For exact solstice, equinox and cross-quarter dates - check out Also, if you are interested in keeping track of the moon phases, check out Lunabar. It's a nifty little program that you can download that lets you know all sorts of interesting bits of info on various astrological phenomenon, as well as keeping you up to date on the moon phases.


* 1: Birthday of folkorist Sir James Frazier, 1854
* 13: Last of Austria's witchcraft laws repealed in 1787
* 15: New moon
* 19: Birthday of Dorothy Clutterbuck
* 25: Birthday of poet Robert Burns, 1759
* 27: Up Helly Aa celebration, Shetland Islands, Scotland
* 30: Full moon -- Cold Moon at 01:18 am
* 30: Birthday of Z Budapest, founder of Dianic Wicca
* 30 - Feb. 2: Roman celebration of Februalia


* 2: Imbolc
* 2: Lammas or Lughnasadh (Southern Hemisphere)

* 12: Death of Gerald Gardner in 1964
* 12 - 15: PantheaCon (San Jose, CA)
* 13: New moon
* 14: Valentine's Day
* 15: Lupercalia
* 18 - 21: Convocation (Detroit, MI)
* 21: Birthday of author Patricia Telesco
* 28: Full moon -- Quickening Moon at 11:38 am


* 1: Matronalia, the Festival of Women
* 6: Birthday of "official witch of Salem" Laurie Cabot in 1933
* 20: Ostara
* 20: Mabon (Southern Hemisphere)

* 26: Birthday of author and folklorist Joseph Campbell
* 28: Death of author Scott Cunningham in 1993
* 29: Full moon Storm Moon at 10:25 pm


* 6: National Tartan Day
* 14: New moon
* 16: Birthday of author Margot Adler
* 22: Earth Day
* 23: Wiccan pentacle is officially added to the list of VA-approved emblems for gravestones, 2007
* 28: Full moon -- Wind Moon at 8:19 am
* 30: Walpurgisnacht celebrated by German witches


* 1: Beltane
* 1: Samhain (Southern Hemisphere)
* 5: Cinco de Mayo
* 9: Mother's Day
* 13: New moon
* 27: Full moon -- Flower Moon at 7:07 am


* 1: England's Witchcraft Act of 1563 goes into effect
* 10: Hanging of Bridget Bishop, first victim in the Salem Witch Trials
* 12: New moon
* 13: Birthday of Gerald Gardner in 1884
* 17: Birthday of Wiccan author Starhawk
* 20: Father's Day
* 21: Litha
* 21: Yule (Southern Hemisphere)

* 22: England's last Witchcraft Law is repealed in 1951
* 26: Full moon -- Strong Sun Moon at 7:30 am
* 27: Birthday of author Scott Cunningham in 1956


* 4: Independence Day
* 11: New moon
* 11: Solar eclipse, at 3:33 pm
* 13: Birthday of Dr. John Dee in 1527
* 19: Rebecca Nurse is hanged in Salem, Massachusetts in 1692
* 25: Full moon -- Blessing Moon at 9:37 pm
* 31: Birthday of author JK Rowling


* 1: Lammas or Lughnasadh
* 1: Imbolc (Southern Hemisphere)

* 1: Birthday of medium Edward Kelley, 1555
* 6 - 8: Dublin Irish Festival (Dublin, OH)
* 9: New moon
* 15: Birthday of Charles Leland, folklorist and author, 1824
* 20: Birthday of author Ann Moura in 1947
* 24: Full Moon -- Corn Moon at 1:05 pm
* 31: Birthday of author Raymond Buckland


* 8: New moon
* 10: Birthday of Carl Llewellyn Weschcke
* 14: Birthday of Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa in 1486
* 17: Television welcomes Bewitched in 1964
* 21: International Day of Peace
* 22: Fall Equinox or Mabon
* 22: Ostara (Southern Hemisphere)

* 23: Full Moon -- Harvest Moon at 5:17 am


* 1: Birthday of Isaac Bonewits, founder of Ár nDraíocht Féin
* 7: New moon
* 12: Birthday of occultist Aleister Crowley
* 18: Birthday of Nicholas Culpeper, noted herbalist, in 1616
* 20: Birthday of Selena Fox of Circle Sanctuary
* 22: Full moon -- Blood Moon at 9:37 pm
* 31: Samhain
* 31: Beltane (Southern Hemisphere)

* 31: Covenant of the Goddess formed in 1975


* 2: Birthday of Wiccan author Sirona Knight
* 6: New moon
* 11: Veteran's Day
* 21: Full moon -- Mourning Moon at 12:27 pm
* 25: Thanksgiving day (United States)
* 30: Birthday of Oberon Zell-Ravenheart, founder of Church of All Worlds
* 30: Festival of Hecate Trivia


* 5: New moon
* 17: Beginning of Saturnalia
* 21: Full moon -- Long Nights Moon at 3:13 am
* 21: Winter Solstice or Yule
* 21: Litha (Southern Hemisphere)

* 25: Christmas Day
* 25: Feast of Frau Halle, Germanic goddess
* 31: Festival of Hogmanay
