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[J] Of Sacrifice and Suffering (Murphy's Journal)

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 2:02 pm

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Welcome to Of Sacrifice and Suffering, my Shadows of Africa journal! Doesn't that welcoming? Of Grandeur and Savegery, my Shadows of Asia journal, has my Asian species, so clicky if you're after more characters.

That being said, if you're interested in an RP, please send me a PM (do not post in this thread), or post in my plot thread to get an RP going! I'm accustomed to guild RP, but I have AIM and MSN. Screenname is law-of-murphy@hotmail.com on both.

If I am slow to respond to RPs, I WANT you to bug me about it. If I can't get at least a little post off every day, I'm probably just lazy and could use a boot in the rear.

03/25/11 Won Raziya from RP contest!
03/07/11 Gifted Badiah from Sergeant Sargent and zephira738. <3
07/04/10 Gifted Paki to Sergeant Sargent!
07/02/10 Won Abdul from Safia in thread game!
06/30/10 Gifted Emeka from Meepfur!
02/16/10 Won Leyak in RP contest!
02/12/10 Gifted Paki from Velveteen Angel!
02/05/10 Won Hatari from Ary Keeyara!
PostPosted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 2:04 pm

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Page One
1. Introduction
2. Table of Contents
3-4. Hatari
5-6. Leyak
7-8. Emeka
9-10. Abdul
11-12. Badiah
13-14. Raziya

Profile last updated:
May 31, 2011



PostPosted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 2:27 pm

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Name: Hatari
Name Meaning: Danger
Colorist: Ary Keeyara
Received: 02/05/10. Losers of an older raffle got noob art. Very pretty noob art.
Rank: Rogue
Background: Hatari has been a slave most of his life. He was stolen from his mother before his memory solidified enough to give him but the barest memories of her. Throughout most of his early life he was traded between other lions, often being passed between prides as a token. His handsome coat, size, and even temperament made him a prize to his owners. However many of his masters have been cruel, and the last of them was a ruthless lioness that finally broke his obedience through terror. Hatari has never said what she did to make him overcome his years of training and flee wildly into the night, but his silence is a clear sign of the event's effect on him. Never trained to hunt, Hatari has been wandering the rouge lands for some time, slowly starving and searching for another master.
Physical: Raised healthily, Hatari is a rather large lion, but since escaping from slavery he's become a thin, filthy creature. His head hangs from weariness when he walks and his white fur is so darkened that it appears to be mottled brown and black.
Personality: Hatari is a lion pushed to the edge. Although he's accustomed to serving and generally thinks of himself in lesser terms compared to other lions, his psyche still hasn't entirely recovered from whatever damage his last master has done, and he presently has an unnatural fear of those of his species. Under duress, he might strike out against a lion - something that disturbs him greatly - though he still continues to search for a master to serve and be fed by. It hasn't occurred to him yet to sustain himself and live for himself.
Best Quote:
Status: Searching for general RP and/or plots! Hatari needs friends (either to manipulate or help him), and perhaps a master, who could be either generally good or evil, and either help or hurt him, though he might strike out if very badly mistreated again. He could be open for a mate, but I'm not sure how the female would have to be, considering his unstable behavior. She'd likely have to be rather intuitive. Still, feel free to contact me with any ideas!
Fan Art: Stick-lion
PostPosted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 5:16 am



