hi, I'm Sabrina, or Rags if you want.

I'm 17 til January 24th, then i can post in the other profile section. My age limit is 17 to 19. I'm straight, so i like boys. smile

I live in Escondido California, and i'd like someone near me...like 20 minutes away lol, and i love death note, Phantom of the Opera, Shakespeare, acting, singing, cosplay, Comic Con, the cheshire cat, Repo the Genetic Opera, Edward Scissorhands, Cats, Guys and Dolls, and ....wow, thats a lot. heh, well anyway, i'm really into theatre. I'm a senior in highschool, and i've only had one boyfriend twice, so i'm not like someone who just dumps people for no good reason.

I'm catholic, i'm throwing that out there, cause i was at a Mormon dance once, and every guy i talked to walked away when they realized that i wasn't mormon. So if your looking for someone who is the same religion as you, and your not catholic, i'm gonna stop ya right here, cause your probably not going to like me. I'd like a guy who is Catholic, but its not a necessity for me. I'll love ya all the same.

I don't have a preference with body type. I'm a bit of a realist. I see the world for how it is, and as much as i'd love some hot body builder on a black stallion in shining armor, i'll take the gamer with love-handles, cause athletes tend to have a big ego as i have seen so far in high school. So if your self concious, trust me, so am i. I'm not exactly a super model and i'm not looking for one. Just a sweet guy.

I love to read! I have a ton of favorite books, and i love discussing them. I live with my grandparents. I'm an illegitimate child, and i don't know my father. I have a brother and sister, who are both younger than me. Oldest of 3 kids, and oldest of 6 grandkids. my brother is the only boy in that 6, also second eldest. My mom, step dad, and siblings are in Nebraska.

Right now, i'm spending my life doing everything i can not to become like my mother. I'm an all A and B student, and i'm not a twilight fan, so you wouldn't have to worry about me going all.... "OMFG ITS EDWARD" cause i have a problem with guys who don't shower or shave.

I'm a bit of a history nut, heh. I really enjoy reading it and talking about it.
I love going to comic con with my friends! i make my own costumes... well to an extent. I made my own GIR costume for halloween, and an Invader Zim costume. I'm going to use that dress for my Cheshire Cat costume next year. I go to the San Diego one. It would be great to have a guy to cosplay with, cause i like to cosplay as Matt and Mello from Death note, and it would be nice to have a Mello (for matt) or a matt (for mello) to cosplay with who is a guy. Idk, i like mattxmello, and it would be nice to have a guy for that.

My favorite song changes from day to day. Right now, its "Zydrate Anatomy" and "Depraved Heart Murder at Sanitarium Square" . If you don't know it, look it up. Its from Repo the genetic opera.

Speaking of which, i'm a member of the Repo boards and the chatroom. if you ever go on, you'll know me as Ragdoll2010. You'll also know that i like to talk about my cats, Hugo and Jerrie.

Well, i don't know if there's anything else to say

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dyed my hair black, but its really a medium brownish blonde