Jizo Penn

Aliases/ Nicknames

Physical Description
User Image
Hight: 5ft 8in
Weight: 155.5 LB
Hair color: White
Hair style: Spike Soft
Eye Color: Dark Brown


Zanpaktou's Spirit & Name
User Image

User Image

Shikai Release
"Sing Dina"
Comming Soon
Has Not Learned


Bankai Release
"Sing Through The Heavens Dina"
Comming Soon
Has Not Learned


Special Accessories
Gentai-kai-jo: Jizo's Gentai-kai-jo is on his right chest. His Gentai-kai-jo symbol is of squard 11. Karachi only has this when he is in the living world

Cellphone: Jizo has a noka cell phone witch he uses to reseve messages and mission orders from Soul Society.

Energy Pill: Jizo has a bag of Energy pill that he uses when he is training and when he is on a missions.

Hojikuzai: Jizo keeps one just incase he loses a arm ot leg.

Soul Candy: Jizo's Sould Candy's casing looks like bugs bunny.

Zanpaku-to: Jizo katana.



Jizo is a joyful teen but can some times fearful just like the wind. Jizo is someone who lives life in a carefree manner. He loves to nap, joke, drink, and generally be laid-back about everything that comes his way. When things get serious, however, Jizo does a complet 360 and shows that beneath his whimsical exterior lies intelligence, skill, and a sensitive and compassionate character that hates to watch suffering.

Jizo has an excellent relationship with with his squad members and those of other squads. He respect all squad caption and every who shows him respect.

Jizo was born in Tokyo Japan around the agee of samurai's. He was a orphan who found his way into a clan of kind hearted bandits. As he grow up he self tough the martial arts. He had to hand skill were unbeatable in the clan. Soon he clan leared look him under his wing along with his own daruter. They were both tough how to use weapon.

As time went by Jizo became the second strongest man in the clan. He would go on raids on the emperor's transort and steel everthing he could along side the clan's leader and best friend Dina the daruter of the leader. Jizo dream was to oneday ask Dina to marrie him and become the new clan leader.

But that dream came to a end. Jizo and the clan were about to go on the biggest raid on a shipment of good from the emperor but did not know that it was a trap. The whole clan fell to the hands of the emperor's new weapons guns. Jizo died that day alond side his love ones.

Signature/Patented Technique

Guild Status

Online Schedule
All Day