Name: Greed
Aliases/ Nicknames:

Physical Description: tall and skinny, some muscle, has dark purple hair that is somewhat long but not super long. dark purple eye color as well

Age: 17 (what do you mean, by date of death? how old he was when he died?)

Zanpaktou's Spirit & Name: Kurai reikon, can it be a black wyvern o.0

Zanpaktou: a pair of daggers (in another bleach guild.. these daggers are able to split up to 10 peices.. meaning 10 needle like dagger peices.. that are attached to metalic string which are attached to the fingers of my character (gloves of course) and the metalic strings are able to cut.. ALOT XD if thats not approved then just say so and theil just be daggers)

Shikai Release: (Release Phrase)

Shikai: his shikai takes the form of a staff from which he has dark powers and is able to use dark magic like ranged attacks.. or summon blade to come out of the staff (example: a scythe blade could come out of the tip made of dark energy, making making the staff a scythe, or shooting a shadow ball or making a small dark bubble to block attacks, and the like,) it even works to heal

Bankai: his clothes change and he gains lightweight armor under his clothes, but no weapon, he is able to control dark powers to the extent to summon any kind of weapon to his hand (or not in his hand.. let it just float there), (xept fire arms of course >.>)
but his ability to use the dark energy is superiorly advanced to the point were hes able to summon alot of swords and and fire them all at the enemy, or shoot a cero like beam, or heal really well, his best attack (this you will have to approve i doubt its gonna be aproved but either way its worth a try) Greed, he is able to swap damage with anyone he is in contact with (yes i do gain their wounds... but they gain mine, doing so will make Greed fall unconscious)

Special Accessories: (if any)

Skills: (what do u mean for skills)

Abilities sad what do you mean by abilities)

Personality: psychotic, violent, drunkard

Biography/History: hold up il get my other chars bio

Signature/Patented Technique: (qua?)
Guild Status: (just joined)

Online Schedule: i have no life... for now