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Name: Entashu Chigiri

Age: 19


Rank: Gennin

Guild: Nakaru Shoji (Tarumizu Village)

Healing Techniques:

- Basic First Aid: Bandages, Basic Stitching, Bone setting and splinting. Anything that could be useful in the field.

Stealth Techniques:

- Stealth: The ability to move almost silently. This skill takes years of practice and harsh discipline to acquire. This includes not only walking but breathing, running, jumping, falling, climbing, communication, and the ability to hide yourself on the ceiling of a hallway quietly. Gennins are usually too clumsy to use this technique though they are highly encouraged to practice it.

- Kakuremino, ???, literally "Cloak of Invisibility" (Wilderness and Urban): The skills needed to blend into ones surroundings so as to become 'invisible' to those looking. Requires a certain amount of skill and alertness. It can not fool those who know what they are looking for and are very attentive. Can be used in both Wilderness and Urban areas though each is a different skill set.

- Lock Picking: The skill to pick locks. Time and ability depends on the type of lock one is trying to pick.

- Nawanuke, "Escaping Skill": Encompasses several techniques to escape from restraints and includes basic lock picking as well as aerobics in order to escape. This technique is less effective the more complicated the restraints are and it takes time and effort to accomplish. It is considered a stealth skill because it allows one to escape often seemingly impossible ways.

Assassination Techniques:

- Shunshin ,??, literally "Body Flicker": Combined with high speeds this uses light and obstacles to confuse ones opponent's eyes so that they can not follow all your movements with their eyes. Received it's name from the fact that it makes one appear to flicker from place to place.Is often combined with a pouch of shiny material like glass thrown in the air.

Martial Art Techniques:

- Xingyiquan: Translates approximately to "Form/Intention Boxing", or "Shape/Will Boxing", and is characterized by aggressive, seemingly linear movements and explosive power. A practitioner of xingyiquan uses coordinated movements to generate bursts of power intended to overwhelm the opponent, simultaneously attacking and defending.
Fire Form, Earth Form, Monkey Style, Sparrow Style

- Shoulin Kung fu

Weapon Specific Techniques:


- 2 Tonfa (Regular)
- 2 Tonfa (Bladed)
- Katana
- Meteor Hammer (single Headed)


Lock Pick Set
Med kit

Missions Completed:


Entashu is the long wanted son of two established ninja's in the Nakaru Shoji guild. His father recently retired and has taken a position as sensei in the guild dojo, his mother's focus lies more on the medical side of things often spending long hours healing wounded ninjas in the guilds medical ward. Entashu was trained in Xingyiquan since he was old enough to walk by his father whose only hope was for his son to be one of the best around. Favoring the tonfa Entashu spent much of his teenage years (~15-19) traveling from guild house to guild house learning how to master the weapon. He has recently returned to Tarumizu hoping to qualify as a chuunin hoping to live up to his father's high expectations.

Entashu is know for his cool head yet simmering temper. He is terrible at acting and when he tries to blend in to a crowd he merely makes himself that much more obvious. Entashu also seems to have a tendency to day dream often staring off at nothing in particular. His friends, as few as there are, tend to be of the opinion that he has an odd and sometimes misplaced sense of humor.