Laini was happier - she was in a more familiar setting, which she knew the basic outline out. She was fed and watered, her stomach full and plump instead of sullen and sore like it had been when Palahala had found her. And most importantly, there were no whines or sobs, only giggles of happiness as Laini bounced through the God's Haven, lead by the chatters of the bat gliding just in front of her. Jicho lead the blind cub, his constant chirps and chatters telling her which direction to move in. She'd learnt quickly, her ears and nose quickly maturing into adequate substitutes for her lost vision.

"JichoJichoJicho! Waaaait!" Laini giggled, tail slicing through the air as she waved it behind her, half chasing the bat in a game, half following his lead, "Where are we gooooing?"

Anupu's spirits were high, his steely blue gaze softened by the smile he wore. He tossed his crimson cape back and folded his golden wings against his back as he flopped over to relax. Things were going much better for the once dormant God, he finally felt awake again, reconnected to the mortal royals. Of course he wanted to meet more of the, meet all of them, but everything in due time. For now he had quite a few to watch over, young and inexperienced he felt useful knowing he could offer them advice and protection.

He blinked and glanced about surprised at the sound of giggles in the air, the haven was so expansive that he was surprised to be running into another. Yet he was pleased as well, he had already met a few immortals he liked to consider friends. Yet the voice sounded small, young...of course a Godling, he spotted her just as the thought entered his head. He had not seen a godling since long before his long sleep so very long ago.

He ducked as he saw the bat incoming and chuckled, ah the antics of youth.

Laini's green wings, styled of peacock feathers, albeit slightly thicker, denser ones than one would usually find on a peacock, fluttered, as if she was going to try and take flight. She jumped, hovering in the air for a few moments, gliding a couple of feet before she landed back on the ground with a 'thud', disappointed pout crossing her face. The wings weren't large enough to support her whole weight, not yet. They would grow, she knew, but she wanted them to grow quicker. There were less things to crash into in the air.

Jicho spotted Anupu first, but Laini's sensitive hearing picked up the chuckle moments later, the Goddess cub skidding to a halt, dust flying up from the ground. She blinked, ears flickering for a few moments before she finally called out, eyes unfocused, looking in a few different directions as her ears swiveled from left to right, trying to locate the exact spot where the noise originated from. "Who's there?" she called, her bat-friend giving a small chatter to indicate direction. Laini adjusted her eyesight accordingly, yet her eyes were still unfocused.

"...Have you seen my mommy?"

Anupu smiled watching the little goddess try to take flight, he could still remember his own stiff wings slowly re-adjusting to flight after his long sleep. As she tumbled down he shook his head with a wry smile, she would grow and learn. He blinked then watching her look around and his eyes narrowed curiously. She couldn't see? Pity, poor little thing, but she still seemed content enough.

"Over here." Anupu responded in kind, though now he realized the bat was her true guide.

He frowned then at her second question, a lost little goddess? How so small and still so young should be watched out for.
"I'm afraid not, could you describe her voice to me?" He would have asked what she looked like, but he wasn't sure the cub would manage an answer.

A call from the stranger allowed her to locate the exact location, Laini offering a small smile as she approached Anupu, Jicho now situated on her back. A small squeeze from his feet gave her the indication she was close enough, Laini stopping and sitting with a sweet, curious smile, head tilted to the left in an inquisitive manner. Anupu towered over the small young Goddess, but of course she didn't realize this, so merely guessed when she cast her gaze upwards, in fact falling a little short, instead ending up 'looking' at his chin.

Describe her voice? Laini frowned...she didn't know what her voice was like. All she had was the image, in her head...the only thing she'd ever been able to see, apart from the blackness that was always there. "I don't know what her voice is like...but she's pretty. Really, really pretty! And she's white...and she has a big, big, biiiiig fluffy tail."

Anupu frowned and tilted his head, hmm it seemed the cub was lost indeed. He felt the stirring of compassion in his chest for the small goddess and slowly stood, now truly towering above her.
"Hmm...I'm afraid I haven't seen her then, how long have you been away from her?" He glanced hopefully into the distance, but saw no concerned parents rushing out of the beautiful surroundings.

"What is her name? Perhaps we can look for her together." Indeed he couldn't just leave the cub to wander around alone, not all gods were kind after all. should the small goddess run into one with crueler tendencies...hmm no he would have to help her out.

Laini blinked, feeling a shift of weight on the ground, stumbling backwards a couple of steps as she glanced upwards, blinding moving her head from side to side. "S-Sir?" she asked, afraid he'd suddenly left, but this his words reached her ears and she settled a little, slowly sitting herself down again. Maybe he'd just shifted his position, or sat down or something. How long? Laini blinked, moving her gaze instead to something she knew where it was - the ground. At the question, it suddenly occured to her...she didn't know how long. There was so much black, voids in her memory that she couldn't remember a thing. All she remembered was Palahala finding her, and events since then. And her mommy.

"I...I don't know," she mumbled, a little embarrassed. She was asking for something practically impossible, it seemed... "I can't remember." And her name? "I don't know that either. Just that she's white, and fluffy. And she's my mommy." Look for her together? Laini shook her head, looking meekly back up to the large God, "No, I've got to go back to Pala later. He'll get worried if I wonder off."

She'd find her mommy eventually - but for now, Pala was the next best thing. She didn't want him to worry. In a tone only a cub could use without getting into trouble, Laini suddenly gasped, blinking, "...Who are you, anyway?"