PostPosted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 5:17 am

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Name: Leyak
Name Meaning:
Colorist: Lithia_Brandon
Received: Won in RP Contest 02/16/2010.
Rank: Tasfar of Aikanaro'hini
Mother: Kieko (Kasdeya)
Father: Mahewa (ShinosBee)
Siblings: Rasul (Andranis), Tavar'urya (Das Tor) Shetani (Kieko), Adrame (ShinosBee), Saegitur(?), Raavea Naur(?)
Background: The fourth of sixth born, Leyak was something of a runt in the litter. A middle child besides, he wasn't much involved with his siblings as he grew. He enjoyed scuffling with them, as well as playing referee and judge in any fights that started up, but otherwise he was fairly distant to them - too busy training hunt. His childhood has passed with few events
Physical: Leyak is, well, not the largest lion around. He's a bit undersized for a young male in his prime, but he's already garnered a network of scars from battles and is tautly muscled. Being vain, he keeps his fur exceptionally clean and is rather handsome, often flashing a wicked smile and carrying himself with poise.
Personality: Leyak presents himself as self-assured and confident, despite his relative youth and diminutive size. He is fond of his siblings and parents, but rarely has much to do with them. He has a passion for watching fights (the more brutal the better), but hasn’t yet decided if he would rather be a participant or instigator of battles. He can be extraordinarily patient about matters he considers serious, but everything 'trivial' he dismisses in quick exasperation. He has a quick, wry wit, and enjoys manipulating others. He's also rather sensitive about his size, though he tries not to show it.
Best Quote:
Status:Seeking family and demon pridal RP. Also strongly seeking mater offers. I want a girl for him to love, maybe for him to help out of some serious trouble, and far down the line, I want her to dump him and leave, maybe after they have a litter (not sure if he would get any cubs or not). I want this to shatter him emotionally so he can become a very dark character. This can either be a tragic story of unrequited love, or she can be very manipulative and clever and have been using him all along.
PostPosted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 5:27 am



PostPosted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 5:33 am

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Name: Emeka
Name Meaning: Great deeds
Colorist: Meepfur
Received: Gifted from Meepfur in thread on 06/30/10.
Rank: Reaver of Myrsky Syntynyt
Background: Emeka was born into a small roving band of artists, singers, dancers, mystics, gypsies, story-tellers, and crafters. His mother was a singer and dancer, however, his father was a warrior in a rich pride. The pride tolerated the roving band on the edge of their territory for they knew the roving gypsies to be peace-minded and an amusing distraction. The band often lingered on the borders during dry seasons, which gave Emeka the chance to be conceived and see his father from time to time. Emeka's youth was full of beauty and art, but he showed no interest in taking up any skill from his roving group.Eventually, he apprenticed himself as a dancer for the exercise. Though he was proficient, when his band approached his father's pride he often sneaked across the border. There, the males of the pride took a passive liking to him and taught him to fight, if only so they could test their own sons against the outsider. Over time, he grew more popular in his seasonal pride than his own band of rovers - until he was seen using his rogue status and popularity to woo a princess of the pride. Having hastily been thrown out of the lands, he quickly grew disappointed with his role as a dancer and left his family as well.

For some years he has wandered as a rogue and mercenary, selling his fighting skill to weak or peaceful lions or packs, indiscriminate to cause so long as he was respected and pair. Now he has joined
Physical: Emeka is a lion in his prime. Tall stature, wide shoulders, and a heavy mane make him seem a potentially formidable fighter. the light smattering of scars on his flanks and legs, and his long, proud step back up this assumption.
Personality: Emeka has as much pride as skill in fighting. His ego about his abilities is near limitless, though he only boasts when he has cause to do so. His admiration for his own abilities doesn't mean he looked harshly down at others. He simply doesn't pay anyone much attention unless he knows they have a power or strength of their own. Due to his raising around storytellers, he's a fluent speaker, though he has little practice with actually lying or crafting fabricated tales. He does like to woo lovely ladies when the opportunity presents itself, but he remains honest in his pursuits.
Best Quote: ---
Status: Looking for a mate or fling. These could either be in the viking pride he's joined or out in the rogue lands, though if they're not in the pride, he won't be much of a mate. Also looking for pride RP and fights. He's a Reaver in the pride, so he can also do challenges.
PostPosted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 5:35 am

Emeka's RPs


Duel of the Brewing Storm - Taraxa (pinchmonster)
Emeka wins a duel to join the Stormborn!
O Valencia! - Aesir (Princess_Feylin)
Emeka has a little chat with the warlord.



PostPosted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 8:20 pm

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Name: Abdul
Name Meaning: Servant
Colorist: Safia
Received:From a thread game by Safia on 07/04/10.
Rank: Thrall of Myrsky Syntynyt
Background: Abdul isn't the sort to talk about himself. It was no long after Emeka left his tribal pride that he appeared and made the offer of trading his services in exchange for Emeka's. Abdul offered to scout, spy, and swoop and dive at prey animals to assist in hunting, and in exchange he has a lion bodyguard and a constantly full belly. Abdul has never been asked where he came from before that, and he would likely not answer if asked.
Physical: An immense black eagle, Abdul is in the prime of his life and has a rather imposing appearance, especially for a bird. He keeps himself meticulously groomed and his feathers shine with health.
Personality: Practical and aggressive sum Abdul up. He has no qualms about diving in the fiercest lion's face to tear at the eyes because he knows Emeka will back him up. He is protective of Emeka, who he considers his charge, and is largely silent except when giving the lion advice.
Best Quote: ---
Status: He's currently accompanying Emeka and is unlikely to part from him. He's open to pretty much any RP though, and is open to mates and flings though a mate would have to be in the pride.
PostPosted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 8:21 pm

