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[PRP] No Catchy Titles for Nja! (Matifu/Nahmba x Njalo)

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Neon Fly

Tipsy Hellraiser

PostPosted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 12:15 am
The sun was shining brightly in a clear, cloudless sky.
Another perfect day in the Bonelands.

But then again, for Njalo'sasa, whether there be flood or drought, even if the air was scorching and her dark fur prickling from the raging inferno of a heat wave or if she was soaked to bone and shaking in a thunder storm, there was always something to be cheerful about. As things were now, the lovely little lioness was licking the blood from her soft, dark toe pads, seated beside the adolescent hartebeest she had brought down all on her own. A glow of pride radiating off her silky, radiant pelt. This time she was prepared! Instead of leaving the kill behind to be stolen by scavengers Nja had taken down prey that was small enough for her to carry with her, granted it would take some effort. Ultimately it was better than looking foolish leading a hungry gathering of lionesses to a blood stained patch of grass where her kill had been laying until a creature much wiser than the silly female had wandered along and carried it off.

This time would be different.

She'd make them all proud of her and then glee and bask happily in their praise. Citrus yellow eyes had closed dreamily, quick to snap open from her blissful reverie and give the horizon a quick scan, dropping glowing gaze to the carcass that still sat at her feet. Too close! Nja sighed with relief, bending to clamp her jaws around the bloodied neck of the young bull as she rose onto all fours and began to trot back towards the center of her pride, searching for a familiar face to bring the still warm body to. After all, what good was a successful hunt if there was no one to share it with? Stumbling awkwardly over the bulky body and long legs of the hartebeest giddy lioness struggled to call out to anyone within range, mewling from around the thick furred scruff of her kill. Hh'llooo...? Nja's hooome!
PostPosted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 11:06 pm
Perfect? Matifu looked out over this vast, savannah landscape and saw everything but that adjective.

Nahmba was lounging near him, her constant chatter causing his ear to flick back from time to time. She was telling him all about the sun he'd missed out on, the daughter that he'd never seen, and other small things.

He remembered her, vaguely. They were both past their prime now, the little bits of gray hair marking his face soon to mark hers. She'd been young then, far too young for him, and she seemed to stay too young now as she talked about everything as though it were the first day.

Tired of the speech, he got up and moved, his big, heavy body releasing a grunt as he pulled himself to all fours. She was right behind him, her lithe body easily keeping pace with his slow, powerful movements.

It was about the time he'd settled down in another location under a different tree that he heard the muffled calls of another lioness. Nahmba had started to speak again.

"Sh," he told her. "Who's that?"

There was a smile and a chuckle from her, and she paused for a moment, looking at the lioness not more than a hundred feet away. "Njalo'sasa."

It did not help Matifu, who was once again on his feet and trotting his way over to the young, antelope patterned lioness with a moon emblazed onto her chest.

"Bring it with you over to the tree," he told her, his nose wrinkling as he tried to put names to faces. It was a slow growing process. And then he lead the way.

Nahmba was more inclined to talk and she fell in step next to the lioness. "It's a lovely kill," she complimented her as her tail swished too and fro in good nature. "Once Matifu eats, I'll go with you to go get the others." It made her feel good to go with the proud hunters. She could bring down a kill, but she was never successful by herself. She always needed a companion.


Liberal Streaker

Neon Fly

Tipsy Hellraiser

PostPosted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 11:53 am
As the Umholi came into view, dark frame standing out against all the pale hues the savannah like a tree scorched by brushfire, Njalo cheeped excitedly. Stumbling over her kill in her excitement to reach the proud male that was already approaching her in his regal stride which lacked any rush, speckled muzzle hit the dirt gracelessly. Ugh. One could only wonder if the over-eager lioness was a painful vision for the rest of her pride to watch. Sneezing and shaking the beige dust from her pale face when Nja righted herself, stubbornly refusing to left go of the hartebeest before safely reaching her destination.

Flicking rounded ears curiously a soft, feminine voice drew Njalo'sasa's starlight gaze towards the female that traveled beside him. Against the straw colored grass she'd barely noticed the appealing, creamy colored female that she now recognized as Nahmba. Rushing to catch up with the pair from her pride slender frame obediently fell in line, adjusting her path to accommodate the new destination as was directed of her. Happily prancing behind Matifu and falling shoulder to shoulder with Nahmba the huntress blushed with modest delight. Though proud of her skill it wasn't something she held over the heads of others or outwardly displayed in a form of gloating superiority. Nja just wasn't that way.

Truthfully she was always glad to prove her worth to the pride that had taken her in, often uncertain of her place amongst them given her foreign origins. 'Oo reelly 'hink so?

