Name:Kuusho serifu


Description: a lot like my avi but without the crown

Zanpakutō:it's two wakizashi(a short sword) with a yellow hilt they are twin Zanpakutō one is kind and quiet the other is loud aggressive

Shikai:Not achieved burst Raikou Tama (lightning bullet) yet its a gun blade i have 8 poles that insure the time limit of my shikai around my neck looks like a pistol with a curved blade under the chassis

Bankai:Not achieved Amatsu kuro raikou tama (heavenly dark/black lightning bullet) still a gun yet its modified and looks more of a sword instead of the gun its a sword with a small gun above the hilt and the poles scatter and form a circle they do not touch the time limit is close to 150hrs he has the power to revert his zanpaktou(s) to shikai form its skills are sill the same snf power level also

skills:flash step

Personality:quiet yet very intelligent yet can be hype at the moment

History:born in japan died at age 16 lived in rukongai after death went to the academy to see if he could be use in the soul society as a soul reaper

Powers:Raikou Hekei (lightning burst) lightning burst from the gun blade or blasts from the sword like getsuga tensho

Kuro raikou (dark/black lightning) black lightning shots or blasts from the sword like getsuga tensho

shiro raikou(white lightning) shots white lightning

shunkou raikou(flash lightning)shots a lightning bullet that can be placed anywhere he chooses causing explosions

raikou boruto hitotsu souhou tomurai(lightning bolt one touch funeral) when all the 8 poles are gone the opponent(s) will all have severe damage and bankai will disable

bakuha hitoame(blast shower) rapid fire bullets of all elements

Signature/Patented Technique:raikou hekei(lightning burst)

Guild status:member

Online Schedule:everyday beside Tuesday and Wednesday