Okay, how do you sew purled edges together so the stitches don't show? i know how to seam together normal stockinette, but I'm kinda stuck on how to join purls. and next I need to know how to join triangles and their corners. The purling will be the border(brim) of the hat.The way I knitted the beanie was making a strange shape, similar to a crown a little kid would wear, like this:
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And so when I sew it together, it will be a dome shape. i know how to knit in the round, but I don't have the tools. I need it to be really nice and neat, because I'm entering this project at convention and they are really strict on the stuff.(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Accelerated_Christian_Education)
Look up student convention on this pag to know what it is, but don't comment about the criticisim, I like this curriculum. Anyway I made a beanie like this before, but the sewing was terrible and it only looked decent when I wore it and moved my head alot. So ya'll, be a doll, and show me to sew this stuff and all. Thankyou.