Awkwardly sounding out the words around a maw full of flesh as she giddily enjoyed the praise, affectionately tilting her head to rub against the pale female's shoulder in gratitude. In the power struggle between light and dark it was difficult to tell where the curiously colored female stood given that she was almost split down the middle between the two contrasts. Not that it mattered, though not so oblivious to ignore the conflict, to Nja everyone was treated equally even if she wasn't given the same courtesy. Bobbing her head gratefully at Nahmba's offer to help round up the others to share in her spoils.
PostPosted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 7:37 pm
Nahmba wasn't sure how to answer the question. There were things in life that people said that she did not understand, and saying things that they did not think was one of them. Granted, sometimes they said things they thought but didn't mean, and this was a whole another level of interest that Nahmba had to admit she'd fallen victim to herself time again.

She giggled at the rub against her shoulder, not seeming to mind or care about Njalo's coat color. She was older, although not the oldest by far, and came from a mother who did not restrict her personality to anything. Color had become a recognition rather than a battle. And she knew that she would rather go sit with a group of light lionesses because they were more likely to be friendly with her when she couldn't find her daughters or her mother.

"Yes, yes," she answered and bent her head down to pick up the dragged end of the kill and help carry it. It muffled her voice as well, but her eyes stayed straight ahead on Matifu as they travelled, the Umholi looking back at them from time to time and the swish of his tail intriguing to Nahmba's senses.

They reached the tree in record time with the two of them working together and set down the kill, Nahmba spinning a circle and going to keep watch for predators with her fellow pridal member.

She licked the blood off her lips in joy, excited that the kill might be enough to feed quite a few of the members and that a couple of other Umholi had already eaten today. It was a miracle morning, if she had ever seen one. The months after the rain had been full and lush, and where they were now had not yet been dwindled away.

"You must tell me all about it," Nahmba explained as she settled down on a small rock outcropping and her eyes scanned the horizon. "Where did you catch it? Was it fast?" Swapping hunting stories was always a delight for her, and Nahmba had never grown out of her cubhood joy of eating them.


Liberal Streaker

Neon Fly

Tipsy Hellraiser

PostPosted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 7:52 pm
Like Nahmba, Njalo didn't naturally fit into the color bias mindset, rather the young lioness seemed not to acknowledge it at all unless forced, though her reasons why surely differed from those of the lovely female at her side. She was glad, even grateful for the relaxed atmosphere that the familiar pair exuded unlike some of the other pride members who could be a little less... personable where the peculiar looking Njalo was concerned. Enjoying the fact that her golden pridemate treated her so kindly where others might have shrugged her off or given her a icy look of displeasure. A great weight lifting off her shoulders as Nahmba aided her in carrying the impressive carcass across the plains.

Agreeable as she was, the young huntress happily synced her pace with that of her fellow lioness while they fell in stride behind Matifu. It was in this moment that Njalo'sasa was in her element. Working extra hard not to prance gleefully and get to ahead of her companion, though she couldn't help but feel her gait grow a little bit lighter each time the Umholi glanced back at them. His expression was washed with a mask of straightness, though she liked to think that there was a note of pleasure in his eyes. That he was indeed as pleased with her performance as Nahmba was.

It verged on hope, if she was honest with herself, but there wasn't much time to linger on such thoughts. Once the burden of the body had been laid in the shade for Matifu to feast upon, Nja was following that golden tail. Taking up sentinel at position far enough from Nah's position to cover the opposite half of the savanna, but not so far that they couldn't converse freely and at leisure. A giggle bubbling in her throat in response to the giddy questions that showered down around her like rain, soaking into her fur like the warm rain showers that had passed through their territory days ago. As skilled as she was at taking the lives of her prey, the plucky lioness was hardly as capable a storyteller.

Tail flicking as she sat daintily upon her haunches and considered the events that had lead up to the animal's timely death. Nja just does what Nja always does! Stalking and then creeping... and pouncing and biting! They scream and try to run! Twisting and kicking out, but it's toooooo late! Nja just crushes their throats in her jaws like this!

And in an effort to explain to Nahmba Njalo's pale lips recoiled from her now grinding fangs. Animatedly wiggling with her story as to better depict the scenes she described in simple terms. And then bites their nose until they get weak and wobble over! And it's done!
PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 10:47 am
Matifu's eyes scanned the prey animal, now covered in the mottled dark of the tree's shadow.

A nod, then, for both the lionesses. "It is good." It was this that seemed to dismiss them to their idle chatter.

Nahmba rolled over onto her side as Njalo moved through her story. The gnashing of the teeth, small bits of saliva moving this way and that, made her stomach rumble and vibrate with contentment. "You will be a good mother! You will always entertain the children with your amusing faces." There was a loud purr in the back of her throat as she moved her weight onto her shoulder and bumped the top of her head against the strong, hunter's shoulder.

