Name: Kanryina Angel Lavinia Temikachi
( Kar-ree-na An-gel La-veen-ya Te-mee-ka-chee)

Aliases/ Nicknames: Sasukie (Talking faret/ Brother)

Physical Description: White hair,brown skin, white cat ears(she's a neko) blue eyes, double tail (as in two tails). Weres white mostly, if not, will where eather purple or black.User Image

Age: 82 death- Aug 2, 1977

Zanpaktou's Spirit & Name: Spirt-White Lion
Name- Tsubaki
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Zanpaktou: achieved- a long skiny sword with a white handle and a purple ribon raped around the handdle.

Shikai Release: Temikachi Tenshi

Shikai: She first say the first prayer of the Temikachi clan and than the Zanpaktou turns purple right after she releases it.. Tsubaki gives her the power to cantrol every element. Her Neko abilities strength gains 5x.The first hit is normal as any blade, but after that, each hit send elemental damege toward the jnearist joint. After every element is gone through 1, Her neko a blities gain intill she reaches Bankai.

Bankai:achieved- subaki changes from being a regular Katana , to being a chain blade sword. Tsubaki neko abllities stop at 10x at this point and starts to cover Tsubaki wit an element. at this point, she changes into a white and purple ninja outfit with white and purple nikies. Her hair is tied up in a pony tail with a purple ribon and her arms is covered with purple baneges.

Special Accessories:

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Skills: Uses mostly Neko abilities but is a great hand to hand combat fighter with out them.

Abilities: neko ablities, and elemental cantrol

Personality: Her personality is mostly in her cat-side. She's quiet and lazy. She usally anti-hyper, but when see she animals she just as hyper as a child who is hyper off of eating too much candy. Since Sasukie is with her every were she goes, she never really need to trust anyone, which worries Sasukie.

Biography/History:Kanryina grew up as a unwanted child. She was abused by her parents and everyone else in the clan. She was the only one of her clan who was stuck with only one animal form. The Temikachi clan is known to be shape shiffters and for Kanryina to only be able to turn into cats was unhonerable. Only her older brother, Sasukie loved her more than their parents could ever. But soon. He died in Feret form and was not able to help her anymore. Her clan was soon wiped out after Sasukie's death for his soon to be wife out the blame on the clan for not helping him and was killed by her clan. Now in the Soul Seciety, She workers with Sasukie on missions. Sasukie is still stuck in feret form for he died in it. As her older brother, He worries that if Kanryina dosn't mate soon, their clan will disapere. Kanryina,on the other hand, Is not in a hurry. She reallydon't want to do it at all. She wants her clan to die off with her. But for now, she works at the Soul Seciety to help other just like her when she was alive.

Signature/Patented Technique: kiki floweral ( plant element with Tsubaki)

Guild Status: none yet

Online Schedule:I'm on U.S.A. Central and come on when i can.