Abdul's RPs
(see Emeka's RPs)



PostPosted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 10:31 am

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She's a seer!
Name: Badiah (nickname: Bad)
Name Meaning: Unique
Colorist: Ecavi
Received: Gifted 03/07/11 from Sergeant Sargent and zephira738. <3
Rank: Banu of Ukuucha'Wafalme
Mother: Zarha (Sergeant Sargent)
Father: Anwar'Mazin (zephira73 cool
Background: The second born and first girl, this girl was given the name 'Badiah,' meaning 'unique'. Though she is young yet, it is apparent she was aptly named. 'Bad' (as she prefers to be called) has shown an aptitude for causing trouble, and hasn't been allowed around others much yet.
Physical: Bad is a scruffy young cub. She seems to care little for hygiene, but she's already putting on some muscle beneath her baby fat and is a well-proportioned child.
Personality: Leave me alone - that's Bad's motto. She's always known she was different from everyone else, well - because she just is. Bad doesn't talk a whole lot, but she gets plenty of meaning through with her intense stare and brusque attitude. As a cub, she enjoys tussling with her siblings, especially her sisters since the adults seem to get agitated by her leaping on her bothers' heads. Right now she lingers in her large family, but in time she'll be more prone to wandering the pridelands. Bad has an intensely stubborn streak, and she hasn't yet realized that her place will always be under that of males. She's actually a very clever individual, but she tends to clam up and glare when her 'place' is being explained, and she won't stop retaliating when someone is trying to beat sense into her. This apparent lack of reason makes it seem she's stupid, or at least slow, but she has a knack for solving problems. One day she'll focus her mind on dancing, but for now she's without an outlet and enjoys playing with her siblings for as long as they'll tolerate her. Unlike her parents, subtly is not her strong suit and while she loves her parents, she is often baffled by them.
Best Quote: Crying doesn't get anything done.
Status:Seeking family and pride RP! Bad is well on her way to becoming a hellion, and that's not something tolerated in this pride! She needs enemies/rivals to try and put this youngin' in her place. Whether these adults or cubs trying to help or control her, it's all good. She will probably fight though, either with silent glaring or her miniscuel claws! I'm also looking for a future pad to earn her trust, hopefully as an adolescent. Any pad that took her would have to be patient of her temper and treat her as a person - but her loyalty in return for putting up with all her thorns would be endless. I would also loooooove if she met a dancer of any species to inspire her to dance! This is pivotal in her development.
PostPosted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 10:32 am

Badiah's RPs

Something the Matter? - Anwar (zephira73 cool
Need to mail....
A 'Dignified' Farewell - Mirsajadi (Princess_Feylin)

Her First Dream
SRP, some random dream.
When Uncles Invade - Mirsajadi + Gubari (Princess_Feylin + hibi-tea)
Don't Look At Me Like That - Mel'tamu (Mogami)
Mel has a bad premonition about Bad.
Uninvited - Mirsajadi (Princess_Feylin)
Bad's first vision. Mirsja and Bad talk about what beeing a seer is like.
A Suspicious Boo-Boo - Zarha (Sergeant Sargent)
Bad has a little talk with her mother about fighting.
Sumiregusa - Ilyas (Princess_Feylin)
Ilyas and Bad smart mouth each other a little.
A Bad Time - Namir (Fiction1119)

Crazy or Clever? - Rasul (Dulcea)
(Didn't get started)
Big Families - Naji (pinchmonster)
(No reply)
Mucking in the Mud - Bagrat (Naysha Aysha)
(Didn't get started)
Stupid Girl... - Ajmal (Iris_virus)
(Didn't get started)



PostPosted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 6:50 pm

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Best Quote:
PostPosted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 6:51 pm

___'s RPs




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