So this Justin kid is "cool" right?
*No, wrong.. very wrong.

*And every little girl that has his posters and pics in their room and is all, "We're gunna get marriedd~!" And all that s**t.. well.. well I feel bad. Chances are; he'd never even see them and s**t, and they'll be all disappointed and I will be in their face.. laughing..

*Also; chances are.. he'll do something stupid and some s**t. Like.. pfft.. I don't know.. do a stunt or something.. and die.. or get injured. So, yay. Let's hope for the best.. I mean, he'll have to die out some how! Whether he has to die of old age or just get his fans to turn against him. So let's just wait. **Unless you're like me and want to and will kill him.

Thank you (:

*=True Fact
**=Something that should and could and most likely will happen