Behind them, the sound of pulled tendons and the smell of fresh blood. Nahmba let her tongue sweep over her own lips in subconscious, before her ears went forwards at something on the horizon.

"You will take me hunting sometime? You could teach me better!" The excitement, tense in the muscles of her body, quickly turned to flat ears and a crooked mouth. "Though, I will miss the cubs."


Liberal Streaker

Neon Fly

Tipsy Hellraiser

PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 12:05 pm
It was only the threadbare of acknowledgement, but to Njalo praise was praise no matter what form it came in and she bubbled happily to know that she had pleased the giant Umholi. Granted it was likely that--more often than not--no matter how you approached the lioness she would have reacted in an up-beat manner. That's just who Njalo was.

As the giant figure settled to consume the carcass in the dappling shade, golden hues returned kindly to Nahmba, equally as pleased that the lovely, summery colored female had enjoyed her story of epic conquest. Even if it was just another day in the life for this skilled huntress. A good mother?

Repeating the words in mild disbelief, the cheerful mink thrummed with pleasure at the idea. She would have liked very much some day to bare one of the Umholi's cubs someday, despite the Umama Nombuso's strict displeasure at such an absurd idea. The stern elder had always said that Njalo would have lost her own tail if it weren't attached to her backside. She seemed to think the flaky Umzingeli's cubs would have been no better off.

A pang of sorrow pierced her chest at the thought of the Umama's lack of faith in her, but outwardly Njalo laughed it off. Rubbing her ear. Maybe! Everyone always laughs when Nja's around! Maybe Nja would be good..

Secretively, those round, flashlight hues drifted towards Matifu, before following Nahmba's attention to the horizon again. Someday there would be time for her. For the moment however it certainly appeared that their pride leaders were always busy with females of higher esteem than herself. Shaking away such straining thoughts, a delighted grin revealed rows of teeth kept surprisingly white by the lioness' bone gnawing. You wanna hunt with Nja? Nja would take you Nahmb--

Stifling her excitement to a more contained manner as the sleek figure weaved from one side to the other on her haunches, Njalo was trying very hard not to show her disappointment. Admitting quietly. Cubs come first...

And then, nearly bursting with life again as the idea struck her. We can go when Nahmba's cubs are older! Then Nahmba can bring them!
PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 11:25 am
A long, deep purr echoed in the back of Nahmba's throat.

"Yes. We will take them hunting, together." Her eyes were back on the length of golden-glazed savanna. Her mind, distant, optimistic as she imagined her offspring growing to be strong, proud hunters. Cubs brought hope, and the opportunity to live vicariously.

There was a strong twitch of her tail as she righted her body and strained her head behind to her to look at Matifu.

Finding his eating had slowed to picking away at pieces, she pronounced with excitement in her voice, "Let's go get the others!"

The pale lioness was on her feet and shaking away the dust just seconds after.


Liberal Streaker

Neon Fly

Tipsy Hellraiser

PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 12:44 pm
Content to lean into her companion, the mother of Simosihle, it was easy to see where the screentone lioness had received her generously kind personality. Like Nahmba, Simo was one of Njalo's favorite pride mates. Not so much due to the fact that she loved the others any less, but rather because this pair in particular had permitted the occasional overly exuberant outsider to love them all the more.

Gingerly washing Nahmba's ear with the harsh grain of her tongue, she was proving herself not to be the best sentry in the Ithambo. Attention devoted almost in its entirety to the lounging form at her side. Bathing striped cheek in an affectionate manner. Thinking only of what fun it would be take a rambunctious litter for their first hunt. For Njalo, with no blood relatives of her own amongst their numbers, the bonds she created with everyone in the pride were precious to her.

Finally, when she was satisfied or rather forced to quit given the sudden movement that left the subject of her attention out of reach, a puzzled glance followed Nahmba's own. Wondering what had drawn her eyes behind them, nothing had appeared to change. Save perhaps the rate at which Matifu was consuming the carcass. None the less, the proud huntress was on her paws immediately. Spurred by the vibrance in the voice that addressed her, uniquely marked visage bobbed agreeably. Nja's ready!
PostPosted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 8:00 am
"Then she should follow!" Nahmba answered quickly.

Njalo was a hunter, and Nahmba felt that she could, and would be able to keep up with the pale lioness' pace. The moment Nahmba received confirmation that they were ready to leave, she was taking large, exuberant steps and then moving into a quick jog.

The others were not far, but women had very carefully placed social bounds, and Nahmba liked to alert them all by name. It was terribly inefficient. It was lucky, then, that she told only the Umama's and left the spread of mouth to those leader-figures.

Nahmba would teach Njalo a great many things, and not all of them would be practical.


Liberal Streaker

[IC] Ithambo'hlabathi Lands [IC]

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