20 X Swamp

4 Black Knight
4 Orzhov Guildmage
3 Knight of Dusk
3 Hidden Horror
1 Royal Assassin
3 Mirri the Cursed

4 Riot Spikes
4 Midnight Charm
4 Bad Moon
4 Funeral Charm
3 Sudden Death
3 Loxodon Warhammer

Basic Mono-Black beatdown designed simply to reduce the enemy's life to zero and have a little bit of fun doing it. The "bomb" of the deck is Loxodon Warhammer, with plenty of small targets suddenly becoming massive threats and gaining me some life in the process. Utility, easy to cast creatures, and the anthem-esque Bad Moon makes the deck play and feel similar to a white weenie deck, which was what I wanted to accomplish.