

"...Carry on then."

"Come come pup." She glanced back behind her as they left the soldier behind.

Going down a few more streets she turned down an alleyway where the scent of coal and ash was particularly strong.

There was substantial amount of yelling and cursing from the building they passed by. It's doors were wide open and the sound of steel being shaped rang throughout the town. "Damn it all to a pus spewing hell on earth. Wants me to make all of this rubbish and..." The well built man pounding metal was muttering to himself now before Ariel cleared her throat loudly.

"What's that now?! I'll throw ya to the pits of hell ya sons of bitches! I'm not done-Oh...Ariel." The man trailed off and stepped away from his work with a nervous laugh. "You didn't hear all of-"

"Oh drop it Tahlman. I've heard it all before. Every single word. I have a favor to ask-"

"EUGH!" He exclaimed, looking down at Raziel with disgust. "What happened to that dog?"

"My superiors...that's what. I uh...I rescued him. He's in need of your services to remove his shackles. Do you think you can help me Tahlman?" Ariel asked in that tone he couldn't resist.

"Growing up together with you, when you plead your cases like that I can't resist. Bring him in."

She ushed the dog along before Tahlman finished the sword he was working on and he examined the collar. "Oh yeah. This? Standard iron. Biut heavy, but incredibly easy to weld off. I can handle this. Just lift him up here for a moment."

"I don't want to hurt him if I do."

"All right, I'll grab the back you take the front."

"Very well. All right pup, this is the onl hard part. Getting this thing off you. Up up." She said, putting her left arm under Raziel's front and the other atop his head to set him up on the warm anvil and laid him there.

"Just keep his head still while I heat this up." Tahlman's greasy brown mop of hair stuck to his forehead from all the sweat and toil he did with his job profession.

"All right, steady now." She said, petting Raziel's head. "He won't hurt you."

"Ariel, want I should get Mikhael to clip him for ya?"

Her face paled. "Tahlman! The creature's been through enough hell! Let him have his dignity at least! Good gracious!"

"Heh heh. I'll take that as a no."

He grabbed a hot poker and began running it along the metal of the collar while laughing. "All right all right. Steady now. Almost over."  

Vice Captain

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Reaver Of Souls Raziel
Vice Captain

PostPosted: Sat Dec 26, 2009 4:40 pm
Raziel trotted beside her, not minding being lead around on a leash as much as he thought he would. It was actually a clever disguise, no one would pay any mind to a girl walking her dog. But in actuality, what he was mostly thinking about was where - or in this case, when - he was. Raziel never recalled there ever being a human city like this, let alone one ruled by the Hylden.

Raziel recalled that he had been immune to changes in the time stream. When Kain had pulled the reaver from him and time began to shift around, so did Kain's memories. Was this what Kain meant by falling into the Hylden's trap - this city?

Raziel would have to mull over this later, because soon they had reached their destination. He was looking forward to having the collar off and having his strength returned - he could do without the blacksmith's wise cracks and foul mouth, though.

Once the collar was removed, Raziel hopped back down onto the floor, shaking his head to loosen his neck up and then... wait, did he just scratch his neck with his foot like a dog? He really had been in this form too long...

Already he felt his energies returning, he knew he could change back now, if he really wanted to, but he wanted to wait until he was in a more private setting before doing that. He also wanter to figure out exactly who this girl was, this -- Ariel? That's what the Blacksmith said her name was...

Raziel's eyes widened. Why didn't he realize it before? Her energy... it felt exactly the same as the Balance Guardian, Ariel's - the energy that was now coursing through him. They even looked alike!

Without a doubt, this must have been Ariel's reincarnation.  
PostPosted: Sat Dec 26, 2009 5:12 pm
"Well, he seems happy with that." Said Tahlman with a laugh.

"Oh he is." Ariel chuckled, kneeling down to pet Raziel again. "Now, that feels much better doesn't it?" She grinned.

"Thank you Tahlman...you owed me that favor anyways."

"You're welcome. Though I don't think your mother will much appreciate-"

"She is my step-mother. When have you ever known me to call her 'mother'?" Ariel asked him, her tone serious. She clearly disliked the woman she spoke of very much.

"Well, don't let her catch you with him." Tahlman said with a sigh. "She'll have a calf."

"Let her. She's young enough." Ariel laughed as she turned to leave with Raziel.

"Come on pup. I'll take you home for a bit." She said with a smile. "You're in need of a bath." She ruffled the fur atop his head with a grin as Ariel continued on her way with him. "You're the strangest dog I ever did see. Haha. I don't think I've ever struck up so much talk with an animal before. It's strange. Something about you just seems...special. It's like we met before. Don't know how that would be possible."

They continued along the market district until they came across a small textile shop. Through the window she could see her father sitting at the table, working on his latest design before Ariel knocked on the door and waved at him through the window. Moments later an older man opened the door. Gray in his hair and face, Danyael looked at her with a small smile on his features. Your mother is...out again."

"Where's she gone this time?" Ariel asked with a grim tone.

"Well...this time. I don't much care because of the argument over you again. She doesn't understand my loyalties to you, child." He sounded worn out and somewhat depressed before he looked down at Raziel at her side and his expression grew concerned.

"Some demon follow you home?"

"Father...he's a badly nglected stray that my superiors were holding prisoner in the City. You should have seen what they had him all hooked up to. It was sheer torture."

"Your mother won't like this very much...she's not fond of animals. And your friend here looks like...well, he's from the seventh circle of hell."

"I'm sure he appreciates that father..." Ariel said sarcastically looking down at Raziel and giving him a pat on the head. "I may be in trouble though for taking him when I go back to work Tuesday."

"Then don't go in to work."

"Laylan will need my help in the kitchen-"

"I'm sorry child, but to hell with the Hylden. That's not what you want to work on though Ariel." Her father said, closingt he door behind her as she brought Raziel inside.

"Where's Phillip and Kelvan?"

"Your brothers? Phillip went to give word on your mother and Kelvan is sleeping in his room."

"Ah. I see. Well father, I'll be taking pup upstairs for a bath soon. He looks like he needs it. They fed him nothing, they probably bathed him not once. I bet his fur would appreciate that. Would get rid of his fleas I bet." She giggled when she thought of him scratching his ears back at Tahlman's.

She crept up the stairs as silently as she could for Kelvan was a light sleeper at times and she hoped this was one of the nights when he wasn't. Thankfully he was and she was able to take Raziel to tiny washroom just in front of them once they reached upstairs. "Shall we?" She asked him with a grin. "Or...you'd rather wait it out. I've heard not all dogs are bath takers."  

Vice Captain

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Reaver Of Souls Raziel
Vice Captain

PostPosted: Sat Dec 26, 2009 5:53 pm
Finally alone with Ariel, Raziel decided that now would be a good time to assume his true form. He had noticed a small, enclosed area behind the house that had lead out into the alleyway - that would be a good, private place to do it. Hopefully Ariel wouldn't scream when she saw his true appearance.

Raziel turned around, heading back toward the stairs, gesturing for Ariel to follow him with a flick of his head. She seemed like a smart girl, hopefully she would take the hint and not just thing he was trying to get out of bath time.  
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