Akasha was so mad she just wanted to sink her teeth into the lioness. Of course, the other was completely oblivious to the royal guard, but Akasha was quite a possessive and hostile lioness. That was why her job was perfect for her; she would keep everyone out.

It would be a lot easier if the Lady wasn't so open. Akasha couldn't help but love the Lady like everyone else, but it was so aggravating that she assumed everyone was kind and wanting a home. One of these days it would go against her, and Akasha could only hope that it wouldn't do too much damage in the end.

The red lioness heard a sound behind her, and stopped suddenly. "Who's there?" she gasped, her dark eyes trying to catch sight of what made the sound. Nothing. The silence that replied sent shivers down her spine. Where was she?

The shivers made her feel cold, suddenly, and she dropped to the ground, her tail curling around her face. This jungle-like area was not a kind area, and she was tired of being hungry. Did anything even survive around here?

She heard a snarl, and the lioness couldn't help but gasp. So she wasn't alone, and she certainly wasn't going to win whatever was coming for her.

Akasha, continuing to growl, emerged from her hiding spot, feeling quite proud of herself that she managed to outwit another wandering rogue. It wasn't too hard, really, since they were terrible at finding the game trails and were usually starved by the time she found them. Too easy to take down and kick out.

"What are you doing here, trespasser?" she growled, her posture still taunt but not quite as aggressive. The other lioness was in no position to attack her, though Akasha was still intent on stressing her authority.

"I'm in...lands?" the red lioness squeaked, feeling a surge of fear. It was just another lioness, but she was so frightening!

Akasha lunged at the lioness, grabbing her in the back of the neck. There was very little extra skin there, but enough for her to grab tight and give a good shaking. Akasha could feel the red lioness grow limp for a moment before struggling against her, flailing her limbs tiredly as she tried her hardest to get the lioness off of her.

She could feel the other one crying, and Akasha couldn't help but smirk. She didn't do any damage, but she did enough. She was above her, and even if she got into the House, she would always be above her.

"Yes, ones that do not like rogues such as you," she sneered, which was in fact quite rude as Akasha was once a rogue herself. She didn't consider herself that type, not for a while, especially after moving into the West House of the Tianxia Lands.

Jyotika watched the purple lioness, trying to judge what best to say. The sudden attack and thrown her off, even if there was no pain involved. No matter what though, she was still scared, and while had a little sympathy as to why she was so hostile, was irritated and confused at the same time. She wasn't a threat of any kind, especially cold and hungry. She was more of a burden than a damn threat.

"Sorry," she mumbled, feeling her paws tremble slightly as she looked at the ground. "I'm hungry, tired, and not a threat to you. I swear."

Akasha snorted, but she lowered a little. It was a little obvious, and that sort of shaking wasn't fake. Feh. Really, it was going to kill her having to listen to all these ridiculous rules she was supposed to follow. "Well, fine. It's obvious that you're as strong as a wet kitten right now, so I'll deem you as no thread." She glared. "At the moment, anyway."

Jyotika shivered another time, wary of this lioness. She did seem full of duty, but Jyotika thought that she wouldn't like her no matter how she met this female. Too...much for her. "So what now? Chase me out like a little wet kitten and let me drown?"

Jyotika knew she was playing with fire, but she raised her head up just a bit. She didn't get lost just to die here. She didn't want to die at any point anyway, but not like this. Not to this...witch. She watched as the purple lioness tensed, obviously wanting to make a smart comment against her but thought differently. Jyo was missing something, but she wouldn't ask. Something about this land, the pride that this land must hold. She would probably get dragged off into it for a while. She just hoped that it wouldn't be anything like the Firekin she had heard so many old horror stories from.

Akasha snorted again. "No, sadly. You're to be brought in front of the Lady, as the Lord is probably much to busy to see you." She glanced down at her at the edge of her nose, hoping that someday she would get the position that the Lord had to dual-fill now. She was determined to get the Captain position. She deserved it, and no one else did, damn it.

Oh, s**t. Akasha could almost laugh at the reaction that the other gave. Yeah, you got into some deep s**t. Pity it would be with the Lady, that couldn't harm a fly. The Lord would have handled things differently.

"Come now," Akasha demanded. "Follow quick or my claws will not stay sheathed."