She didn't know? The cub was more alone then he had thought it seemed, her memory seemed as blurred as his own had been after his sleep. Perhaps she was reborn? No matter the reason it seemed she needed help. He smiled then slowly relaxing when she finally said a name. "Pala? He's taking care of you then?"

That had started to put his mind at ease, another more experienced god who knew how to help the little goddess was probably best. He chuckled then at her gasping question. "Ah yes forgive me, I am Anupu God of Royalty, and who might you be little one?"

She nodded eagerly at Pala's name - yeah, he was taking care of her! Her maw broke into a wide, bright smile as she positively bounced on the spot, earning a small squeak from Jicho as he was forced to unfurl his wings to keep his balance. "Yeah! Pala is really fluffy and warm and I like sleeping next to him. And he gets me food and shows me where water is. And he has a friend who's pregnant so I'll have lots of other younger brothers and sisters to play with soon!"

Anupu? Oh, that was an odd name. She hadn't heard that one before! "Royalty? Oh, does that mean you're a King or a Queen?" Having established that Anupu wasn't going to eat her, Laini was opening up a lot, becoming a lot more talkative - a lot more like herself. "I'm Laini! Uh...Goddess of Sight! And this is Jicho, he's my friend."

He chuckled as the young goddess bounced about excitedly, he was glad to hear she had someone to care for her. Hmmm, perhaps he ought to try and meet this Pala someday, it was something he would keep in mind.

"Good, I'm glad your being looked after." He shook his head softly at her next query.
"Not a Queen, I suppose I'm a king." a King without a kingdom, but he was king of kings he supposed. the thought of a queen made his mind flash to a certain dark beauty but he quickly shoved that idea back. No no, duties first, duties first...

"Laini, thats a very pretty name, and Jicho." He nodded and gave a slightly wry smile. A Blind Goddess of Sight, how peculiar things could be, yet he had a feeling she wasn't as impaired as a blind mortal would be.

Laini's smile only got brighter, if it was possible, face in complete awe as he confirmed that he was a king. Should she bow, or curtesy? Or like, take a few steps back. In the end, she did nothing, figuring she probably should've done it by now if she did. "That's really cool! Can I be a princess? Oh, can you make magic, sparkly kingdoms that are all pretty!?"

Chest puffed out proudly at the compliment, her mouth broke open in a toothy grin, Jicho even giving a small chirp of recognition. "I like your name, too! It sounds very...very kingly. Is that a word, kingly?"

He laughed and shook his head though she couldn't see it. "No I'm afraid not little one, my duties are to find royalty and keep them safe and in power. I cannot create kingdoms, I can only keep their royalty protected."

He tilted his head and smiled "But your certainly as pretty as any princess I've ever seen. Besides you should be content to be what you are, a very important little goddess."

"Indeed it is, and thank you I happen to like my name quite a bit as well. You know if you should ever need any help your free to call to me." Warmth settled in his chest pleased to have offered the small goddess his aid, though it seemed she had protection enough he would have felt wrong not to at least offer. He had forgotten how pleasant cubs could be and he felt the strong urge to find some smaller royal ones, the little heirs that were often so important to him. Perhaps he would once again visit the Tuait Tekem and the cubs born there.

No? Awww, that was sad. Laini's ears drooped a little, the youngster clearly disappointed, but she soon perked up as his compliment kept flowing, her sweet smile returning. Jicho shuffled his wings on her shoulder, an indication that the day was fading to night, and she should return to her minder soon. But not yet, Laini was enjoying her time with Anupu. He was nice - like Pala! "I'm important? ...Cool! I...I would tell you you're very pretty too, Mr. Anupu, but I can't really see you. Sorry."

She looked genuinely apologetic at her inability to compliment him back, eyes casted to the floor for a few moments before she was looking up again, smiling as ever. She had a sweet, happy smile. The kind that could make another smile, just by looking. "Okay! I will! And if you need help you can call me, yeah? ...And tell me if you find my mommy? ...Please."

Remembering her manners at the last moment, she quickly injected them into her request, tail wagging like a dog's behind her.

"Of course your important, sight is very important." He held back another soft laugh. "It's quite alright, I'm not so special to look at." He tried to soothe her and smiled when she recovered and smiled in return. So full of life and energy it was nice to see her overcoming her lack of sight without allowing it to depress her.

"I'll keep watch for your mother of course." He nodded a bit more serious now, worried at how the little cub had become so separated from her mother in the first place.

Sight was important? Well, she knew that. It was difficult, not being able to see. But she'd overcome it - it wasn't too bad. But she supposed it was important, yes. And she was sight, or at least the Goddess of it, so she supposed she was kind of important too! Yet another bright smile, although she looked a little embarrassed as he tried to soothe her, putting himself down in the process. That was nice of him - yes, she definitely liked Anupu.

"Thank you!" She closed her eyes to widen the smile, before blinking them open, another chirp from Jicho reminding her where she should be, "I should probably go...Pala will be looking for me..." Her tone of voice made it clear she didn't want to leave.

He nodded at Jicho and smiled "Yes I suppose it is time to be off hmm?" He gave her a small nudge with his nose. "It was nice to meet you Laini, take care of yourself."

Laini smiled, nuzzling his nose fondly with her head, missing slightly but soon fixing her mistake. "You too, Anupu! I'll see you soon, yeah?" And she set off, Jicho leading, back in the direction she'd come from.