i don't like justin bieber at all. why?

1. his voice, its all I have to say. The music producers sync his voice to try and make it sound normal, but normal was 5 miles behind them and they completely missed the target. it high pitched and when he is live, it sounds like it is screeching.

2. His talent. He has talent, but his talent isn't singing. I would see him as a guitarist or a drummer in a band, but his voice doesn't qualify for a good band. But yet somehow the music money makers are getting major money from this little boy.

3. LIKE OMFGG!! TEH-FAN GIRLZ!!!!11!. They are annoying, they think that he ... he is God. I mean I do the same with Edward Cullen but my little hissy fits about him are for the funnies, not being serious. They don't know how to spell half the time and they think THEY are right when honestly, they have nothing to prove J.B. has "talent" [as a singer]