Name: Dezzy Hokuboshi

Age: 17

Gender: Female

School (yes or no): Yes, Dezzy is a third year high-school student.

Appearance: Black hair with purplish-grey eyes. Her hair is mid length and often has red bar clips in it. Dezzy has pale skin and 6 choker rings along each ear. She wears a black 'Emily the Strange' T-shirt, black mini-skirt and purple stockings. For footwear, Dezzy wears combat boots (F1-50s)

Personality: Dezzy is a spunky student that has a knack for 'dishing it out'. She likes to swear and flip the bird at people. She is also very strong and normally getting into fights with the jocks (and winning o_0;;; ). Call her emo or goth once and she'll practically send you flying half way across the school campus. Dezzy is very emotional though. If someone attempts to emotionally hurt her, she'llhobby ball her eyes out wondering what she did wrong. She loves art and does it for a hobbie.