Name: Jimmy Zarkov

HT/WT: 5'10". 165lbs

Age: 21 (When he died in July 18, 1990. Roughly 41 in afterlife.)

Aliases/nick: None. Aero

Bio: Young Jimmy was just a simple man in the U.S. Army for four years about to resign up for another four years in his M.O.S. of a 68 whiskey (field medic for the civilians.) Although he lived a very healthy and weathly life for his age, he always felt that he was different from his friends and family, because of his awareness of the supernatural. Then on one fateful day in a dark alley he saw a women being attacked by some mysterious creature that resembled a human male in an all black suit with a red tie, but still it felt not of the human world and so Jim decided to confront the being accomplishing his task of saving the girl, but for the cost of his life. In Aero's last dying word's he asked the being what kind of creature it was to which it relpied with a snicker before saying that it was a Bount of the highest calibar. After hearing what the Bount said, Aero died with a smirk on his handsome face.

Years went by as Aero adjusted to the afterlife living a peaceful life or a middle to higher classed person, but would help the lower class here and there from time to time. Then one day as he strolled a lower classed village he noticed a poster of the Soul Society which stated that it could use more men and women. This would make Aero think for a second before he packed up some of his important things and ran to join the ranks of the Society.

Appearance: Wears an average member's black robe, has an atheletic build, his skin tone a being a caramel brown, his hair is long and all black usually, his black eyes hidden by a pair of blue tinted shades, and always carries a smile on his face.

Shikai release: Awaken from your slumber, Gluttonigamu,(before a fight). Swallow, Gluttonigamu and Regergitate, Gluttonigamu,(after being activated)

Shikai: Not approved, but if approved it can can absord reishi from the horizon and take the form of a 4ft long and and 4ft wide broad claymore made up of spirtual energy with two commands after the first one,"Awaken from your slumber, Gluttonigamu". The first being, "Swallow, Gluttonigamu", which causes the sword to absorb more reishi in the air and grow a foot longer and an inch wider each passing turn. The second command would be, "Regergitate, Gluttonigamu", which would cause the blade to blast out fierce reshi beams from it, but makes it shrink back to its original shikai size in doing so.

Bankai: Not approved, but if approved, the Claymore zanpaktou would call forth a giant 25ft tall, black, reishi manifested dog with an undying hunger that won't fad away until it eats something satisfying i.e. the enemy(ies) or until 8 turns pass. Once inside the dog spirtual energy is taken away instantely and death by devour is certain. The dog may also obliterate the target with a white, 10 ft wide radius reishi-beamed blast which contain spirtual enzymes that eat away at anything it touches unless blocked by spirtual shileds or barriers.

Spirit: Gluttonigamu, A large man-sized black dog that resembles a Timberwolf which loves to eat, sleep, and hunt.

Rank: Member

Signature move(s):None to speak of

Abilities: Able to treat wounds, protect himself with close combat skills such as Army combatives and kendo, and rational thinking in harsh situations.

Online: Usually every otherday when not busy with real life, but if you really need me i can try to come more.

Requests: To have someone lead squad 4 and maybe help me with this Gaian roleplay style 3nodding