Jyo stumbled to her feet, exhaustedly stumbling after the dark lioness. This wasn't fair at all, she could only hope that she wasn't doomed to death, or perhaps even worse.

Akasha nearly got to the point that she wanted to drag the lioness to where the Lady was because she had such a slow pace, but in the end merely had to n** at her heels a bit to get her to speed up.

Terrified even more, Jyo kept her eyes low as she was guided to a clearer area, where there were more lions lingering around. She didn't dare take a peek at their faces, thinking that they were going to be just like this lioness.


Silence followed. Not even a bird chirped in the trees. The purple lioness froze, and Jyo took a risk at looking up at the voice that had silenced them all.

She was gorgeous. Stunning. There were no words to put into her appearance. A soft lavendar colour, the lioness was adorned from nose to tail in beats, feathers, and flowers. This surely must be the Lady that the abusive one had spoken of.

"Yes, m'lady?" Akasha answered, and Jyo was surprised to hear a slight shiver in her voice.

"You must remember that I have eyes everywhere in my House," she said, narrowing her eyes. "Ive been informed of how you attacked this stranger. And stranger she may be, but it is my decision to see that she be welcomes or turned away. Not. Yours."

Jyo watched the dark purple lioness shiver slightly. Jyo was a touch worried that it would get taken out on her, but for some reason she didn't think so. No, it would happen to this lioness, this Akasha.

The dark lioness bowed her head, staying quiet. The Lady nodded towards her, and Akasha slinked away, perhaps to her punishment, or at least waiting for it to pass.

The Lady sighed as the dark one disappeared, and turned her attention to the red lioness before her. "I apologize for what she did to you," she said softly, offering a small smile. "Akasha has her heart in the right place, but she has a habit of wanting to prove herself too much, and it gets out of hand." Mio shook her head, the ornamentation on her head shaking with it. "I am glad that she did no lasting damage, though I will not look down upon you for holding sour feelings towards her lackluster welcome."

Jyotika only nodded, surprised at the hospitality, and warmed to it as well. At least she wasn't going to be getting into something more dangerous than death. She knew slavery was much worse than that, but it didn't seem that this pride supported the practice. She took a chance to glance at the eyes watching them all around, and while some seemed a little worried, there was no hint as to pain or discomfort of their lives here.

"My name is Mio, but if you would accept my hospitality, you should call me Lady Rén." She brushed a paw on the ground, motioning for the lioness to watch. "You are within the Tianxia pride, an empire of sorts. We are the West House," she made a mark on the ground, "and the rest of the pride is here." She marked off the different houses, ending with the central house. "The Central House is the most important, and holds control over us all. It is best that you didn't somehow get through our lands to there, or you might not continue to breathe."

Jyo's eyes widened, but she said nothing, merely nodded her head in acknowledgement. She could feel a small ache in her neck from the attack, but did her best to brush it off. She didn't want to show any more pain or conflict in front of the Lady, not when she was being so kind to her already. "I understand."

Mio smiled. "Good. I would be quite pleased if you desired to stay for a few days. Regain your strength and decide what you want to do."

"What do you mean, my Lady?" she asked, unable to prevent herself from slipping into a respectful stance to the lioness. She was so warm and kind, it only seemed proper to do.

"Well, you aren't premitted to leave once you cross into our lands," Mio said carefully. "But I'm certain that we can find something for you here. Or even another House might suit you well."

"We are a secritive pride, even as we continue to grow. You perhaps may be able to visit other family if I send you on an errand, but otherwise, sweet red girl, you are stuck here."

Jyo thought about this. So it was a version of slavery, but one that didn't seem as disasterous as it could be. Besides, she still had no idea where she was, or even how long she had been away from her family. She didn't have anything else, and if this meant a home and food, she was willing.

"All right," she said, able to muster up a smile to the Lady. "I understand."

"Good! It's settled then," Mio said, looking quite relieved. "Well, let's find you something to eat, and we'll get to know each other a little better." She stepped down from where she was, approaching Jyotika as if she was any other old lioness, guiding her to the area where the hunters usually lingered. "Time to order something up for yourself, and we'll go find a private area together to speak. Do not worry," she said as she saw Jyo look a little worried, "I have eyes everywhere, and nothing will happen to either of us."

Jyotika nodded, intrigued, scared, excited, and determined all at once. Even if this wasn't completely voluntary, it was something she could work with, and work with she must.

This was home now.