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Age: 121

Sex: Male

Height: 6 '1"

Weight: 125 lbs

Build: lean, wiry muscles

Race: Dark Elf

Pets: N/A

Profession: Magic

Bio: Zulix was born to the world an orphan as his mother had passed on while giving birth to him and his father had taken off when he heard tale of her pregnancy. The only person that he had left was a great uncle who made a living as a necromancer for hire and who grudgingly gave up his life of solitude to take in the meek baby. Zulix was raised with little love and under the discipline of a heavy handed tyrant. His uncle Shurden was known for his short temper and vile nature throughout the town of Bel.

Shurden treated Zulix as more of a servant than an actual family member, teaching him the trade of magic only out of necessity to make his laziness that much easier. However, Zulix was unlike his uncle in that he felt he could be bought. The younger elf was much more likely to help someone than hurt them and so he used his craft to help rather than to hurt, which made Zulix more of a laughingstock to his uncle than an actual help. This did not bother the Dark Elf, he was beyond caring what people thought of him. When his uncle died, Zulix took on the cabin in which he was raised and set up his services, earning a small profit in using magic for comedic relief.

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Descriptive Stats:

Hair Color/ Style: A short messy bob,
Eye Color: Crimson red
Skin Color: Dark gray
Clothing: A dark blue crushed velvet shirt with bronze clasps and a green orb on the sleeve accompanied by a simple pair of black leggings with sturdy black leather boots.
Weapons: Rapier
Jewlery: A single bronze loop on his right ear.
Markings: None

Possesions: A small cottage on the outskirts of Bel where he keeps a small collection of books and clothing. His home has a small herb garden in the side yard and a garden in the backyard.

Master: Formerly Shurden, currently searching
Friends: None
Acquaintances: None

-Spells: Level One Magic User-

-Chameleon- “Kameljón”
Causes caster to blend in with surroundings, effective at a distance, not so at close ranges.

-Warp- “Vindingur”
Warp short distances, maximum distance of 5ft. Can only warp to a destination in casters field of view.

-Demoralize- “Znemravnit”
Sap the energy of your target.

-Whitewash- “Očistit”
Flash of Light envelopes area blinding those close by, making for a easy escape. Caster and those around effect will be seeing spots for a good 20 minutes afterwards.